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Level 0 Male

 51 yrs old
Registered Aug 30 2010
Released Nov 16 2011

7 blogs/361 comments
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Apr 24 2020 04:52PM
     What's your preferred Clorox plan
Some people like injecting it, some people like drinking it.

I feel like being on some ol' Breaking Bad shit and crystallizing it!!! Get loose y'all!!


Apr 18 2020 11:27PM
     Busty Broads
What happened to 'em on HX?

I mean, not even COVID-19 related. There hasn't been a lot of chesty ladies on HX in a good long time. Represent, all you busty women out there!!


Apr 17 2020 08:10PM
     Zankou Chicken
a) is the best stuff, I'd gladly put all their chicken units into my drooling mouf

picked some up today, line at least 20 deep, tensions running high

c) did you know that their crazy ass son killed half of the founding family? Why do crazy people always make the best fast food (see also: Chik-Fil-A, In N' Out)?

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Mar 30 2020 02:22PM
     Trump is still the least inspiring person ever
Listening to this fucking moron "speak" now. Really, really, really - how do people still support this guy? How much will you yourself directly need to be fucked before you say "gee, maybe this Trump fella doesn't care about me"?

The way he fumbles over the things he says. The way he gets upset whenever a reporter (especially a black female reporter - three things a Trump supporter completely hates) asks him to clarify the things that have come out of his mouth. The way he holds on to the podium for dear life.

Trump supporters: what's presidential about this guy? And Kayser Soze, nobody gives a fuck what your bootlicking ass thinks. Fuck off to a different blog.


Mar 13 2020 12:52PM
     Trump is the least inspiring person ever
I know that a lot of you rah-rah dummies HAVE to support Trump because he sticks it to the Libs on the regular and it's way more important to you to be "WINNING" rather than give a shit about your fellow man....

.....but Jesus Tittyfucking Christ, how do you listen to this idiot and say "now THAT's leadership". He can't read, he's constantly stammering, constantly sniffing (something all you Skiiers must really love), constantly lying.

Explain it to me like the dummy I am. Like the stupid Lib I am. Like democrap I must be.

"okay I like that, that's good"


Oct 22 2019 12:00PM
     Help I’m being lynched
Our Cheeto-In-Chief posted a tweet comparing the impeachment process to a lynching.

It’s such a terrible look for America. This tone deaf idiot with a history of racial discrimination actually thinks the things he says or does are Presidential. I’m sure the edgelords of HX love his wacky antics, but come on; how do you dummies actually justify his behavior?


Jan 31 2019 10:38PM
I bought a jar of “garlic pickles” thinking, mmmm, that sounds good.

I open the fucking thing and the pickles are SWEET.

Pickles that are sweet need to be clearly labeled as such! Also, they should not exist because they’re disgusting.


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