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Level 2 Male

 124 yrs old
Marina Del Rey, LA, CA
Registered Jan 14 2018
Released Jan 14 2018

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Aug 11 2023 07:29AM
     Grand Canyon
In a speech were POTUS tried, pretending, preventing uranium mining in the area around the Grand Canyon, was anything other than a gift to his friends in Russia, he mentioned that the Grand Canyon is one of the nine natural wonders of the world. Here I was thinking they were only seven.

But since the lip towards feel that Joe Biden is never wrong, I’m just looking for people to help me find the two new natural wonders of the world. As far as I can figure out, they would be::

1) This lying dipshit is actually POTUS and 2) His VEEP is somehow even dumberer


Aug 9 2023 08:36PM
     This is no social crisis
just another tricky day for you Libtard

NYC Mayor Abrams bitching and moaning that the "migrant crisis" the Biden admin does not acknowledge as a crisis is costing the city $5bn a year now

There's no crisis
Just you having fun
Getting burned by the sun
This is no social crisis
Just another tricky day for you...just gotta get used to it
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Aug 9 2023 02:48PM
     RIP Robbie Robertson
Whoever picked Keith Richards to be last man standing in the rock and roll dead pool is laughing his ass off right now


Aug 8 2023 02:59PM
     Joe Biden fighting hard for women...
...pays his own female staffers 80 cents on the dollar but wants the losers on the women's soccer team and that lazy bitch down the hall from me to get "fair pay"
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Aug 6 2023 03:50PM
     The real issue in American politics
is not what DJT did or did not do. It's how brain dead bat shit crazy stupid democrats are:

"Did Donald Trump believe the 2020 election was stolen? Who knows? Discerning his thoughts would be as challenging as breaking into an iPhone without the passcode.

Yet Mr. Trump’s attorney claims the government can’t prove, at least not beyond a reasonable doubt, that the former president knew his election-fraud claims were false, even if he had been advised by the vice president, Justice Department, director of national intelligence and White House attorneys that they were. There might be some truth to that.

Merely being informed that something is false often doesn’t change people’s convictions. A 2019 Ipsos/Reuters poll found that 50% of Americans who were aware of Robert Mueller’s report, which found no evidence that Mr. Trump’s campaign colluded with Russia in the 2016 election, still believed that it had.

After the report’s release, 84% of Democrats still believed the collusion hoax, which had been peddled by the media and partisans like California Rep. Adam Schiff. Seventy-nine percent said they hadn’t learned anything from the report that changed their minds about the issue. Two-thirds of Democrats wanted Congress to continue investigating."

That's right. 84% of democrats believe in the tooth fairy basically. People that dumb shouldn't be allowed to vote


Aug 2 2023 05:02PM
     so let me get this straight
America has been downgraded twice in my lifetime. Joe Biden was in the White House both times. In between we had Trump and no downgrades.

Russia invaded Syria. Russia invaded Ukraine. Joe Biden was in the White House both times. In between we had Trump and no aggression by Russia

Then there is the economy, gas prices, energy policy etc

Oh man bad. I'm triggered cause I'm a pussy...


Aug 1 2023 01:20PM
     Shitcan is slipping
Rent is due motherfuckers! All that early pandemic don't have to pay the rent even though you are cashing stimulus checks bullshit is over. Roosters have come home to roost and rent is due.

Where is shitcan's post about what that means for us???? Should be more relevant that then actor's strike 🤓


Jul 25 2023 04:20PM
     Today in stocks Part Deux
Trannies > libtards

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Jul 20 2023 04:15PM
     and the idiot of the century award goes to....
@mildlyamusing1 for this golden nugget

"Republicans are generally motivated by greed and democrats are generally altruistic"

LMFAO. The last 5 republican presidents came to office wealthy. The last 3 democratic presidents came multi multi multi millionaires after a lifetime in "public service." Never had a real fucking job ever.

Democrats are looking for handouts and asking what my country can do for me

Republicans just want to keep Crooked Hillary and the Biden Family Crime Syndicate out of our pockets

The Clintons made a fortune of Haiti. The Biden are selling the USA off to the highest bidder



Jul 20 2023 03:49PM
Disappearing from HX like Marty McFly in Back to the Future….


Jul 20 2023 03:32PM
     HX > Reddit
Honestly. Isn’t it nice to be able to tell an asshole or an idiot that they are an asshole or an idiot and not have to worry about getting banned?


Jul 19 2023 07:34PM
     Sorry Eulogy
I just had Hawaiian pizza. And I think I liked it!

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