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Level 3 Male

 30 yrs old
Anaheim, OC, CA
Registered Jul 22 2018
Released Sep 8 2018

30 blogs/94 comments
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Oct 14 2018 11:41PM
     My Sunday Night Ramble
Howdy everyone! with people like Weinstein, Kavanaugh, Brock Turner, and others like them who seem to be getting off easy. I just want to say to all the men, including myself. To look into seeing if you contributed to rape culture in anyway or form. That includes things like catcalling, rape jokes, sexist attitude, victim blaming, and non sexual unwanted touch. I’ll admit that I’ve done some of these things. And to tell you the truth they didn’t seem wrong to me at the moment. I could blame society or whatever all I want. But the fact is that it’s rooted in my head that some of these things are “okay” or “normal”. Lately I’ve been trying to dig out that root. There’s a lot of learning I have to do and a lot of UN-learning I have to do. There’s also a lot of listening that needs to be done as well. Listening to survivors and listening to women in general. Hear their stories and ask yourself “Have I ever done this or that?” and “how can I be better?” Dont be the white knight. But instead pass the armor, sword, and shield to them and fight along side by side, as equals. Let THEIR voices be amplified. So please men just take a moment to look within yourself. Let treat each other equally with love and respect.

PS I’m not gonna respond to any pointless stupid comments. And if you don’t like what I said well you got fingers. Either use em to exit out this blog or shove em up your ass.


Oct 14 2018 05:22PM
     Transferring Points
So I wanna transfer points but can’t cause it hasn’t been 3 months for me yet. Does anyone know of an alternative way to transfer?


Oct 12 2018 07:42PM
     Favorite Prince song?
What’s yours?


Oct 12 2018 06:51PM
     Stupid ass direct deposit
I just want to vent cause my DD hasn’t went through yet and I was told it was supposed to be in my account at 5pm.


Sep 27 2018 01:12PM
     Today’s my Friday!
Gonna put that down in my calendar/diary


Sep 22 2018 09:50PM
     Anything cool happening tonight in Ontario?
Well now that I have the advice for hangovers. Does anyone know of anything cool happening tonight in or around Ontario? Looking for something chill where I can have a couple drinks and enjoy the scenery. Possibly any kind of live music?


Sep 22 2018 04:15PM
How do you all deal with hangovers?


Sep 20 2018 12:57AM
Hey everyone! Just want you all to have a goodnight and a wonderful tomorrow. May cash and love rain on all of you. Even to the douche bags of HX. Much love to you all.


Sep 17 2018 11:51AM
     Slutwalk 2018
Would anyone like to go with me to this years Slutwalk?


Sep 14 2018 10:37AM
     Honey Bear
I got arrested out in Crescent City
driving drunk; I wanted something to eat
this cop didn’t give me any pity
all I did was drive the wrong way on a one way street

I met a gal named Honey Bear
she was in the cell across from me
we gave each other flirtatious stares
she said “I’m gonna bust out, please come with me”


suddenly the place shook
a swarm of women with weapons
one didn’t have a hand, she had a hook
she ripped out a cop’s intestines

Honey Bear grabbed me by the hand
we’re gonna head down south
start the greatest mariachi band
but then a cop blew off her scalp

I just went full bat shit crazy
so I ripped out his jugular
grenade went off, every thing went hazy
and blew me down the river

I wake up in a shack
an ogre of a man is sitting in front of me
he says hey man how you feel?
I say “dude, I just wanna go home”
please someone take me home

so he throws me in truck
and we ride down south
I’m gonna start the greatest mariachi band
name the band Honey Bear


Sep 14 2018 10:05AM
Thinking about posting up some poetry and stuff on here.


Sep 13 2018 10:51AM
     Slutwalk LA
So I’m thinking of going to Slutwalk. Anyone thinking of going?


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