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Level 1 Female

 37 yrs old
Santa Clarita, North of LA, LA, CA
Registered Nov 13 2012
Released Nov 13 2012

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Apr 13 2017 06:53PM
     Legal Help (Continued)
Thank you to those of you who provided helpful answers. To the rest of you, I knew what to expect when posting the blog, although I must say that you all sure do make a lot of assumptions... And you know what they say about ASSuming...

I was a good tenant for the most part. I was quiet (never once have I received a noise complaint). I didn't see clients at this apartment (aside from 2 or 3 spaced out over the several months I resided there). I was a tidy tenant. My rent has been paid on time every month. The dogs are gone, although neither of them barked too much nor did they cause damage to the unit. It was a huge mistake letting them visit and I take responsibility for my mistake. I told the manager about the cats when I moved in, but she obviously wanted to rent the unit badly enough to risk her job by keeping me off of the lease and thus kept the cats off of the lease, too. For the record, the ad they had on Craigslist said that the property was cat-friendly, otherwise I never would've contacted them. And yes, it is a thing to have emotional support animals - look it up.

I'm seeking legal counsel but will most likely just move in order to prevent an eviction from affecting my mom's credit. She is the most important person in the world to me and I will sacrifice and move into a far less ideal situation to protect her credit and prevent any further stress than this whole ordeal has already caused her.

Thanks again for taking the time to advise me.


Apr 13 2017 07:42AM
     Legal Help
I have a question that needs answering urgently. No this isn't about my DWP bill; you'll be happy and surprised to know that I'm current on my power bill.

So when I was looking for an apartment, I came to look at this apartment in which I currently reside. The manager at the time recognized that maybe my credit wasn't the best, but I said I had my mom as a cosigner. She decided it would be a good idea to apply ONLY in my mom's name, leaving me completely out of the lease. With her guidance I wrote up letters stating that my mom was going through a separation and thus needed an apartment despite her perfect credit and substantial income. She was approved, and I moved in.

A couple of months later, that manager moved properties. She and I stayed in touch via text in case I needed advice on what to do in case of inspection, etc.

Recently I heard from the original manager who said that the current management was not happy with me. Her main complaint was that I had dogs living with me (I had a couple of friends visit and bring their dogs). Other residents have dogs so I didn't realize this would be a problem, but I was told that they were "grandfathered in" and that new residents can't have dogs. Other residents told on me and said I had dogs; they are not my dogs and have since left. I got a notice saying there would be an inspection. I made sure to clean the place up and not to be home, as the original manager recommended.

Two days later I have a three-day notice on my door with the following complaints:
1. Dark floral film over the front windows (which I had approved by the original manager, and which I put up because multiple requests to maintenance to fix my blinds were ignored)
2. Changed the lock to a keypad lock (I can easily change it back)
3. Two dogs and several cats (I put cats on the original application and am currently working on getting them assigned as emotional support animals -- I just need a letter from my doctor and $80/each cat)
4. Unauthorized female living in the unit (that's me).

My mom called the new manager and tried to appeal to her; it did not go well. They said if she signs a stipulation that she will be let out of the lease without fault and her credit will not be affected. They are giving me until the end of May to move out. They said I could only stay if my credit check passes (it most likely won't) and if I get rid of the cats (not an option). The original manager just says I need to leave, and is trying to help me find a place to move. I don't want to move! Can they do this? My lease isn't up for several more months. My rent is and has been in full and on time every single month. Please advise.


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