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Level 3 Female

 34 yrs old
Registered Mar 22 2010
Released Mar 23 2010

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Nov 27 2023 11:50AM
     Can’t believe the Lulz but the missing for HX is over 9000
So I moved to Pittsburgh ( got an academic scholarship for my dream major at Carnegie Mellon University 🥰)

I’m beyond elated that I have this opportunity and am surely going to embue this wonderful opportunity with academic prowess, passion and joy.

However I’ve been doing some introspection, came to this lovely conclusion.

Thank you to all the SoCal gentleman of HX.

I thanks to this world and site have meant the men I consider my family, my best friends , one or perhaps even two once In a lifetime romantic loves I will never forget.

To the wonderful men on this site , any one of you I meant had enriched my life and mind , you make me feel empowered , adored , and I smile everytime I get a text or random book in my mail box that “ you thought I would enjoy”

I love my memories and joy with each and every one of the wonderful complex and enthralling men I’ve ever meant.

I look back fondly at my unusual length of time in this field;
the reason for my lack of burn-out , my never ceasing love of men the patriarchy and my role as a woman who based, red-pilled Young lady.

So many Giga-chads on HX don’t you forget it

and the manifold ecstasies of the carnal/sexual/intimate relationship we share on here can and should be vectors to your future growth mutual self love and inner strength

Love you HX and especially love my many ATF guys
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Sep 14 2019 11:37AM
     Daniel Johnston
Daniel was such a sweet and brilliant soul. Despite the hardships he dealt with in life he sung about unconditional care for others, resonant love and deep stigmatized emotions. As well as crafting a warm playful and intrinsically one of a kind art(sound) through his music.
There is a reason why Kurt Cobain and Gibby Haynes and countless other brilliant artists love and were insipired by Daniel Johnson’s music. ♥️

He would definitely be considered an â outsider artist, but I would love to know if any of y’all have ever seen him preform, or even just has a few favorite Daniel Johnston songs.
His music has definitely got me through a lot of “dark nights of the soul”, and I’m quite sure other folks can relate

Soo much brilliant music came from that whole 1980s/early 1990s era in the Texas punk scene

A personal favorite of mine is Casper , of course Something’s last a long time is haunting and so poignant. Don’t let the sun go down on your greviences, Mean girls give pleasure, I Know what I want. Soo many 🥰

Y’all have a favorite?

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I live my broken dreams


Aug 18 2018 08:15AM
     1968 A Pivotal year in history was 50 years ago-Memories, experiences?
Anyone who was at the 1968 DNC/ or the Riots following, anyone who remembers the tragic assignation of Dr. King and RFK. Anyone who remembers the headiness of the counterculture and the vibrant pulse of the underground and the new left?

Wanna hear your stories!!!!
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Feb 3 2018 08:46PM
     The Witcher 3
I am an avid Fantasy RPG gamer, I put off playing the 3rd Witcher game as I can not play as a hot chick (Gotta be Geralt ), finally broke down and played.

I honestly feel like the Witcher 3 is a complete work of art, the story is splendid, full of depth, darkness, and intensity. More like a film than a game, or even a book.

I think for myself it's the best RPG of all time (Even better than Dragon Age which is my favorite)!

Anyone else who loves the Witcher games? Or any other fantasy RPGs?


Nov 19 2017 10:26PM
     Charles Manson is dead
Charlie is dead at 83, one of the dark iconic figures of the devastating dark-turn of the summer of 69....

As an avid lover of criminology (my hobby is identifying Jane and John Does with missing person cases) although I do not admire serial killers (which Charles technically was not as he did not physically kill anyone) I do find them fascinating if only for their inhumanity. I think as humans we are intrigued by depravity (for example, people staring at a car crash).


Aug 9 2017 06:28AM
     Ethereal even transcendent Morning Music
What music to your ears has the ethereal quality of a new dawn? The sepia tinted light of first dawn splaying over the hills and valleys, shimmering turning to vivid shades of vermillion, warm honeyed amber light, glinting like gold leaf in Byzantine Ikons...

What song makes you think of morning, Aurora ...all the hopes and promise a new daybreak holds?

I like boards of Canadas "Dawn Chorus"

Aphex Twins early work, Heliosphan is astounding as well!
Drove over the continental divide on Wolf Creek Pass in Colorado to see my grandma and had this playing as dawn broke, sending molten copper sun streaks dappling off the grand mountain peaks.pits was nearly rapturous

your turn!!!
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Dawn Chorus


Jun 11 2017 05:38AM
     Evocative dark and provocative film (1982 and earlier only please!)
About a month ago I discovered a stunning "black comedy", a gorgeously stark portrait of some characters in 70's NYC (My obsession).

The film is: "Born To Win" made in 1971, directed by Ivan Passer and starring George Segal, Karen Black, and Robert De Niro.
In the vein of "Panic In Needle Park", but with more humor, and a different vision. Segal's performance is outstanding as well.

What have you discovered, or an old favorite that is dark, cinema, stark and real, raw yet has heart and depth to it from before circa 1982?

Documentaries are wonderful as well!

Looking forward to finding some groovy new film. I know there are cinephiles on here, so let's share
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