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 59 yrs old
Dana Point, OC, CA
Registered Jun 20 2007
Released Mar 20 2008

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Nov 7 2020 10:42AM
     We now have plenty more humor
Suspecting it will last for some time.
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Mar 22 2020 07:50PM
     For Your Information
When supply of a product goes up, the price of a product goes down and demand for the product can rise because it costs less. ... The product will then become too expensive, demand will go down at that price and the price will fall.


Feb 7 2020 08:13PM
     Could this be true?
Seriously, could it?

On Friday, the Trump administration released their annual report to Congress on White House Office Personnel. It includes the name, status, salary and position title of all 377 White House employees. The report also said that Trump decided not to take a dime of his salary; instead he donated it to an excellent cause.

The report also showed that President Trump is good at saving money. The total annual White House salaries under Trump are $35.8 million vs. $60.9 million under Obama, a savings of $25.1 million.

Here are some other key findings: There are 140 fewer employees on White House staff under Trump than under Obama at this point in their respective presidencies. Thirty-nine fewer staffers are dedicated to The First Lady of the United States (FLOTUS). Currently, there are only five staffers dedicated to Melania Trump vs. forty-four staffers who served Michelle Obama (FY2009).

However, it's what the report said Trump did with this salary that has everyone talking. Instead of taking his salary, Trump donated all $400,000 to the Department of the Interior where it will be used for construction and repair needs at military cemeteries! It's great to have a President who cares about our brave military men and women so much!

Oh, and where's the media coverage of this? That's right, they don't cover anything decent that the President does.. BUT WE WILL! PLEASE, PASS THIS MESSAGE ON TO ALL YOUR EMAIL PALS AND OTHERS! TOGETHER, WE'LL GET THE MESSAGE OUT.


Dec 11 2019 08:05PM
     Team America: World Police
Possibly one of the most entertaining "movies" ever. Been a while since I have watched. But now I am stuck.


Sep 19 2019 05:43PM
     Gardner Minshew II
What a name huh? Got to love 3rd stringers. Good stuff.


Aug 18 2019 12:51PM
     Trump may get his wish 2
Just wanted gfb318 to be able to respond. I am often amazed/amused by his comments.

Ready? GO!
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Jul 18 2019 02:52PM
     My new favorite headline ever
And shame to the millennials.

"I pay for lunch at work, and I pay for my Netflix account".

I don't know about y'all, but, I got a job at 18, was off my parents insurance at 19 and have been supporting myself since.

Just waiting for someone 20 something to tell me "you don't understand......".

But I do. I have nieces and nephews between 19 and 29. They all live away from mom and dad and all support themselves.

Parents just need to say no.

As always, thanks for listening.


Jul 17 2019 10:48PM
     Who else is as lame as me?
I just started watching the Open Championship. 14 hours of coverage. Will only watch a few hours now, sleep, work, back to the Open, repeat 3 more times.

I am guessing I am mostly alone.

Just wondering how many other lazy dudes are out there who devote more than a half a day to watching.

I am guessing no more than 2-3 total.

Thanks for listening, let the bashing begin.


Jul 15 2019 06:06PM
     Actually, you are incorrect - Delaine
"TheRealGuido running around acting like republicans don't kneejerk based on hyperbole and appeals to emotion as a way of being. You probably get super excited when the libs get triggered but then fucking freak out if anyone steps on a flag or thinks healthcare is a human right or the death penalty is cruel and unusual"

I don't freak out if someone steps on a flag.

I could give a shit if someone thinks healthcare is a human right.

I could care less if someone thinks the death penalty is cruel and unual.

I never said anyone does not kneejerk based on anything, let alone hyperbole.

Appeals to emotion as a way of being? You know that went over 90% of the heads here.

Want to try again? Please, I am happy to tell you are wrong as many times as you are.


Jul 12 2019 10:09AM
     California passes measure requiring presidential candidates to release tax returns
Totally understand, we are a state controlled by Dems. We all know that.

My question is, does Trump really need to be on the California ballot? We know whomever runs for the Dems will win in a landslide. We concede the electoral votes from the state of California.

Seriously. Educate me.

Cause how funny would it be if he just said "screw California votes, I don't need them".

That is what I would do.


Jun 3 2019 08:05PM
     Ho hum, another failed attempt
Nough said.
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Jun 2 2019 06:56PM
     Uh oh, it has started
Now maybe the Dems will start mounting an offense?

With a really old white dude? Millenials love them. Sheesh. And he is the fav? Boy, ya'll better get your house in order before you have to suffer 4 more years of hell.

Maybe call Nancy and voice your concerns. She is still in charge right? Maybe she should run. Yup, a really old.......oh never mind. We know how that turned out last time.

I just had to. I won't apologize, but, ya know. This is gonna be fun.

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