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Level 2 Male

 124 yrs old
Marina Del Rey, LA, CA
Registered Jan 14 2018
Released Jan 14 2018

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Aug 31 2023 12:21PM
     MA1 is a gossipy little faggot who has no friends
Does anyone want to sneer and giggle at random nobody's marital problems? He is desperate to discuss these matters.

Perhaps Shitcan can take a break from the natural disasters and show some love?


Aug 31 2023 09:17AM
     Libtards are in deep denial, Rahcrener threatens Eulogy, and MA1 is a longwinded gas bag
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Aug 25 2023 05:32PM
     Biden justice department budget numbers leaked
80% persecuting Trump
20% protecting Hunter and the big guy
0% investing Epstein client list (partial overlap with protecting Biden)


Aug 25 2023 03:50PM
     Quick question
Has anyone ever seen a Republican complain about GPS? Seems like this is ironically the purview of broke ass closet misogynist libtards masquerading as know it all smarter and holier than thou good guys

Asking for a friend


Aug 22 2023 11:33AM
     Tropical Storm Harold
Hitting south Texas hard. Hilary has already insisted on a death toll sharing agreement

No comments yet

Aug 20 2023 05:06PM
     Go Fund Me for Shitcan
Don't worry. We don't want you money. Or your fx points. But this pathetic loser has been going hard in the paint looking for love or at least validation from strangers on the interwebz. He attaches himself to every tragedy, cause and blog with a vengeance hoping for acknowledgement. So an "LOL" or "tee hee" here or there will go a long way to add meaning to his sad little existence.

And remember...laughter is free


Aug 18 2023 12:59PM
Hillary and Michelle are proven to be men. By proof, I mean there is no proof they are not so that means they are. The Mueller standard. Until someone shows skippy pics of their cooze, they are now considered men

That is all. I declare victory by the same standards libtards follow so Boom mothafuckas suck it!


Aug 18 2023 07:57AM
     Trump's mugshots
What's the over/under on how many points his popularity jumps if the partisan sheriff really releases mugshots to the public?

Personally I think it will only add to his legend and popularity and we will see his mugshot become an iconic image like those of Sinatra, Bowie, and Morrison.

I don't think the left should be glowing about having to jail their political opponents like some third world socialist country.


Aug 16 2023 07:49AM
     Token apolitical post for Skippy
Can someone tell me exactly what I am looking at here?
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Aug 15 2023 08:14AM
     The main takeaway from all these indictments
Billy Shakespeare was right. First thing we need to do is kill all these lawyers. Lawyers in office, lawyers hatching schemes to influence elections, lawyers making false claims (and legit ones) and bogus defenses (and legit ones)

Fucking lawyers man


Aug 14 2023 01:01PM
     RFK Jr
Woody Harrelson just came out and endorsed him. Joe Rogan said he would vote for him over Biden. He is married to the chick from Curb. He's a Kennedy. He is a straight down the middle of the fairway democrat on most issues from way back when democrats were cool and trustworthy I like this guy

He has been misunderstood and vilified on vaccines which is not the issue he is running on. He said some silly shit about frogs. But this guy goes on podcasts and talks for three hours straight.

I have yet to see Biden/Harris talk for 3 minutes straight without saying something stupid. No fucking way Trump speaks for 3 hours straight without saying something stupid And the frog thing was factual, just ill advised.

I have yet to see Biden say one intelligent thing or Trump to say as many intelligent things as RFK Jr.

I disagree with him on a number of issues, but I respect his sincerity more than any candidate in my adult life and his and intelligence more than any candidate since Clinton

Odds are long, but anyone else routing for this guy?


Aug 12 2023 04:22PM
     The reason this country is doomed
I can only hope and pray this idiot sent this to me privately instead of replying on the blogs is deep down he knows how colossal stupid it is. But I fear he really believes this shit and this is why we are doomed to four more years of destroying America:

Level 5
Aug 12 2023 12:37PM

Sent to You
Level 1
Just in case you actually wanted to hear my answer, there is one big difference between Hillary and Trump.

Trump illegally retained the top secret documents, lied about it, attempted to move the documents to prevent the government from getting them back on multiple occasions, asked his people to delete the security footage, and asked his attorneys to lie that he has given everything back.

All of that is obstruction of justice. Had he just given back the documents he wouldn’t have been prosecuted.

Concerning Hillary:

“In July 2016, about four months before the presidential election, the FBI announced the findings of its investigation. It said that classified information had been improperly transmitted, but carelessness, not an intent to skirt the law, was the cause.”

Since these were not physical documents, her staff broke her phones with hammers and her server was scrubbed using a program that erased her server. There was no physical documents that needed to be returned.

So Hillary was guilty of being careless for having classified documents on her server and phone, but she did what the FBI wanted so she was not prosecuted for obstruction of justice like Trump.

Trump is a whining little bitch and will claim that he’s being treated differently. No, he actually committed criminal acts and Hillary didn’t.


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