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Level 2 Female

 31 yrs old
Diamond Bar, Inland Empire, CA
Registered Nov 23 2019
Released Nov 25 2019

8 blogs/36 comments
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Aug 4 2020 02:32PM
     Life Lessons people often learn too late
Feel free to add to this list. and please explain what you mean

1. Live without fear
Fear tells you dumb shit. Daily confrontation of fear. Conquer that shit
The best things in life are on the other side of what you fear.
2. Stop complaining
I know this one didn't use to be a problem for me, but lately ive been in bitchmode(thank u pms)
but alls it takes is understanding the world we live in. shit happens, Theres only 2 ways to go about
anything. you can either do it smiling, or do not. either way its coming. your choice
3. Know your Destination
lets say you were in a big empty room. I tell you to walk in a straight line to a specific corner.
without telling you I put a chair infront of you, you go around the chair and continue
I say you just disobeyed what I told you to do . I said to walk in a straight line
When we are given a clear destination, we can use our own creativity and brain to make sure we get
there and over come obstacles.
The destination is more important than the root
Now if you don't give a destination and put the same obstacle infront of the same person. They
either won't know what to do or go a different direction
People want to feel like their efforts are moving them towards their set goal. =Great Effort
Cloudy destinations leave u stuck forever
4. Enjoy Life
Do the things you like and want to do.
Work smarter, and live your life. AND do it with the people who mutually want to work towards
and enjoy it with you

My Favorite one is knowing your destination. I use to be a leaf. 🍃 🍂 Going wherever life takes me. With no purpose. This changed the second I heard number 3. it was definately the most empowering for me.

Please leave things that you have learned along your journey as well.


Aug 4 2020 09:54AM
     Keeping you mental health
So I've got a lot of questions on why im leaving. no it has nothing to do with anything that happened here, or anything that someone did.

Ive noticed just how hard it really is for myself to keep a balanced out, well, everything. lol
You have to maintain strong mental health habits. things you do to make sure your okay, but in the midst of all the chaos and not being from LA, I can't find anything that helps me todo that.

So help me out, because this break isn't going to be forever. I may not live here, but I will be back.

What do you guys do to help maintain your mental health with so much goin on around you??

I use to wonder why people in big cities dont give a shit about the people around them and seem to only do things to help themselves. I think I had the wrong perspective. Maybe that's how you keep your mental health good here? maybe it just plays a factor. It had never occurred to me, because I am from such a small town, that people are very very different.

So with that being said, why do people consider that selfish? If that's what you need to do here to maintain positive health, why do people always say "people never help you unless it benefits them"



Jul 3 2020 07:54PM
     Stay humble. For you shall not put yourself over anybody. From dust you came and to dust you shall r
I have had loyal customers for a very long time. Even before this all started.
I do agree sometimes we are caught in an awkward moment, but you may not be as humble, or understanding as i. Some of the comments I have been reading about myself left me in a complete daze! I didn't even know what to do.
I have got to say, I have been extremely kind to you.nearly everyone. Sometimes you only have the bare minimum or even not enough and im willing to see you. I enjoy making other people happy. So if im not mistaken, every single person has walked away from me saying thank you to me, giving me a hug.But not because they felt they needed to but because most of them enjoy their time. To the couple of you that have walked away not, I do I apologize. Remember to not get my personality and my attitude mixed up. my personality (which everyone has told me they love) is who I am. My attitude depends how you are.
Lets say you are a mechanic, changing someone rotors, your asking price is 300$, They have 180$ and at the time they need your service. You might say no. or you might change their rotors. done. over with.
The people who have written these comments about me, did not mention any of their misconduct, but do not seem to have any problem exaggerating on mine. What is the arrouse you get from trying to ruin my business or my name.

IF YOU ARE GOING TO WRITE SOMETHING... write the truth. You may not think I've seen it or ever will. but I have very many loyal customers that will tell you otherwise.
Much love to ALL, -CC


Jul 3 2020 07:25AM
     Favorite life quotes.
We look into our neighbors bowl, not to see how much they have, but to see if they have enough.
Remain humble you guys. For it is dust you came from, and to dust you shall return.


Jun 29 2020 04:51PM
     Lets share the Funniest shit in a blog
that awkward moment when your telling a story ad you realize nobody is listening. so you slowly fade out and pretend you didn't say anything.


May 31 2020 04:03PM
     Anything exciting going on LA!!?? Im not in the area im in Washington state right now
Whats new with the LA area!? I miss you guys ): I've been seeing a lot of crazy stuff on the news that's going on there!!


May 6 2020 06:15PM
     Something Interesting? Random 101
...Did you know that stars are in the past!?
Tell me some interesting stuff guys! I'm Dying of Boredom.

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