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 62 yrs old
Glendale, SFV, LA, CA
Registered Oct 21 2010
Released Oct 21 2010

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Sep 4 2023 09:27PM
     EdmondDantes is obsessed with how Maxine Waters' pussy tastes
Poor guy, he keeps asking this question over & over and nobody answer him!

Bitch, NOBODY thinks about Maxine Waters here except YOU. And it goes without saying that the only person who even thinks about her pussy (yuck!) is YOU!


Aug 25 2023 01:01PM
     Admitting you're a conservative = admitting you're really stupid
I've studied politics for 35 years and polling always indicates that the more education a person has, the more liberal they are in their outlook. Why? Because uneducated people believe the stupid shit conservative politicians try to push--like how big business is good & should not be taxed, that making the rich richer helps everyone else (trickle down), how there's no such thing as global warming so big businesses don't have to care about a cleaner environment, etc.

While going to college helps people think for themselves and see through the lies of charlatans.

It's clear even when reading blogs: Liberals have many & different ways of talking about the same subject while conservatives tend to repeat talking points and slogans of the Republican party because they simply lack the mental capacity to come up with their own original thoughts.

So for all of you Trumptards who proudly provide links to right wing lunatic websites to prove your points, stop and think: By admitting you're conservative, you're only admitting you're in the class of the dumbest people in the country.

You're too blind to see that no matter how much the in-bred Republican party supports this narcissistic, psychopathic, misogynistic, racist, always contradicting former President, independents and Democrats will prevent him from winning in '24. AGAIN.

Hell, Trump never won the popular vote in the first place (or second place) and most of his MAGA-endorsed candidates lost during the mid-term elections. With high inflation, many COVID-weary, and low approval ratings for Biden, experts predicted the Dems would lose the Senate & 30-40 seats in the House. Instead, they lost less than a dozen in the House and GAINED a seat in the Senate.

Why? Because people know that although things aren't perfect now, the alternative--Trump & Republicans--are even WORSE for the country.

So blabber on all you want about extraneous shit that doesn't matter. Trump will lose--AGAIN--in '24 (he'll already be in prison anyway) & the Republican party will continue to self-destruct.

Sucks to be you. Go back to college if you want to understand why!


Apr 1 2023 03:13AM
     First Trump's going to trial, now, so is Fox News! Ahahaaaaa
It's official! If this country ever goes to civil war, it'll be because these bastards decided the truth wasn't as important as making money on lies (and Fox hosts and executives admitted it in emails to each other). And with ignorance and just plain stupidity increasing on a daily basis in red states and conservatives in general, it's about time Fox News pay the price.

Put them out of business, Dominion. Don't allow them to settle for a lesser amount when they gradually realize there's enough evidence against them that they're going to lose this lawsuit. The only way to begin to put this country back on track is having one truth (and not the truth that's convenient for conservatives and conspiracy theorists) and to end this bastion of corruption.
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Jun 1 2022 12:25PM
     WTF? Judge said they have a verdict in the Johnny Depp case but jury forgot to set damages?
She looks like an idiot. She also looks like a man!

I initially was angry at him for filing the lawsuit, feeling it was just to protect his reputation & save his career as he'd been fired off projects after Amber Heard's allegations. But now I hate that lying, conniving bitch & hope he wins.

As numerous people have pointed out, she tries to cry numerous times on the stand yet no tears ever appear?! And her acting coach said she had problems crying.


Mar 7 2022 12:54PM
     Do we really need a book from August Ames' mother about her suicide?
What a joke. A porn producer husband who neglected her because he was grieving over his dead cat? A porn star who didn't know how to say no to being treated badly during a shoot & apparently expected everyone to read her mind? Give me a break. Some people are just too stupid & weak to live on this Earth that long.

But of course she had the right to not shoot with a fag who wouldn't take an HIV test.
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Mar 7 2022 11:06AM
     Do we really need a book from August Ames' mother about her suicide?
What a joke. A porn producer husband who neglected her because he was grieving over his dead cat? A porn star who didn't know how to say no to being treated badly during a shoot & apparently expected everyone to read her mind? Give me a break. Some people are just too stupid & weak to live on this Earth that long.

And of course she had the right to not shoot with a fag who wouldn't take an HIV test.
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Nov 29 2021 12:40PM
     Expert Doctors Conclude WaterDisport22 will die of Terminal Bullshit Right-Wing Conspiracy Excessive
Newsflash: Two world renown doctors have examined WaterDisport22 & concluded that if he doesn�t stop his incessant postings, he will definitely die of Terminal Bullshit Right-Wing Conspiracy Excessive Blogging Syndrome. Just like well-known HX lunatic/retard/bastard-who-wouldn�t-pay-the-$100-he-owed- SonOfAdams-for-betting-Trump-would-win-re-election Crane_Ops did earlier this year.

In honor of the soon to be late HX member (you know he�s not going to believe the diagnosis & even if he did, he�s too autistic to stop), here�s the proof�the same level of undebatable proof he always supplies to back up his mentally unhinged insinuations.

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Oct 4 2021 11:01AM
     Dammit! Facebook is down! Now how will I know what my friends ate for breakfast?
Damn youuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!


Sep 14 2021 01:45PM
     Keep 'em coming: Another right wing anti-vaxxer DJ dies of COVID
"Enyart, a provocateur who gleefully mocked the deaths of AIDS victims, had encouraged his listeners not to get any of the three available COVID-19 vaccines.'

"He also successfully sued the state of Colorado over COVID-related restrictions on church attendance.

"Enyart is at least the fifth anti-vaccine talk show host to die from complications of COVID-19 in recent weeks.

"According to Johns Hopkins University, there have been more than 41 million coronavirus cases in the United States since the pandemic began. More than 662,000 Americans have died.

"The overwhelming majority of recent cases, hospitalizations and deaths have been among unvaccinated people."
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Sep 9 2021 04:07PM
     Howard Stern says those who refused to get vaccinated shouldn't get hospital treatment; PREACH!
"A bold Stern maintained those who refused the vaccine should be refused treatment once they are infected. 'Go fuck yourself,' he said. 'You had the cure, and you wouldn’t take it.'

“'It’s really funny when these radio — the radio guys are the best, they’re like four of them died — four of them were like ranting on the air. They will not get vaccinated,' Stern said amid laughter. 'They were on fire, these guys. It was like day after day, they were all dying and then their dying words are ‘I wish I had been more into the vaccine. I wish I had taken it.''”

Sez I, the Koala God: Darwinism, continue to do your thing: Get rid of those too stupid to know how to save themselves cos they're making our daily lives miserable, allowing more COVID variants to sicken even more people. Don't let them pass on their stupid genes to another generation.
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Aug 30 2021 02:34PM
     Another conservative anti-vaxxer DJ drops dead from COVID. GOOD FOR HIM!
"Bernier�s death was the third this month among conservative talk show hosts outspoken against the coronavirus vaccine.

"He was preceded eight days earlier by Phil Valentine, a 61-year-old conservative talk radio host in Tennessee who mocked coronavirus vaccines but changed his tone after getting sick. He battled the disease for a month.

"Also having a change of heart, before his stopped [ahahaaaa! What a great line!], was Dick Farrel, a former Newsmax commentator and all-around coronavirus-denying, vaccine-resistant right-wing radio talk show host. The South Florida radio host died of COVID-19 complications on Aug. 6, at age 65, after exhorting fans not to get the vaccine, calling the entire coronavirus crisis a �scam-demic.�

Keep it up, Republicans! You're killing your own people! Ahahaaaaa!
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Aug 21 2021 09:18PM
     Good for this loser: Another COVID denier, DEAD
They're all Republican, so keep 'em comin' dumbfucks!

Darwinism continues to do its thing, weeding out the idiots too dumb to save themselves.

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