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Level 4 Female

 41 yrs old
Spring Valley, Vegas, NV
Registered Aug 7 2017
Released Aug 7 2017

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  • Etherium
    May 30 2024 02:55AM
    California > Orange County > Central
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May 29 2020 03:58PM
     Need bigger ears!
Mask just won’t stay put


May 27 2020 06:41PM
     How to
Turn bit coin into cash?


May 14 2020 06:28PM
     Anyone ever seen this?
This book was printed and published in 1981

Attached Pictures


Apr 15 2020 10:12PM
     Things could be worse
Ever since the 6.9 earthquake in Idaho the end of March there’s been many many more following that are inching closer and closer to Yellowstone aka ol faithful


Mar 26 2020 01:09PM
     Nice day for
Streakin on a 🏖 beach lol looks like that’s where the day is taking me so far anyway


Mar 25 2020 03:25AM
     The purge Forbes
This was written in an article in 2018 -similar in a way ?
“It should be noted that premium raises right before the Purge would be a terrible business strategy. What would be likely to happen, however, is that Purge insurance coverage would be tiered in a manner akin to life and health insurance policies, and it would need supplementation in order to be reliable. Wealthy individuals and large businesses could certainly afford those premiums and significant security measures while smaller businesses and regular citizens would have great difficulties in affording that insurance. This would further lead to severe redlining, or geographic restriction of insurance to high-security, traditionally high-income areas that would be less accessible and better protected during the Purge.

… And Monopolization

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Mar 25 2020 03:23AM
     Insurance companies be
Making a GRIP rn No?

1 comment

Mar 24 2020 02:32PM
     Luckily there’s no food to eat
Was planning on going on a diet to trim up my waist n be sure I stay in shape, it’s so much easier now that all the stores have no food to buy or that I can’t even buy anything if they did have food since we all gotta stay in our homes . Easiest diet ever! Yeah!


Mar 20 2020 10:09PM
     Inspired by corona virus
Walking around, it’s so dark and silent. No sign or trace of anything violent. No traffic, no lines, no people with their staring eyes. I feel like going shopping to see what the latest style is but wait?! What’s this?! The store is closed due to corona virus? Oh man, well ok I guess I’ll just go eat. My favorite restaurant is right down the street. What?! What’s this? The restaurant is closed? Oh that’s right ... cuz too many people are sick and can’t stop blowing their nose. Well gosh idk what there is to do. Hmmm I think I’ll go to the ocean n streak ... woohoo woohoo!


Mar 11 2020 11:25AM
     Im moving to South Africa
Way better Music out there


Feb 19 2020 10:56PM
     Pisces pisces pisces
Who's birthday coming up? Im February 25


Feb 14 2020 11:14AM
     To all the members of hx Happy V Day
When I wake up in the morning, love
And the sunlight hurts my eyes
And something without warning, love
Bears heavy on my mind
Then I look at you
And the world's alright with me
Just one look at you
And I know it's gonna be
A lovely day
A lovely day
When the day that lies ahead of me
Seems impossible to face
When someone else instead of me
Always seems to know the way

Then I look at you
And the world's alright with me
Just one look at you
And I know it's gonna be
A lovely day
A lovely day

Happy valentine's day love, 💎GuRL


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