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Level 4 Male

 68 yrs old
Registered Feb 28 2011
Released Feb 28 2011

38 blogs/284 comments
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Mar 7 2024 06:00PM
     Botox for the Cock
Have you heard about this? The trade name is Bocox. Basically they inject Botox into your cock and its supposed to help the little fella get hard more easily. Anybody have any experience with this? Maybe they will offer HX men a group discount!


Feb 5 2024 04:50PM
     HX Married Ladies
Has there ever been a club (or list )composed of the married ladies of HX? Perhaps the pool would be too small, or ladies interested in revealing they are married but I for one would love to know which married ladies play on this site.


Jan 15 2021 04:20PM
     NRA files for bankruptcy
Well I guess ripping off your membership and using their dues to pay for personal luxuries is going to catch up with you sooner or later.
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Jan 15 2021 09:49AM
     Covid deaths and the Yahoos
We will exceed 400,000 deaths before the end of this month and are projected to hit 500,000 deaths by the end of February/early March. And its not over. More people in the US dead over 14 months than all the US soldiers who died in WW 2. The virus has spiraled out of control because people ignored the science, ignored wearing masks, continued to congregate in groups and politicized the whole damn thing. And just like the medical experts predicted, this shit has hit the fan. Hospitals all over the country out of ICU beds, health care workers exhausted beyond words working insane shifts. And I can't help but wonder about all the Yahoos who screamed as if on cue..."they're trying to take away our constitutional rights!!!!". Well you took your marching orders from the right wing propaganda being spewed out on social media and by that scumbag Trump. You screamed and shouted like petulant pussies ignoring the science and this is what it has come to. The needless deaths of thousands who didn't have to die if you did the common sense, medically advised thing to do. If you showed some damn concern for your fellow citizen many would still be alive. So as the deaths continue to pile up and the economy is in tatters I just have to say... Nice work.


Jan 12 2021 04:00PM
     And now the top military chiefs are calling it sedition
So many of the Trump loving Yahoos that frequent this site and love to say jackass stuff like its the leftist libtards that are going after Trump and his supporters
...oops...tell that to the nation's military chiefs.
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Dec 31 2020 08:16AM
     A Republican with balls, finally
Well they are in short supply but hats off to Nebraskan Senator Ben Sasse for speaking the truth about the desperate and anti-Democratic election ploy being played out by Missouri Republican Josh Hawley. What Josh is trying to do is nothing less than sedition.
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Dec 27 2020 02:18PM
     They're turning on Trump
Little by little the worm is turning.
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Dec 24 2020 12:12PM
     Torching our Democracy
It was once said about a famous TV personality that when he left a job, he didn't burn bridges with his past employer, he napalmed them.

That's exactly what Donald Trump is doing in the final weeks of his presidency -- as he savages longtime allies, pardons criminals solely because of their loyalty to him and threatens to rob the country of much-needed Covid-19 relief money just because he can.
"This is rotten to the core," Nebraska Republican Sen. Ben Sasse said Wednesday night in the wake of Trump's latest round of pardons that included his former campaign chairman Paul Manafort and his political svengali Roger Stone.
That is, of course, true. But, what Trump is doing in his last days is also utterly predictable. This was always how this story was going to end. Anyone expressing shock and amazement simply hasn't been paying attention.


Dec 16 2020 02:15PM
     Trump got creamed. Give it the fuck up already
I indulged myself by reading the comments leading up to the election but fatigued hearing from all the Trump loving morons on this site. A bunch of ignorant, uneducated, red neck bottom dwellers that belong some where in the deep south cavorting with all the other white racist trash longing for the day another civil war will erupt. They swore beyond a shadow of a doubt, while beating their chests, that their man was going to crush Biden. Oops, got that wrong. So their fall back position..."The Election was Stolen". Sure it was. (Just like it was in 2016 I guess.) And thats why every fucking court including the Supreme Court, with a 6 to 3 conservative majority, dismissed all the bull shit claims. But you dumb ass
fascist schmucks got your head so far up Trump's ass you still think he is going to win. Take a look in the mirror. That clown you see is you.


Aug 24 2020 02:17PM
     Unprecedented amount of lying by Trump
Anyone with an ounce of objectivity and a willingness to fact check Trump can't deny that he is a pathological liar in chief. It is just beyond doubt. They have lost count how many lies, mis-representations and half truths he has told. Its just staggering. Want a primer?


Aug 24 2020 01:59PM
     Natural bush
I miss natural bush. Am I the only one?


Aug 24 2020 01:26PM
     Republicans opposing Trump
Holy crap. I knew the list was growing almost daily but I had no idea how many current and former Republicans stalwarts were rejecting Trump until I did a search. Just too numerous to list here but click on the link and scroll down if you care. The more Trump-fluffers like to parrot Con-Don and say its liberal Democrats criticizing him, the more asinine they sound.


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