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Level 3 Female

 31 yrs old
Registered Dec 15 2013
Released Jul 4 2014

35 blogs/27 comments
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Dec 3 2020 09:37AM
     i wrote this poem just for YOU...

oh captain, any captain,
won’t you please save-this-hoe
for her car battery is dead
and her phone is on low
how she says thank you
will have you like whoa
so hurry and help her
before she gets towed

i’m in santa monica/3rd st promenade
and only 30% battery on my phone
so please call me asap if you can help me out
424-253-6272 xoxo ❤︎ KO


Jan 7 2020 12:06AM
     Full Coverage
What Company is the BEST to go through?

im in need of Full Coverage for my new car,
but don't want to go through Farmers Insurance again.



Jul 15 2019 10:46PM
     Absolutely NOT cut out for this... HELP PLEASE
Me and my pup need a couch to sleep on tonight.
We aren't built to survive in the streets of LA
Can anyone take us in for the night?
PLEASE HELP!!! 424-253-6272
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Jun 23 2019 12:36AM
     Save The Chicken Nugget - Part 2 :(
i first and foremost want to address this community
to thank you all for the amount of love and support that
chewy and i have been so blessed to receive from you all.

the past couple weeks have been immensely difficult.
every day has emotionally, mentally & physically exhausting,
and have unfortunately circumstances have gotten worse.

he still has a lot more healing to do, but he’s such a strong little guy
and he’s already beat death, so i know he will make a full recovery for sure.

we are in need of somewhere to stay for tonight.
i hope to only need one night to figure out what’s next,
but were kinda stranded in san pedro and have nowhere to stay
and i still haven’t been able to replace my car that was stolen a few months ago
so we don’t have a way to get anywhere safe either.

im not the type of person to air out my dirty laundry in public like this
because my pride has always taken presidence over my vulnerability..
but this is me bearing my soul in need of help.

we need you more than you cpould possibly know.

xoxo, KO & Chewy


Jun 10 2019 07:52PM
     saving the perfect little chicken nugget
this past week is been one of the all-time worst weeks of my entire life. There’s so many details that I will refrain from putting in this blog but from what I do tell in this blog… Just know that it gets much worse and that I’ve dealt with it as best as I can but at this point I can’t do anything else on my own and I am in desperate need of assistance because this is a lot and it’s come to the point where I’m having to post this blog at all. which kind of Terrifies me because anytime I’ve ever posted in this heat I have found myself in situations with people that claim to want to help me but I have ended up detrimentally damaging what’s left of my faith in the humanity of the world but also my hope in this society as well..

but the purpose of this blog is solely for the sake of my chicken nugget, chewy. because this past week my adorable little chicken nugget, chewy, who most of you know as the chosen one of Pomeranians in this entire world because he’s not a dog he’s angel… He was viciously attacked by another dog at a property that I was renting for Airbnb. The owner of that dog Has refused to take responsibility for his dogs actions and going straight Kujo2.0 Predator Mode on Chewy, which is resulted in me spending my entire savings to save his life through an emergency surgery which now he has 8 staples and 17 stitches from damn near the top of his neck all the way to his throat on the right side of his body. And I have done my goddamn best to stay strong through this entire thing and to figure everything out of my own, but I’ve run out of ways to do things without any help.

i’m in desperate need of a place to stay because the specific instructions the doctors gave me include me not allowing him to be anywhere outdoors and less I take them to go potty. but i’m currently stuck in north hollywood without a room to keep him safe in. and in this heat it’s not really going well for his recovery. So I guess this is my desperate cry for some assistance because it’s breaking my entire soul knowing that there’s nothing I can do anymore on my own.

I’m more than happy to send the go fund me link which includes photo evidence of the perpetrator the dog even my real name because at this point I don’t really give a fuck like I’m just so fed up with how society is and I would rather people know that I’m a real person in real pain because of this real fucking crime against my dog then to keep hidden behind my handle for the “anonymity safety clause” of it all.

i can safely say that this is been probably the most supportive community that I could’ve ever asked for in this entire world. we’re all here hiding hiding from something, but we all have the same respect for each other (for the most part... minus all the ones who are blogged about in safety blogs)... but I’ve never felt more protected and safe than I do within the walls of this site.

So this is me desperately asking for help because I don’t know what to do anymore and I can’t even begin to explain how heartbreaking it is for me to have to resort to this because I don’t want anybody else really pity me or my situation or to avoid me because of it, but i honestly have reached the point where I just don’t know what else to do.

so i guess now that you know the surface details of a much more devastatingly violent and unbelievable situation, it’s out of my hands and all up to your heart.

all i can think to say now is that i’m grateful for every single person who has already reached out to me in regaurds to this tragic predicament and an even bigger thank you to the ones who have lent a helping hand to make sure chewys surgery was able to be done. because without the help i’ve already received, my baby wouldn’t be alive today.

thank you to everyone who took the time to read this, well, basically novel i’ve just voice to texted. so please excuse any awkward siri autocorrects. she and i haven’t gotten along since 2010 so she probably messed some things up on purpose lol.

xoxo, KO & Chewy

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