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 62 yrs old
Glendale, SFV, LA, CA
Registered Oct 21 2010
Released Oct 21 2010

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Jan 5 2021 11:31PM
     Democrats Will Take Both GA Senate Seats; Trump's Tantrums Suppressed Republican Turnout
Warnock has been declared the winner over Kelly Loeffler in one of the two Georgia Senate races & Ossoff has now overtaken Perdue. Still to be counted: Votes in the heavily Democratic county, which will put both even more over the top. We'll have more updated numbers by noon EST.

Trump's constant temper tantrum & lies about election fraud only served to suppress the Republican vote!

"If we look at counties where 99 percent of the expected vote has been reported, it seems Republicans were right to be worried. As the chart below shows, the more heavily a county backed Trump in the November general election, the more its runoff turnout tended to drop relative the general." 😛

Thank you, Georgia! Fuck you, Mitch McConnell. The days of blocking issues from being brought to the Senate floor are OVER. Biden will now at least get a discussion on the legislation a Democratic Congress wants. That's right, the Dems will rule both houses, just as Obama did beginning in his 1st term in 2009.

And as for those idiots who're already getting rowdy at protests at the capitol trying to influence the Senate "vote" tomorrow when Pence will be forced to formally recognize Biden as the winner: Knock yourselves out! Black Lives Matter protestors won't be there to get in the way. You can get roughed up by the police all by yourselves! Ahahaaaa! LOSERS!
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Dec 17 2020 03:05PM
     It's the end of the world. Pornhub no longer allows downloads
I thought I unintentionally hit a wrong button (or they were forcing me to become a Premium--paying--member) when I found I couldn't download any videos the past couple of days. I wrote to Customer Service & they sent a link to an explanation on their website as to why they were taking off a lot of past videos & not allowing downloads.

I'm still not clear on why the latter had to happen.

I went to & couldn't download anything either.


Dec 14 2020 04:20PM
     It's official: Biden gets 306 electoral votes, which Trump called a landslide
"In Arizona, Secretary of State Katie Hobbs said the vote normally has much 'pomp and circumstance' but this year 'unfortunately had an artificial shadow cast over it in the form of baseless accusations of misconduct and fraud, for which no proof has been provided, and which court after court has dismissed as unfounded.'

"Some Republicans who'd publicly abstained from referring to Biden as president-elect, however, indicated that that the Electoral College's action means it's time to move on.

"'I understand there are people who feel strongly about the outcome of this election, but in the end at some point you have to face the music. And I think once the electoral college settles the issue today, it's time for everybody to move on,' said Sen. John Thune, R-S.D., the Senate majority whip.

"Trump and his allies have already lost over 50 cases challenging the results, including at the Supreme Court.

"On Thanksgiving, Trump told reporters it would be a 'very hard thing to concede' the election even when the Electoral College finalizes Biden's win. He said, 'If they do, they've made a mistake.' When asked whether he would leave the White House under that outcome, Trump said, 'Certainly I will.'"

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Nov 28 2020 07:59PM
     Conspiracy-filled Republicans want to boycott the GA Senate Races, throwing them to the Democrats!
"Earlier this week, the hashtag #WriteInTrumpForGA was one of Twitter’s top trending topics, with some supporters incorrectly claiming that writing in Mr Trump could help change the results of the presidential election in the incumbent’s favor."

Do these inbreds have any reading comprehension whatsoever?!

"Some of Mr Trump’s more hardcore supporters appear to believe that the two Georgia senators have not done enough to support the president’s fraud claims. Some have even baselessly suggested that Sen. Loeffler was complicit in electoral fraud herself.

"Sidney Powell, a lawyer who has been distanced from the Trump campaign, has alleged without providing evidence that Sen. Loeffler had conspired with a voting technology company to suppress votes for Republican challenger Doug Collins"

Oh my God! They've created a circular shooting squad! They are SO. FUCKING. STUPID!

I love it! Hell, I'm so excited that the retards are suppressing their own turnout & that the Democrats will take over the Senate, I'm getting a hard on!
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Nov 28 2020 10:46AM
     Trump paid $3 million to recount Wisconsin election only to prove Biden won even more votes there!
This guy must be a glutton for punishment. How does it feel to lose over & over again in the same state, retard?

Keep it up, Wanna-be Mob Boss! You're showing you're the biggest loser on the planet! AGAIN!
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Nov 21 2020 09:54PM
     Cesar-Milan on HX?!
Hey, aren't your dogs keeping you enough company?
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Nov 13 2020 04:20PM
     It's official Biden takes GA, has 306 electoral votes, same as Trump's in 2016
And the recount won't change the results. Biden leads by about 14,100 now with 99% of all votes counted, the last ones coming from big cities that favor him, and recounts only change 300 votes at most.

Biden's ahead by more than 5 million votes and counting while Trump lost to Hillary by almost 3 million in 2016... with the same 306 electoral votes! More ammunition to get rid of the "crooked" (yeah, nice to see that term finally used appropriately, huh?) electoral college system.

You mentally ill Trump supporters can cry fowl all you want. You know full well Trump has no proof of voter corruption. In fact, the only one they found in PA was a Republican who used his dead Mom's ballot to vote for the Furhrer. So again, who's the party that's really corrupt?

When Trump won with 306, he said it was a "landslide" giving him the right to push his extreme agenda full steam ahead. Well, guess what, bitch? Biden now has HIS mandate. He'll overturn every stupid executive order you ever made.

Trump's the biggest pussy in the world with the smallest dick. And he's just been bitch slapped across the world & he can't take it. How's it feel to be the World's Biggest Loser with everyone dancing in the streets at your political comeuppance using "your" song YMCA to boot?!

No more of his corrupt gang of dumb fucks. No more Guiiani, McInincompoop, his nepotistic offspring, AG "Toad" Barr or that suck up Secretary Of State. Now get the fuck out of our house!

Boo hoo!
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Nov 4 2020 04:48PM
     Fox News Has Biden at 264 Electoral Votes; Told You He'd Come Back From Behind!
That's right, you autistic Republicans, Fox News, infamously part of the "left wing media," says Biden's just 6 electoral votes from becoming President. All he needs is Nevada, where he's still leading, and it'll be 270. He won't even need Pennsylvania.

This is what I wrote yesterday:

"Because 67% of Republicans said they were going to vote in person today & the same amount of Democrats said they were voting earlier or by mail, Trump will appear to be ahead in many states’ initial reports because they’ll count the votes cast today first. Then they’ll go back & tally the mail-in or early votes...

"But because Republicans love to change the rules to fit their needs, Trump’s reportedly planning on claiming victory when he looks to be ahead (& try to file lawsuits to stop counting all the votes simply because he feels they should all be counted the night of, when that’s NEVER been the case). This only adds to the cynicism and divide in this country and setting up his followers to be angry when that lead inevitably slips away each day as the earlier, Democrat-favored votes are tallied.

"But what does he care? It’s never been about freedom & democracy or even law & order. It’s always been about him, him, him. Just warning you Trump supporters what to expect. Don’t say you weren’t warned. Not just by me but newscasters across this country.

"And when he loses, grow up & accept defeat and don’t concoct some stupid conspiracy theories, OK?"
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Nov 3 2020 01:50PM
     What To Expect In Early Election Returns: Trump Will Do His Best Then Plummet
Because 67% of Republicans said they were going to vote in person today & the same amount of Democrats said they were voting earlier or by mail, Trump will appear to be ahead in many states’ initial reports because they’ll count the votes cast today first. Then they’ll go back & tally the mail-in or early votes.

But states like Florida, Texas, Arizona & Michigan will give us firmer results tonight & if Biden wins in FL (he’s ahead in the averaged polls) then it might be the end for Trump. He’s struggling to defend the states he won in 2016 & can’t afford to lose any because Biden’s on the offense and can pick up states (like Georgia & Texas) Democrats haven’t won in decades.

If Biden also wins TX or North Carolina, it’s over.

But because Republicans love to change the rules to fit their needs, Trump’s reportedly planning on claiming victory when he looks to be ahead (& try to file lawsuits to stop counting all the votes simply because he feels they should all be counted the night of, when that’s NEVER been the case). This only adds to the cynicism and divide in this country and setting up his followers to be angry when that lead inevitably slips away each day as the earlier, Democrat-favored votes are tallied.

But what does he care? It’s never been about freedom & democracy or even law & order. It’s always been about him, him, him. Just warning you Trump supporters what to expect. Don’t say you weren’t warned. Not just by me but newscasters across this country.

And when he loses, grow up & accept defeat and don’t concoct some stupid conspiracy theories, OK?


Oct 31 2020 11:40AM
     Here's all the data you need to understand why Biden will Crush Trump; start crying, Republicans!
Maybe that way you'll have nothing left to cry by the time Tuesday results start rolling in!
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Oct 28 2020 11:22AM
     Trump desperately criss crosses multiple states to win them back while Biden can afford to campaign
Watch President Trump, running scared, having to criss cross the country in a desperate last attempt to win back states he won last time but is losing now. Polls show Americans are angered by his maskless rallies--which keep spreading the virus--meaning that the more he has these demonstrations, the more he turns off the very people he's trying to win over!

Dufus just can't win! But he was always a retard, so what do you expect?

Contrast that with Joe Biden, who's going into Texas, Georgia even Nebraska--states Democrats haven't won in decades. He can afford to because he's securing the states Hillary lost in 2016 & can add that cherry to the sundae by being proactive in winning over more purple and even red states.

Sucks to be a Trump supporter. Put yourself on suicide watch.


Oct 16 2020 11:24AM
     More people watched Biden's Town Hall Than Trump... Again
Because Trump's embarrassing performance was going to be watched on NBC & two of its cable outlets whereas Biden's townhall was only going to be seen on ABC, most people predicted Trump would be watched more than Biden.

WRONG. More people chose to watch Biden over Trump--almost a million more.

In their previous townhall meetings, Biden trumped his opponent 6.7 to 3.8 million.

People are tired of watching Trump because they're drained & sick of his constant lies & signs of his growing mental illness.

It's over. He's incapable of turning this around.

Now even his staffers are pointing fingers at each other trying to blame each other. Let the firing circle begin.

We're finally taking back our country & the rightwing lunatics can crawl back into the woodwork where no one will ever give them a microphone again.
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