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Level 5 Female

 47 yrs old
Pomona, Inland Empire, CA
Pomona, Inland Empire, CA Today!
Registered Sep 9 2019
Released Sep 9 2019

32 blogs/1172 comments
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Nov 30 2020 12:00PM
     Mail man 3th part

He did it again ,,, he wrote to many comments and closed the blog so nobody can’t say nothing
Now you know what kind he is ...
No , this blog wasn’t about you BJOJO or FATFUKK but you are acting weird ..
why you run away ?
Stay and write nicely like you always do or you are not really nice ?


Nov 30 2020 09:05AM
     Mail man , second part
Second part
Kiss me lucky yes , is true , he make very bad comments in other site and always bitching ...
Here he pretend to be nice but his comments are awful in the other site, I guess he have 2 personalities... well and now he say I am sorry and he disappeared... weird


Nov 26 2020 11:47AM
     Happy thanksgiving !
🍁 I’m thankful for all of you, my HX friends ...we have shared many laughs, and also a lot very heated arguments 😂 Some of you are a pain in the ass and I can’t stand you but I wish you all the best and love you all ! 🍁 ( I know I am a pain in the ass too 😬😂)
This year wasn’t the best but on Thanksgiving 2020 I still have much to be grateful for !🥰
Have a very Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving!! 🦃 🍽 🥧
Will be back tomorrow 🍁🍂😘
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May 21 2020 11:20PM
     Contest Winners
After looking at all the beautiful backsides for our HX girls, we went to look at each profile. After carefully looking at each picture, we made a really hard decision. We apologize if we upset anyone, but we promise we are going to have another contest, where you can show everything.

We believe all girls have a body with beautiful parts! And, we also believe that a woman with a nice and shapely ass, is a woman that takes care of herself. I congratulate that lady today!

First place cj1988
Second Place Hope143
Third Place. Kandi_Kat89

Tomorrow we are going to send the points to all the winners. Thank you for participating, thank you for your time. See you all later. Be safe, be happy and make money!

Sexy Victoria & my friend Sam.


May 21 2020 01:45AM
     Butt Contest

Hey girls , hope you are doing well!
I am organizing a butt contest right now!

Rules: Take recent picture with just a black little underwear,
Only 10 girls, after that the contest will be close
I will check each butt you post here with a comment and when the blog close I I will pick up the winner and will send a gift to the winner ,1000X points for the number 500 to the number 2 and 250 to the number 3.

Guys please don't make any comment I have 10 asses right here , after that you guys can make any comment
Good luck !
Attached Pictures


Apr 22 2020 08:09PM
     To guys who want to offend .
Some guys are really bad, bad as humans.
We know this situation is affecting all of us.
We know we are HX girls, We know we like to play but
We also know we can do many things and not only to be a HX girl .

To those who sent me bad messages because I just want to give my opinion as a human and a mother and not only as a HX girl , to those who told me "To get a "real job" where I will really work "
I have been marry for 10 years , I have been an American citizen for years now and I worked and payed taxes in this country for years , I have been working in Miami in a "real " job in a big restaurant for years, in a warehouse for another year ,in a retail store for more years and with my ex husband for more years. I have been working and living with a montly check for a long time and I know what is a "REAL JOB" .

After many years of being a "good person " a good employee I got divorce , after an abusive relationship and after a long time of recovering period I found Hx because a friend of mine,
I was in Los Angeles right after my divorce , working I a horse farm ( I ride horses) .
I didn't know how HX was but then I realized that was fun and I needed to get some extra fun.
Since I was already divorced I told myself, well I am single now so why not meet new people?

And the most important reason I became a HX member was because I F....want it and because I F...loved it so don't tell me What the F do .......

That is little part of my story , I know nobody care.... but I want to tell something and he know who is and why he insulted me, I wat to tell you....that I really had a lot of fun here in HX and was really happy getting to meet new souls and human beens and I don't going to get a " REAL JOB" because I already have one and is to make people SMILE.... and if for some reason I can't be part of HX no more I want to tell everybody that know me " Thank you , because all of you have been part of my life, I learned a lot from all.

But the most important thing learned is "to Understand a human been and to respect everyone .
And last thing , to the one who wanted to offend me... I have a question ..... "Why you are here in HX?
Why ask me why I don't get a real job?
I ask you what are you doing in HX? why you don't go go and get a "Real woman and leave me alone"


Apr 20 2020 10:05PM
     How we can keep a safe community when Ca is ready to get back to business?

I know this Pandemic will change our entire life, well , COID -19 affected all of us none way or another.
I am wondering if HX guys are willing to meet girls wearing masks and gloves?

How we can protect our community? can we find the way to get tested and create a safe club with all who are negative?. There must be a way to keep the girls and guys safe .

Some girls I bet have other jobs , other activities that can keep then earning some money , but HX is fun or not ?
Please share your ideas of how you think we can continue playing dating after California is ok to get back to business..
I know we have to be careful until they find a vaccine but I guess that will take a long time , maybe not but you know guys and girls..... we are humans and humans need some essential business open.....

She your ideas with me,


Mar 26 2020 03:44PM
     At home pictures !
Hey girls, hope all of you are doing great at home.
Lets show everybody that we are safe and doing good, healthy and contributing during this difficult time.
We are all together in this, specially here in Los Angeles,
We all have a family and I know we all going to be fine and happy again if we are doing everything right!
Hope I can see you pictures!
Kisses from the distance!

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