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Released Apr 8 2021

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Nov 15 2021 10:45AM
     LGB triggers...Who are the Fascists?

If you do NOT like what someone has to say....YOU SILENCE THEM??

Seems like the left not only tries to silence but commits crimes to do so.

She must have not been in civics classes that year.

PS Claiming white supremacy no longer works.....nice try.


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Nov 15 2021 10:30AM
     Man denied Monoclonal Antibody treatment… B/C he’s white…

"Denied medical service b/c of race?"

"You should be able to fight off Covid....."

And she goes on to say you then can FIGHT it off......

SOOOO why again are we STILL being forced to "fill in the blank" if it just affects elderly.

Huh....guess they admitted cats out of the pre existing.....go home at eat soup along with your puffs.


Nov 15 2021 10:08AM
     Scientific Study — Covid Spike Protein DRAMATICALLY Impairs Cell DNA Damage Repair
Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS–CoV–2) has led to the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID–19) pandemic, severely affecting public health and the global economy.

Adaptive immunity plays a crucial role in fighting against SARS–CoV–2 infection and directly influences the clinical outcomes of patients. Clinical studies have indicated that patients with severe COVID–19 exhibit delayed and weak adaptive immune responses; however, the mechanism by which SARS–CoV–2 impedes adaptive immunity remains unclear.

Here, by using an in vitro cell line, we report that the SARS–CoV–2 spike protein significantly inhibits DNA damage repair, which is required for effective V(D)J recombination in adaptive immunity.

Mechanistically, we found that the spike protein localizes in the nucleus and inhibits DNA damage repair by impeding key DNA repair protein BRCA1 and 53BP1 recruitment to the damage site. Our findings reveal a potential molecular mechanism by which the spike protein might impede adaptive immunity and underscore the potential side effects of full-length spike-based vaccines.

Definition of Adaptive Immunity:

Adaptive immunity involves specialized immune cells and antibodies that attack and destroy foreign invaders and are able to prevent disease in the future by remembering what those substances look like and mounting a new immune response.

And NOW you know why the vax'd are getting sick. Its the VACCINE!

The VACCINE stops the body from being able to naturally fight off a virus....and therefore......YOU become addictive to needy more n more vaccines.

See how that works.

& this is why Ivermectin works. It has a "Protese Inhibitor" that STOPS the spike protein from multiplying. Its the SAME way Pfizers pill works.
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Nov 12 2021 07:16AM
     99% Vaccinated Cal Football Team 44 Positive Rona Tests Cancel USC Game
Berkeley’s Department of Public Health laid out previously unreported details about what is clearly a major Covid outbreak in the Cal football program — including that at least 44 people in the program have tested positive for Covid over the past ten days.

“Berkeley Public Health continues to work closely with University Health Services to help contain and respond to a major COVID-19 outbreak involving the coaches, students, and staff in the Cal Football program,” the statement begins. “All of these 44 lab-confirmed cases involve people infected with highly contagious Covid, which spreads easily unless public health safeguards are used.”

I was wondering if perhaps whole team was given J&J, but was just told by a spokesperson that Cal football was given a roughly even mix of Pfizer, Moderna and J&J ......6-7 months ago.

None of the players or staffers have been reported as seriously ill, which is line with the efficacy of the COVID-19 vaccines.


You can NOT have it both ways....the vax wears off after 5-7 months....then to turn around and say the reason for those NOT being ill is b/c of the efficacy of the so called vaccines.

Sorry....they do not work as advertised....yet another example.

How many more will it take......for people to realize the LIES.

Even Bill Gates came out a couple of days ago and said they do NOT work.

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Nov 9 2021 08:29AM
     Covid 20 Months Away from Loved Ones Should Have Walked Across Border
United States of AMOR! Lovesick couples separated by COVID finally reunite in US airports after international travel restrictions are lifted after 20 months - and the stories will bring a tear to your eye!

Couples who have been separated by COVID restrictions reunited at airports across America on Monday
They were among the first tourists from Europe, the UK, China, India and Brazil since March 12 2020
Some hadn't seen each other for two years, like married couple Lai Wi, 31, and his wife, Hui Ling

He drove from Virginia to pick her up at the airport in New York City after her flight from Shanghai

The first flights came in from Mumbai and Delhi, landing at Newark Airport at 4.35am

BA and Virgin launched tandem flights from Heathrow which landed at JFK at 11am

The eased restrictions mean anyone who is fully vaccinated and COVID-19 negative can enter the USA now

Funny.....all they had to do was get to Mexico and walk across the border and collect FREE MONIES.....

Conclusion: Law abiding citizens get can NOT see love ones for 20 months....not so for illegals.
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Nov 9 2021 07:59AM
     Bidens Tax Plan & YOUR Wallet
"Under the latest iteration of the House Build Back Better Act (BBBA), the average top tax rate on personal income would reach 57.4 percent, giving the U.S. the highest rate in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). All 50 states plus the District of Colombia would have top tax rates on personal income exceeding 50 percent."

Class....sooooo what will that do for everyone.

Those who have initial reaction will say...good the rich pays more.

Not sooo quick.

1, Corporations do NOT pay taxes. It part of the cost of doing business. Any tax increase or ANYTHING that increases cost of a product or service......the BUYER pays.

Corporations want to or need to keep certain margins.

2, Wealthy individuals may pay more taxes initially. But they will increase their incomes at the expense of doing other things with their money/income so as not to affect their standard of living.

For example....they will NOT invest in other start ups/business ventures. They will hire less people and probably will fire more.

Raising taxes is the LEAST effective way to increase ...and I use the word loosely "Revenue" for the Feds and State Gov. Why?

Gov does not product anything....and only takes.

Bottom Line: If this passes....even HIGHER Inflation....HIGHER unemployment.....HIGHER costs for EVERY goods or service that you buy. Means LESS buying power.

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Nov 4 2021 08:44AM
     What Is Behind Covid/Global Warming & Passport. Government Control?
This is NOT about health and safety.

Too many examples of Elites not following the rules set for us.

From illegals not getting vax'd. CNN Lemon going to Florida and not wearing mask....his cohort getting caught not wearing mask. It not about safety. Its not about the flu.

If you THINK this is about health & safety from the FLU.....think again.

This whole FAKE pandemic is about CONTROL. PERIOD.

Just like Climate Change....where 400 PRIVATE PLANES arrive for the summit. Or Biden using massive 85 car motorcade through Rome.

I guess Zoom was down during this time and no commercial planes were available.

This is about the ELITES.....and how they can keep their power.

Telling us when we can go here or we are too look....what to masks. Which do NOT work. They are made for bacteria....NOT virus's.

No....this is about control.

And the next step beyond showing your vax papers....for those living in LA.... is the PASSPORT. And for the world.

Across the globe people are rising up....rising up & saying NO.

While the "HEROES" of the scamdemic are being fired each day...people being laid off.....for NOT taking the vax for Covid 19....which is now GONE....and the vax does NOT work on the variants. So why again take it....CONTROL.

In US we have administered over 430 Million jabs. We have at least 80 Million people who now have natural immunity. And they want MORE.

Yup this is in part what gov's want. And the tool. PASSPORT.

In it they will be able to link everything about your life including bank account where you are traveling......even how you are far you are driving.....and award you points. Or take away points as being a bad/good citizen per their definition.

They are doing this already in China. Australia has the initial step of passport....NY has initial step of passport. LA has show me your papers. Orange County paid for the passport app but after people stood up OC Board of Supervisors backed down.

Its to get everyone use to this.....and then add to it.

So keep arguing about the little things....about the flu.....about global warming....and you miss what is really going on.

You see....these crisis's are but a step to Gov/Elites ultimate dream. TOTAL CONTROL.

Sorry NOT wearing tin foil hat. Its being done right before your eyes.

Remember...."All we ask is 2 weeks to flatten the curve...."


Nov 1 2021 04:00PM
     HYPRCRITE: Noun: AKA Don Lemon of CNN
Wasn't Don Lemon berating people about not wearing masks and telling his audience how dangerous Florida was 🤔 Why is he there?

A nice taste of his own medicine, can dish it but can't take it.

Ohhh but he LOVES to tell us how bad we are in the safety of his studio.


Lemon should send a thank you note to Governor Ron DeSantis, the best governor in the nation.

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Oct 28 2021 01:48PM
     BREAKING ALERT — Biden wants to pay $1 million to illegal aliens separated at the Border
WASHINGTON—The Biden administration is in talks to offer illegal immigrant families that were separated during the Trump administration $450,000 a person in compensation, according to people familiar with the matter, as several agencies work to resolve lawsuits filed on behalf of parents who say the government subjected them to lasting psychological trauma.

The U.S. Departments of Justice, Homeland Security, and Health and Human Services are considering payments that could amount to close to $1 million a family, though the final numbers could shift, the people familiar with the matter said. Most of the families that crossed the border illegally from Mexico to seek asylum in the U.S. included one parent and another family member the people said.

I guess the word ILLEGAL does not mean anything anymore.

How is it an ILLEGAL is granted the same rights as a LEGAL American.

Come across and get more FREE money.

Thank u Uncle Joe.....

PS This is not political....this is about RIGHT vs WRONG.

PPS How about all of the people separated under Obama/Biden.....asking for a friend.

On the video....seems to be getting louder & more frequent..

Thank u Indiana Pacers


Oct 28 2021 01:15PM
     Covid: Ireland's Disaster--Not Good News for Vacc

In the Republic of Ireland, however, health officials are running out of people to blame.

This has become embarrassingly obvious in County Waterford. As reported in the Irish Times, the nation’s establishment newspaper, two of the three most COVID-infected electoral areas in Ireland are located in the county “with the highest rate of vaccination in the country.”

In Waterford, a remarkable 99.7 percent of adults are fully vaccinated.

Despite the recent surge in cases among the fully vaccinated, Ireland is just now easing the restrictions on wedding and church attendance and outdoor gatherings. Indoor service in bars and restaurants has also resumed but for only for those who are fully vaccinated or can prove they have recovered from COVID-19 in the past 6 months.

The arbitrary evolution of Irish COVID policy over the past 18 months has made it clear that public health officials and government policy makers have no idea what they are doing.

Although Waterford is running three times the rate of the nation writ large, Ireland as a whole is not faring particularly well, especially given its draconian restrictions.

In the seven days preceding October 21, Ireland reported 2,026 new cases. To put that number in perspective, wide-open Florida had 2,262 cases during that same period with a population more than four times greater than the Irish Republic’s.

As the County Waterford numbers make clear, Irish health officials and policymakers do not know what “misinformation” is. They do, however, know what power is, and they will do what they must to hang on to it, freedom be damned.
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Oct 28 2021 09:31AM
     Sweden Study: Vaccine protection wanes quickly
From the Lancet.

One of the most prestigious Medical Journals.

Findings: Protection from infection below 50% after 4 months. No protection measurable after 7 months (Pfizer). AstraZeneca wanes faster, even becomes NEGATIVE.

Protection against severe outcome only 42% after 6 months.

Six weeks into the worlds strictest vaccine pass regime, new COVID cases per capita in Lithuania are soaring to all-time highs more than 16x that of Sweden, where new cases per capita continue to all-time lows despite dropping all restrictions.

Four weeks after ending all restrictions, new COVID cases per capita are lower in Sweden than in ANY other European country.

Just the facts.....

Glad we are following the SCIENCE.

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Oct 28 2021 09:03AM
     Bidens Economy: Socialism at Work
This is what you get when you PAY people not to work....

Shut down industries....oil...for example. US was the largest exporter of oil.

Now Biden is begging OPEC to increase production. Oil....or cheap energy is the life blood of any economy.

Keeping business closed....making RULES that not only increase cost but unbearable to operate.

Lets not forget the TRILLIONS in spending that has already taken place.....and the NEW proposed TRILLIONS.

The border wall or better yet Law Breakers.....1.7 million and counting. I am sure we have enough laborers for picking our fruit by now....wouldn't you say?

And yet people are surprised.


2% GDP..........ANEMIC..........


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