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Dec 2 2021 07:54AM
     ICU recovery story… Man left for dead was saved by Ivermectin
COVID patient left for ‘dead’ recovers after court forces hospital to allow ivermectin treatment

NAPERVILLE — An elderly, critically-ill COVID patient who was repeatedly denied ivermectin has made a full recovery after a court ordered the hospital to treat him with the potentially life-saving drug.

On Thanksgiving weekend, Sun Ng, a 71-year-old man who spent 22 days on a ventilator with COVID-19, was discharged from Edward Hospital in Naperville, Illinois, following a successful treatment cycle of ivermectin.

Despite the drug’s efficacy, the hospital had only agreed to the use of the drug after Ng’s daughter, Dr. Man Kwan Ng, obtained a court order mandating their compliance.

According to Mauck & Baker law firm in Chicago, the court-ordered ivermectin treatment was given to Ng for five days, November 8 through November 12, and he was discharged on November 27, having fully recovered.

“My father’s recovery is amazing,” shared Dr. Man Kwan Ng in the release. “My father is a tough man. He was working so hard to survive, and of course, with God’s holding hands. He weaned off oxygen about three days after moving out of the ICU. He started oral feeding before hospital discharge. He returned home without carrying a bottle of oxygen and a feeding tube installed to his stomach. He can now stand with a walker at the bedside and practice stepping. After being sedated for a month on a ventilator in ICU, his performance is beyond our expectations. Praise the Lord.”

In spite of mainstream media and other pro-vaccine entities misleadingly labeling ivermectin “horse de-wormer,” several studies have shown that the widely-used generic drug has virtually no risk of serious side effects and can be effective against COVID-19.

While federal regulators and drug makers have nevertheless aggressively suppressed the medication, various leading experts like Dr. Peter McCollough, Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, Dr. Robert Malone and the 12,700 doctors and scientists who signed the Rome Declaration have endorsed it as a COVID treatment.


Had to go to court....ffs....Doctors....remember do NO HARM.

Follow the science. Their science he would be dead. Therapeutics WORK.

My Doctor takes it when they are out and about living their lives. Told me its the FIRST thing that should be given. However her hospital will NOT allow it to be prescribed. A local...small pharmacy that actually makes the drug for her. Chain pharmacy's will not fill scripts.

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Nov 30 2021 11:14AM
     60 Minutes | 1976 Swine Flu Fraud
History repeats itself.

Similarities are frightening.....

Comments: Not mine.

At 63, I remember the Swine Flu hysteria very well. It was at same time, give or take a couple of years, as the Global Cooling hysteria. Both of which came on the heels of “the light at the end of the tunnel” lies re: Vietnam.

What I had forgotten, though, was the existence of an MSM which-on occasion-performed the function for which the Framers designed the First Amendment: to challenge governmental action on behalf of its citizens.

Fear invites Danger.

This whole “get the jab” thing has now become a religious cult complete with a high priest and missionaries constantly attempting to get converts. Think “Branch Covidians”, only its based in DC not Waco, TX. The logic of the cult cannot be reasoned with.

You won’t see Chris Wallace and CBS or any other MSM outlet challenging Dr Fauci and the US medical industrial complex like Mike Wallace did in this video.


Nov 29 2021 12:17PM
     Now Who Interjected Politics Feminist? Amy Siskind busted by the internet
Amy Siskind doesn’t like misinformation unless she is the one doing the peddling.

I reported this account, and encourage you all to as well. It is a hub for disinformation, which has bands of trolls that follow its lead for targeted harassment. It is also a spoke for vaccine disinformation. Please take the time to report!

— Amy Siskind 🏳️‍🌈 (@Amy_Siskind) November 28, 2021

Comments: Not mine

If President Trump had never fast tracked the jab he would have been called a killer but because he was looking out for the safety of the American people (after being given false info by fauci) and fast tracked it the dems/libs hated him for it but now they want everyone to take the UNTESTED jab. This is just another shining example of the loony left.

No, she didn’t say that! Your eyes are lying to you. I was hacked. It’s all because.. climate change.. i only said it because it is trump’s fault. The white supremacists did it. I said it because of equity. Never accept responsibility for actions. Oh and Trump won…FJB

The vax mandate is in-step with the primary motive of the Democratic party’s neo-Jacobin program, which is to push people around, to coerce them to do things that common sense and the instinct for survival argue against, and then to punish the people sadistically when they refuse, and to do it for the sheer pleasure of inflicting harm on their enemies — who happen to be the citizens of the USA. That is your “Joe Biden” government, from top to bottom, a matrix of fakeness and malice.

Completely unsurprising that one of the most common attributes of the left features so prominently in this particular libtard’s posts and other vacuous bloviations: HYPOCRISY. That characteristic followed closely of course by outright lying, intentional distortions, convenient and intentional omissions of relevant facts, unfounded and disproven assertions of wrongdoing by political adversaries and smug dismissal of widely accepted and well proven truths of policy successes associated with anyone with whom they ideologically disagree. This about covers the futility of paying any attention to these profound imbeciles.

These idiots never remember, but the internet never forgets

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Nov 27 2021 09:01AM
     Another one & another one & another one Seeing a pattern here?
Sherrif Tiraspol winger Adama Traore becomes the latest high-profile player to collapse on the pitch as he goes down clutching his chest in their Champions League defeat to Real Madrid

Sherrif Tiraspol witnessed disturbing scenes when winger Adama Traore went down clutching his chest in Wednesday night's Champions League clash with Real Madrid.

Earlier this week Sheffield United midfielder John Fleck collapsed on the pitch during his side's Championship fixture with Reading on Tuesday night.


Stories now coming through the press. No longer can they keep sweeping this under the carpet.

Young fit sportsmen dropping down with heart issues on a daily basis, totally normal isn't it!! Hardly any coverage on MSM, it's almost like they don't want to discuss it, I wonder why!!

The media publish this almost in passing, like the Sheffield United player the day before, there will be no follow up anywhere, no conclusion or cause... The media of two years ago would have this as a headline and be digging into the other cases like this in 2021 when 14 association footballers have DIED on the pitch, compared to a yearly average of 2?

Every week a healthy footballer is collapsing, people are starting to realize this isn't normal

it will become too obvious even for the sheep

Nothing to see here, these fit young players dropping to the ground and holding their chest is perfectly normal. how many more before we confront this situation?

With the almost daily incidents of high profile players, and the thousands of others who haven't been reported on, it doesn't seem to be an "incredibly rare event" as we have repeatedly being told - these athletes are clearly at minimal risk from the virus and forcing an experimental jab on everyone is clearly wrong minded.

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Nov 27 2021 08:35AM
     Nazis are harassing citizens in Berlin…

Freedom is going in the wrong direction. Covid compliance raids in Germany.

Happening on Karl Marx Street, oh the irony…


if liberals are worried so much about destroying the earth, why do they “care” so much about saving people from pandemic?

let pandemic go, and it solves overpopulation.

i guess the just care too much. the police will shoot you, to protect you from the virus.

History repeating itself.

How long before we see camps with the words: “Impfstoff macht frei”?

What a complete bunch of douche bag cops.

Just following orders will be their excuse.

We seen this before and if good men don’t take a stand it will end up just like Germany 1940’s.

Remove the political leaders before they kill you.

Please note the name of the street at the end – Karl Marx Strasse. Literally a sign of the times.

PS You think this can not happen in Los Angeles.....think again. Restaurants are being "raided" and fined for not complying to the BS mandates. Some are resisting and accumulating up to 100,000 in fines.

You think it can NOT happen here.......IT IS.

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Nov 24 2021 06:37AM
     Pelosi AVOIDS paying state Income Tax
Nancy Pelosi has purchased an 11,000 square feet $25 million mansion on the ocean in Florida. Someone doesn’t want to pay exorbitant state and local taxes in San Francisco.

....paid $25 million to be governed by Ron DeSantis…


Guess NOW she will not be seen as hypocrite for NOT wearing a mask in public.

Huhhh...thought she was for taxing the RICH...which she is.....she now avoids Calif Income Tax.

On the Beach.....Obama and now her? I thought the seas were going to rise....etc....etc.....lmao

You mean Al Gore was WRONG!! Pssst....not one of his predictions have come true. Its been 20-30 years now....waiting.

Rules for THEE.....not for ME......

An idiot passing idiot laws that has allowed her home state to become a tent city with people crapping on city streets wants to move to a state where people still believe in individual freedom, go figure!

Address please so she might be welcomed properly. Just as Maxine Waters suggested.

Hmmmm but climate change is real and Obama bought his beach house even knowing that 🤔
(duplicate...I know....its too good not to)

Speaker of the House buying a 25 million dollar house. Follow the money...and her husband too. Seems they are very "good" at timing stocks.

Hummmmmm no commie solar panels.

Not worried about the ice caps melting Nancy eh? (another one....too good)

Because California does not have beaches, oh wait…no beaches without needles....tent cities.....NOW I GET IT.

So the same people that are virtue signaling to you about climate change are the same people that are grifting off of climate change but then ignoring it with their own lifestyles? I wish I had a private jet

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Nov 23 2021 11:55AM
     Alert —Australian Defense Forces are ‘transporting citizens & families to Quarantine Camps

Northern Territory chief minister Michael Gunne has called in the Australian Defense Force to help transfer positive Covid cases and close contacts to Quarantine Camps.


And you wonder how nazi germany or fill in the blank fascism started.

And now you know why we have a 2nd amendment.

Please re read that statement and do read the Constitution.

Do you think it can not happen here? Hmmmm.....time will tell. Feds are flexing their muscles against those they do not like. That is DEFINITELY happening.

Its NEVER been about covid. Not from day one. Its about control. PERIOD.


Nov 19 2021 08:44AM
     Gas Prices RISING Biden ships Strategic Oil Reserves to ASIA
U.S. Is Already Exporting Oil From Strategic Reserve at Record Pace Devika Krishna Kumar 02:38 AM IST, 10 Nov 2021 09:23 AM IST, 10 Nov 2021 Save (Bloomberg) --

If the Biden Administration decides to tap U.S. emergency crude reserves to push down domestic energy prices, it may not help all that much. The supplies may just be exported away like last month.

About 1.6 million barrels of crude from the U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve -- a monthly record -- was shipped out in October, according to data from market intelligence firm Kpler.

Three cargoes were loaded onto a supertanker in the U.S. Gulf Coast and are headed to Asia. “Given the ongoing pace of the current SPR release -- 12 million barrels in the last two months and the biggest weekly far last week at 3.1 million barrels -- it’s fair to assume more SPR barrels are going to leave U.S. shores in the weeks ahead,” said Matt Smith, an oil analyst at Kpler.

The White House has been mulling a range of options to ease soaring pump prices and Democrats are pressing for a potential ban on oil exports as well as the release of crude from the nation’s strategic reserves.


How about reinstating key stone pipe line.

How about opening up areas for drilling....

How about NOT shutting down pipelines as AOC wants to do. entered the White House with a country that was the largest exporter of oil. LARGEST.

You now oversea a country with lowered output and ever increasing prices.

Winter is coming.....can not wait to hear the stories ie cost for heating oil.

Your goal is are hurting Americans.....but don't worry you can have your electric car to drive.....only if you can afford the price tag and inconveniences that come with e cars.

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Nov 18 2021 09:35AM
     FDA Asks Federal Judge Until the Year 2076 to Fully Release Pfizer’s COVID-19 Vaccine Data
The fed gov’t shields Pfizer from liability.

Gives it billions of dollars.

Makes Americans take its product. But won’t let you see the data supporting its safety/efficacy.

Who does the gov't work for?

The FDA has asked a federal judge to make the public wait until the year 2076 to disclose all of the data and information it relied upon to license Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine. That is not a typo. It wants 55 years to produce this information to the public.

As explained in a prior article, the FDA repeatedly promised “full transparency” with regard to Covid-19 vaccines, including reaffirming “the FDA’s commitment to transparency” when licensing Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine.

With that promise in mind, in August and immediately following approval of the vaccine, more than 30 academics, professors, and scientists from this country’s most prestigious universities requested the data and information submitted to the FDA by Pfizer to license its COVID-19 vaccine.

The FDA’s response? It produced nothing. So, in September, my firm filed a lawsuit against the FDA on behalf of this group to demand this information. To date, almost three months after it licensed Pfizer’s vaccine, the FDA still has not released a single page. Not one.

Instead, two days ago, the FDA asked a federal judge to give it until 2076 to fully produce this information. The FDA asked the judge to let it produce the 329,000+ pages of documents Pfizer provided to the FDA to license its vaccine at the rate of 500 pages per month, which means its production would not be completed earlier than 2076. The FDA’s promise of transparency is, to put it mildly, a pile of illusions.

It took the FDA precisely 108 days from when Pfizer started producing the records for licensure (on May 7, 2021) to when the FDA licensed the Pfizer vaccine (on August 23, 2021). Taking the FDA at its word, it conducted an intense, robust, thorough, and complete review and analysis of those documents in order to assure that the Pfizer vaccine was safe and effective for licensure. While it can conduct that intense review of Pfizer’s documents in 108 days, it now asks for over 20,000 days to make these documents available to the public.


The lesson yet again is that civil and individual rights should never be contingent upon a medical procedure. Everyone who wants to get vaccinated and boosted should be free to do so. But nobody should be coerced by the government to partake in any medical procedure. Certainly not one where the government wants to hide the full information relied upon for its licensure until the year 2076!
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Nov 17 2021 04:19PM
     Ireland Imposes Midnight Curfew… Boosters For Life…

93% Adult Vaccinated in Ireland but the ‘state of the hospitals is grim’

The Taoiseach has announced fresh restrictions as Covid infection rates surge. Micheál Martin said without the success of the vaccination program, there is “no doubt Ireland would be in full-scale lockdown.”


B/c the first....2nd.....3rd lockdowns worked so well....lets keep doing it.

The country has 97% vax rate.....ITS THE VAX.....that is the common denominator.

Also...its NOT b/c of the passports. Its b/c the Vax'd carry 250 times the viral load of somebody who is NOT vaccinated. Coupled with vaccines....this technology....stops your immune system from making antibodies to fight off the variants. go out....have been vax'd.....then be around others who then transmit the variants to you....and your body struggles to fight it.

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Nov 16 2021 08:34AM
     Why Are Gas Prices Rising? Thanks AOC

The Line 3 pipeline is an oil pipeline owned by the Canadian multinational Enbridge. Operating since 1968, it runs 1,031 miles (1,659 km) from Hardisty, Alberta, Canada to Superior, Wisconsin, United States.

Line 3 is a proposed pipeline expansion to bring nearly a million barrels of tar sands per day from Alberta, Canada to Superior, Wisconsin.

Once reaching Superior, oil is moved via other pipelines down through Wisconsin or Michigan. It is ultimately transported around the Midwest, eastern Canada and the Gulf Coast.


This is Econ 101.....eliminate pipelines/supply. Prices go up.

Just what the Dems we are all driving electric cars.

Pssst.....where do you think all this electricity usage will come from.

Calif has hard enough time keeping the lights on as is.

And do enjoy the 20 minutes or more it takes to recharge your electric car.....good times!!


Nov 15 2021 03:25PM
     Covid Hysteria: Minnesota Governor caught red handed…
Liberal Governor Tried to Pump Covid Numbers to Justify Shutdown

A whistleblower has leaked an email exchange dating to October 2020, in which the Chief of Staff to Minnesota Governor Tim Walz tells the state’s Department of Health that the Department’s numbers on how covid was spreading were “less useful than what I expected” because “these numbers are small.”

The Commissioner of Health said, in turn, that “people look at the primary case numbers and think those are small impacts that don’t justify the dial backs we propose.”

She urges her staff to engage in “creative thinking.”

On November 10, 2020, Governor Walz issued Emergency Executive Order 20-96, titled “Restricting Social Gatherings, Celebrations, and the Hours and Operations of Bars, Restaurants, and Venues to Prevent Further Spread of COVID-19.” This is the order for which the governor wanted the Department of Health to dummy up more compelling data. The order recites:

This was never true, and there were never any strong data to support the claim.

These leaked emails provide a small window into a phenomenon that we have seen over the last year and a half at the federal level and in many states: politicians who want to exert ever-greater control over our lives have consistently misrepresented and exaggerated data relating to covid in order to instill fear and to justify harsh measures that have damaged the quality of life of many millions of Americans.

There is little or no evidence that extreme covid shutdowns did any material good, but we know they did a great deal of harm. Someday, perhaps there will be an accounting for the endemic dishonesty that lay behind them.


Its coming out folks......they can NOT hide it any longer.....

Wonder if you will see this on MSNBC....NBC....CBS...Wash Post...NY TIMES.....etc.

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