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Level 2 Male

 124 yrs old
Marina Del Rey, LA, CA
Registered Jan 14 2018
Released Jan 14 2018

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Sep 27 2023 09:17AM
     American Democracy jumps the shark
So the persecution of Trump goes next level. He is now banned from conducting business in NY. His family too. The NY Ag has sued him for fraud based on overstating real estate values to get more favorable loans from banks. The courts agreed despite the banks testifying on his behalf.

Folks, you need to set aside your hate for Trump and see just how bad this is for democracy. This insane persecution of one man and a blind eye to the Biden's is not healthy for our country


Sep 27 2023 07:50AM
     Biden admin now going after 5G
Democrats want to exert control over every sector of the economy and don't care if they hurt consumers in the process. Smh at how anyone votes for them

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Sep 26 2023 06:55PM
     Govt Shutdown
Funny. When did it become the Republicans SOLE responsibility to pass a budget? McCarthy can pass a budget f he wanted locater to the extremists in his party. But not one single democrat is willing to help him out. Because Democrats WANT a govt shutdown so they can blame republicans. Its like this every fucking time


Sep 26 2023 11:11AM
     Biden Admin going after AMZN now
Did I miss something and Bezos sold to Elon or endorsed Trump while I was hungover?


Sep 23 2023 12:30PM
     HX libtards part 3
Hey MA1 the economy can’t fire on all cylinders with an anti- fossil fuel energy policy. Please pull your head out of your ass and look out your window at gas prices. I’m case you were sick the day this was taught, high energy prices finds its way into every corner of the economy. We are opening one one lonely cylinder…like Biden’s brain


Sep 22 2023 09:42AM
     13 gold bars
Plus $500k cash in his home is still probably not enough "proof" for HX libtards.

Another "alleged" democrat is "allegedly" indicted for "alleged" bribery and corruption. The "alleged" chairman of state foreign relations committee selling Americans down the river. Should have followed Joe's advice on setting up LLCs though...


Sep 20 2023 11:05AM
     Garland taking a well deserved beating
Yeah yeah the media narrative is GOP grilling him unfairly but Dayum! The democrat from NC grilled him on his tepid response to hate crimes and the dem from MO grilled him on the border. Poor guy looks lost and helpless


Sep 19 2023 04:17PM
     New uploads 3:31 PM
Because Breezy is nothing if not discreet...

1 comment

Sep 19 2023 04:15PM
     Suji, Kali and Terra
Thank goodness those are fake pics or I would go broke...


Sep 18 2023 02:02PM
     Biden in a nutshell
"President Biden on Friday denied a report that special counsel Robert Hur is seeking to interview him as part of an investigation into Biden’s alleged mishandling of classified documents.
“There’s no such request and no such interest,” Biden told reporters after emerging from a Pilates class in South Lake Tahoe, Calif., near where he is vacationing at billionaire Tom Steyer’s lakefront home."

Lies? Check.
Billionaire pals? Check
Another vacation? Check
Pliates faggotry? Check

Classic Biden


Sep 15 2023 06:44AM
     Congrats California!
You hung on to the "highest poverty level in the country" title for yet another year? How do you do it with a solidly progressive government from top to bottom and the highest tax rates in the country and a plethora of advantages from tourism to industry?

Oh yeah...let's get Newsome in the White House so he can do for America what he did for California....
Attached Links,itself%20should%20warrant%20deeper%20investigation.


Sep 14 2023 04:59PM
     Biden's Lies
So Biden yet again told several lies that are easily fact checked. What does this say about the man? Repeated lies are a sign of serious character flaw but to constantly repeat the same lies which have been previously debunked and even new lies which are easily fact checked are a sign of a deeper issue.

Is Biden a sociopath or suffering from dementia?

(cue libtards attacking Trump....)
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