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 62 yrs old
Glendale, SFV, LA, CA
Registered Oct 21 2010
Released Oct 21 2010

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Oct 14 2020 10:18PM
     The Lincoln Project On "60 Minutes"-Why They're Helping Democrats Against Trump
These leaders all worked for Republicans trying to become President (McCain, Romney), and those who succeeded (Bush). But they know the current Republican party has no values, are hypocrites, that Donald Trump is an imbecile & they've got $60 million in donations (so far) so they can run blunt ads attacking him & wimps like Maine's Susan Collins (who kept saying "I have concerns" on controversial issues then usually voted with her party anyway)

Now they're giving up any chance of ever getting hired to work on future Republican campaigns to get Joe Biden elected President. Because Trump & the Republican party ARE THAT BAD.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend?
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Oct 11 2020 02:40AM
     This is how the electoral map stands right now; Trump, give up all hope
"Trump's standing in the NPR electoral map analysis has gotten worse. With states that are determined to be likely to go for either candidate or leaning toward them, Democrat Joe Biden now leads Trump, 290-163.

"Here are the moves we've made in this month's map:

Wisconsin: Toss-Up —> Lean D
Arizona: Toss-Up —> Lean D
Nebraska 2nd Congressional District: Toss-Up —> Lean D
Iowa: Lean R —> Toss-Up
Nebraska 1st Congressional District: Likely R —> Lean R
Missouri: Likely R —> Lean R
Alaska: Likely R —> Lean R

"That puts Biden — right now — above the 270 electoral vote threshold needed to win a majority of the 538 available, leaving Trump with an uphill climb to win reelection. It comes with less than a month to go in the election — and with millions of votes already cast.

"To put Biden's lead in context, even if Trump wins all the remaining toss-up states, it would not be enough for him to win. The president would need to make gains in the next three weeks in states now leaning toward Biden."

What's that I hear? The sound of millions of Republicans who're in denial shouting? And the rest of them crying?
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Oct 10 2020 01:22AM
     I come from the future with news of the November election
OK, I got tired of all the arguing & predictions about the election, so I went forward in time & now I'm back from November 4th, 2020. Although the pundits feared no winner would be called on election night because they'd still be counting mail-in ballots, it didn't take but a few hours into the next day to realize that turnout for Trump was so poor that Biden/Harris won in an electoral landslide.

The Supreme Court nominee was torpedoed, enough Republican Senators either refused to vote for her or were too sick to appear on the floor of the Senate.

I even went forward to January 27th to assess further fallout. Melania filed for divorce. And SWAT took out Trump for refusing to leave the White House on the day Biden took over. It was noteworthy that he cried out to his dead Mama saying she never loved him enough.


Well, not really. The rest of the country rejoiced & were so relieved that they could go back to a more peaceful existence & not have to stress out over the unpredictable, impulsive behavior of a retarded, narcissistic asshole. There will be no Trump Library. Just one dedicated to corrupt Presidents as a cautionary tale. Mitch McDonnell resigned. Jaime Harrison took Lindsey Graham's seat. The Republican party is dead.



Oct 7 2020 09:29PM
     The fly knew which candidate was full of shit
Take a bow, Mike Pence! You won that contest! Uh, not the debate, ya know?!

The fly community has spoken!


Oct 2 2020 01:59PM
     OMG, where on Earth is CraneOps?
"Funny" how he's stopped posting his desperate rants against Democrats & wishful thinking articles from insane websites & videos about how Trump is doing sooo much better than we've all been lead to believe.

Since the news of his Fuhrer getting COVID-19 it's been radio silence! Is he OK? Has he hung himself? Did the black 'copters finally take him away?!

Should someone check his Mama's basement? Has anyone at least found traces of aluminum foil?!


Sep 25 2020 09:06PM
     Now Lindsey Graham's crying like a little bitch just like Trump
Stupid scorpion couldn't change his nature. So in the middle of a tough re-election battle for his Senate seat, which has been 50/50 for months, he proves what a hypocrite he is.

Mr. "You can use my words against me" from '16 who said Republicans should wait to confirm a new justice on the Supreme Court until the November election--that he'd say this even if he wasn't a Republican--now says with less than 6 WEEKS until the Presidential election, they should rush to fill it.

That's only made Democrats donate millions to his opponent & now poor Lindsey's whining about it. Just like Trump because it's dawning on him that he's going to lose his race too!


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Sep 18 2020 10:51AM
     Stephen Colbert proves just how gullible Trump supporters are with fake ads
Just as expected, no matter how ridiculous a fake Trump says he wants to do, his retarded followers still find a way to rationalize why it makes sense.

Do some of you recognize yourself in this crowd?
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Aug 28 2020 02:35PM
     4 nights of DNC beat RNC by 2.76 million people; Biden beats Trump too
As predicted, more people (2.76 million across the 6 major networks--including Fox) watched the DNC over its 4 nights than the RNC's.

RNC's final night with Trump giving his rambling, snoring, lying 70 minute speech was watched by 19.85 million (down 34% from 2016); Biden's was watched by almost 2 million more--21.78 million.

Now, in a couple of days, we'll see how this affected the two candidates' overall poll numbers. I'll bet Biden will pull ahead of Trump even more. Let's see what the crybaby does in retaliation then!


Aug 27 2020 02:27PM
     RNC ratings down from 2nd night; 5.76 million more people watched DNC's 3rd night than RNC's
Told you people would get sick of the angry Republicans, making up shit & yelling at people, furious that they're going to lose big on November 3rd because their candidate is the biggest fuck up in history.

Keep on shouting & losing even more support!

Usually, ratings build as the Democrats & Republicans build toward their final convention night where their nominee speaks. Not so with the Repubs! Among the 6 networks, ratings fell on the 3rd night down from 18 million to 15.7 million.

So far, 3 million more Americans have watched the 1st 3 nights of the DNC than the RNC.

60% of people don't like Trump's personality. Yet he stupidly decides to speak all 4 nights because the retard just needs the attention to overcompensate for his unusually small penis.

Just watch: Biden will emerge with an even bigger lead against him this week.
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Aug 25 2020 03:48PM
     More people (2.84 million) watched the opening of the DNC than the RNC
Given the scary show the Repuglicans [sic] put on, full with no-name speakers (& half of them this week will be Trump family members vs. the household names who supported Biden last week) will ratings actually dip tonight?

Hilarious that the RNC, for all its bluster & Donald "I need to have people cheering for me so I feel like an adequate human being because I have an extremely small penis" Trump making his usual rambling appearance, they still finished 10 minutes early!

That's like a controversial TV show losing sponsors & having to fill air time with house ads... and still having 10 minutes of dead air because of a lack of support!

The RNC is so beholden to Trump, they decided not to even have a party platform! Guess they figured, "Why bother? Whatever we say our values are, Trump's gonna contradict them & do whatever he wants anyway!"

So they're re-using their 2016 platform--which criticized the then-Democratic administration. So now, it reads like criticisms against the Republican administration!

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Jun 29 2020 06:02PM
     So Trump might drop out? What a quitter!
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May 28 2020 04:16PM
     24 Hours Fitness' new policy for working out
Did you see their video? It says you're going to have to make an appointment ahead of time through an app. They'll shut down the gym for 30 minutes before you work out then after you finish, shut it down for another 30 minutes to wipe everything down.

How the hell can this business survive? How many people can they fit in, presuming they're allowed as much as an 1 1/2 hour workout (which I read somewhere else, but was not specified in the video)? 11 people?! And how many of us can get the times we want with that kind of bottle neck?!

Any better solutions for this gym? And are other gyms saying they're going to do the same thing?


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