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Level 0 Female

 26 yrs old
Glendale, SFV, LA, CA
Registered Nov 19 2019
Released Apr 29 2020

40 blogs/93 comments
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Jan 7 2022 12:58AM
Am I the only one that keep getting in trouble on HX it seems like ever time I look up I’m trouble and under some restrictions

Am I the only one or do others go through this


Dec 10 2021 06:04PM
     Rolling loud
Well I haven’t been to tooo many concerts or shows so I’m on my way to rolling loud
Have any ever been???


Dec 10 2021 12:14PM
     Gifts 🎁 makes people feel loved and appreciated soooo
Here’s a gift 💝 from me to you

Ladies best gift to man

What do you love about your self
Attached Pictures


Oct 23 2021 11:53AM
     Why it seems like there are no one on HX in Los Angeles ??
What is it about LA did every one move out? Or is it that everyone in LA is just do busy 😝
No Honestly in oc Ventura and other cities there’s more of a interaction or more people giving feed backs or there thoughts wellll lol I’m enjoying marina del Rey right now and it’s beautiful

What are you currently doing in LOS ANGELES


Oct 8 2021 01:56AM
     Why is this weather sooo crazy?
Sorry I ever even left I felt soooo lonely with out my friends!
But this weather been driving me crazy besides I need my friends to talk to!!??


Nov 29 2020 09:47PM
     Mike Tyson vs Roy jones jr
Did anybody catch the fight last night????
Well I ended up going to a fight party!!!!
It was a honestly nice party nice music good food nice crowd and of course we got a good view
The first fight was ok but the main event was lets say mike wanted to eat him alive but there was too much holding


Nov 24 2020 08:05PM
     So now people have to cancel in home thanksgiving
Why is it on all the holidays everything is getting canceled or locked down due to the corona virus 🦠
Now they want you to cancel thanksgiving gathering with people who are not living in your home....
That’s ok
But crazy there are some who don’t have family and others took them in as if they are there own
Then you have the ones who just don’t know how to cook lol
Now we wouldn’t want people burning things up just trying to get in the spirit 😂


Nov 24 2020 07:30PM
     This for my ladies
How about a blog for my ladies

LADIES drop a pic of the night

You always have that one pic you love the most... every time you look at it something about this picture just put a smile on your face 😝

Let’s see that pic

And gentlemen’s please keep your negative comments to yourself
Thank you 😊
Attached Pictures


Nov 18 2020 11:57PM
     Netflix and chill
Ok sooooo I’m here in my room and basically going through Netflix I pretty much watched a lot of the good stuff
And now I’m stuck don’t know what to watch!!!
If you ask me ROGUE CITY is a nice one to watch
Any one have any suggestions????


Oct 26 2020 01:28AM
     Haunted house or Halloween ideas
I have been seeing a few little haunted houses but nothing to exciting
Was wondering do anybody knows of any good haunted houses or any good little Halloween ideas I heard about the escape room I also seen a drive through haunted drive which is kind of new to me but dont know of the location ??


Oct 17 2020 12:27AM
I always see mingle on here but never hear of too many people use it or talk about it
Im interested lets mingle and see where it takes us !!!!!!!!

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Aug 7 2020 08:37PM
     Eating 🍽 outside
Sooo I was recently taken out to eat at red lobster 🦞 and I always have to say I love red lobster lol but for the most part the restaurant are now starting to seat every one outside good thing it was a nice outside seating arrangement
But I did see Dennys seating people out on the lawn!!!
The only thing I really didnt like was a big aSs June bug almost landed on my food now that fucked my mood up lol 😂
Besides the June bug the food was great 👍🏼


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