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 62 yrs old
Glendale, SFV, LA, CA
Registered Oct 21 2010
Released Oct 21 2010

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Jul 28 2021 11:26PM
     Wait a minute, how did I get in here?
His stupid loser comments to a blog here are gone & his stupid pro-Trump club's nowhere to be found!

Haha, the poor sap finally ran out of energy trying to keep convincing his "followers" as well as himself that his Furhrer was gonna be President!

Even a fucking retard like him finally gives up!


Feb 4 2021 11:45PM
     Parler's CEO Fired By The Board Cos He Can't Get Anyone To Carry It; Haha Now Where Will You Guys Go
If that wasn't enough, that stupid My Pillow guy was drowned out by one of the Newsmax hosts for rambling on & on about the lection being stolen. The conclusion of Newsmax--which you lunatics said was better than Fox (too liberal for you)--is the there was no proof the election was stolen. So they're not gonna let anyone waste their time & air saying it was.

And MSNBC & CNN are trouncing Fox in the ratings for the first time in years. More people are watching Rachel Maddow than Carlson Tuck! It's the blue wave, baby! No time for red losers!

It's getting tough out there for a Conservative!

Where will you go now?! Why, you're homeless! Boo hoo!
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Jan 23 2021 08:18PM
     Crane_Op's endless anti-Democrat blogs are just his therapy cos Democrats are running the country
Otherwise he would've killed himself a long time ago. Surprised they lifted the suicide watch for you, retard.

Whatcha gonna do for the next 4 years? Keep posting nonsense about how horrible Biden & the Dems are when in fact, they're making things better for all of us? You can type until your fingers bleed; won't make one damn bit of difference. Tough cookies!

It'll suck to be you... for the next FOUR YEARS!


Jan 20 2021 12:19PM
     OK Crane_Op time to pay your bill for losing our bet that Biden would win the election. You owe me $
I know you're a miserable autistic, retard who lives in your old Mama's basement with aluminum foil on top of your head probably still trying to contact aliens to help you overturn the election. So I'll write this slow hoping maybe your brain will unnerstand it:

Our $100 bet months ago was who would win the election. The race was called for Biden on November 9 (the '16 race was called the night of the election when the press knew from statistical projections that Trump won; every single ballot didn't need to be counted in order for them to make that call. But eventually every vote WAS counted in '20 & Trump lost by 7 million).

The $100 bet wasn't for whether or not you would like the results & neither or us agreed you could use Trump's telegraphed excuse that he'd say the election was rigged unless he won (who the fuck would agree to that?!). It was who won.

Biden's now officially President. But because you decided to be a temperamental little bitch like your Fuhrer, for 2 1/2 months you continued to make excuses & post bullshit videos & conspiracy theories. Who gives a fuck? Doesn't change anything.

Biden's President. Trump left the White House. I told you I'd charge you 200% interest per day since 11/9 until you paid up. So now, you owe me $7214.40.

For once in your deranged life, be a man. Unlike Trump, pay your debts.


Jan 19 2021 01:00PM
     Trump Having Trouble Finding People To Send Him Off Tomorrow Morning, Offering +5 Tickets To No Avai
"Anthony Scaramucci was right: The White House appears to be having trouble rounding up a sizable crowd for President Trump's official send-off from Joint Base Andrews in Maryland on Wednesday.

"In what looks like a desperate attempt to build a crowd for the crowd-obsessed president, an email has been making the rounds to current and former White House officials inviting them, and as many as five plus-ones, to Trump's elaborate exit ceremony," Politico reported Tuesday morning. "The go-to excuse for skipping out has been the 6 a.m. call time at Joint Base Andrews in Maryland. But truly, many just don't want to be photographed sending off their former boss."

"Trump's current staffers have a good reason to avoid their outgoing boss. 'Former White House officials and campaign staffers who would typically land plum jobs in corporate America after serving their time are now out in the cold,' Politico says. One former White House official who got out early put it this way: 'No one wants to touch them, they're just toxic.' Another former Trump aide, pointing to the fallout from the Jan. 6 insurrection, was more blunt, telling Politico: 'They're f---ed.'"

Looks like his crowd side's gonna match his penis size & intelligence level! What an unpopular loser! Nobody likes you! Ahahaaaaaa! History will make you & your supporters look even more like shit.
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Jan 17 2021 09:29PM
     Parler CEO John Matze Jr. & His Family Have Gone Into Hiding After Death Threats. Boo Hoo!
Well, if Parler was the "dark" side of the web, I guess the threats have been from the "bright" side? They sound like much nicer people!

Sucks to be you, asshole.
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Jan 13 2021 01:48PM
     It's Official: Trump Impeached For 2nd Time, 10 Republicans Agreed With The Democrats
Republicans who announced ahead of time they were voting to impeach him: Tom Rice of South Carolina, Anthony Gonzalez of Ohio, David Valadao of California, John Katko of NY, Liz Cheney of Wyo, Adam Kinzinger of IL, Fred Upton of Mich, Jaime Herrera Beutler of Wash, Dan Newhouse of Wash & Peter Meijer of Mich.

Have a nice day, Donald!
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Jan 12 2021 11:25PM
     When It Rains It Pours: New York Bar Association Banning Rudy Giuliani From Practicing Law In NY
Pretty sad, those of you who continue to take right wing idiots like him seriously. Objective organizations are calling out Trump's henchmen for what they are. In the case of Giuliani: Unfit for the legal profession.

Walmart, Disney & other companies are banning donations to Congress people who voted to uphold Trump's lies that the election was stolen. Deutsche Bank is cutting ties with Trump (he owes them $300 million!).

And youtube just joined all the other social media giants in banning Trump.

Good luck getting your lies out now, Elephant Man.
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Jan 12 2021 02:22PM
     Mitch McConnell Now Wants To Impeach Trump; A Dozen House Republicans May Vote For It
Wow! Trump has truly become a pariah. Even Mitch McConnell is now open to impeaching him. He "told associates that he believes President Trump committed impeachable offenses and that he is pleased that Democrats are moving to impeach him, believing that it will make it easier to purge him from the party."

"While Mr. McCarthy has said he is personally opposed to impeachment, he and other party leaders have decided not to formally lobby Republicans to vote 'no.'

Impeachment "is expected to draw support from as many as a dozen Republicans, potentially including Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming, the party’s No. 3"

"As more violent images emerged on Tuesday from the mayhem wrought by the rioters, including of the brutal attack that ultimately killed a Capitol Police officer, and as lawmakers were briefed about threats of more attacks on the Capitol, rank-and-file Republican lawmakers grew angrier about the president’s role in the violence."
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Jan 10 2021 03:05PM
     Parler CEO Admits They're Screwed Because NO COMPANY Wants To Carry Their Psychotic Nonsense
"Matze conceded that the bans could put the company out of business...

“'They all work together to make sure at the same time we would lose access to not only our apps, but they’re actually shutting all of our servers off tonight, off the internet,” Matze said. “They made an attempt to not only kill the app, but to actually destroy the entire company. And it’s not just these three companies. Every vendor from text message services to email providers to our lawyers all ditched us too on the same day.'

"The remarks come a day after Amazon dropped Parler from its servers, joining Apple and Google. They all cited the potential of spreading violent content on the site, which is favored by conservatives as an alternative to Twitter and Facebook.

"Matze said 'It would put anybody out of business. This thing could destroy anybody. We’re going to try our best to get back online as quickly as possible. But we’re having a lot of trouble because every vendor we talk to says they won’t work with us. Because if Apple doesn’t approve and Google doesn’t approve, they won’t.'”

Bye bye, you conspiratory retards! Good look passing along your insane ramblings now! Use the US mail! Oh, what's that? Oh, right, the Republican Postmaster General SLOWED DOWN the mail!

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Jan 9 2021 11:11PM
     Pence Now Considering Removing Trump, Who Hasn't Talked To Him Since Wed, w/25th Amendment
There's now some hope that Pence is getting pissed off enough at Trump that the 25th Amendment is back on the table. But it doesn't appear he's even talked to the remaining Cabinet members he'll need to meet with to pull this off.

What's straining things between him & Trump is that the latter still hasn't even talked to him to see if he's OK after Wednesday's coupe attempt. Even dense Pence got upset at that. It's getting more personal.

Who knew Pence actually had a backbone let alone any self-worth beyond being Trump's lapdog?
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Jan 7 2021 11:22PM
     Conservative Standard Bearer National Review Calls For Trump To Be Removed From Office
"There will be time to sort through the wreckage of the conservative movement and the Republican Party. There is not as much time — a little less than 14 days — to constrain the president before he plunges the nation’s capital into havoc again. Incitement to trespass, harassment, and destruction cannot go unanswered. The Constitution offers remedies. Pursue them — for no other reason than to deter the president from escalation. There must be a cost for reckless endangerment of the United States government. Trump must pay."

In other words, either throw him out with the 25th Amendment or impeach him.

When you've lost the support of the conservative standard bearer, you've got nothing left.

But I'm sure there are idiots here who're so brainwashed, they would still try to dismiss the significance of this. Let's hear your names. Or are you finally beginning to admit that Trump may be a danger to this country & doesn't deserve to sit as President until January 20?
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