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 57 yrs old
Registered Dec 26 2018
Released Apr 8 2021

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Oct 14 2021 02:03PM
     STOP THE PRESSES CNN asks Fauci about Israeli study ‘Natural Immunity’ is 13X times greater tha

‘Why should anyone get Vaccinated if they have immunity from a prior Covid infection?’

Fauci — ‘I don’t have a really firm answer for you on that’

Vaccinated were 27 times more likely to get symptomatic infection than those with natural immunity.


Oct 14 2021 01:03PM
     Covid is surging in Waterford, Ireland where 99.7 percent of adults are Fully Vaccinated
Waterford, once the crown jewel of Ireland’s Vaccination program, now has the highest rate of infection in the country. For the first time since March, the number of patients in hospital with Covid in Ireland is over 400. This in a country where 92% of adults have been Vaccinated against the CCP Virus.

It’s worse for County Waterford where almost every single person over the age of 18 has been double jabbed and yet case numbers are surging with more than 700 new cases documented in the last 2 weeks.

The number of vaccinated patients in ICU now is almost as high as the entire number of Covid patients in ICU a year ago. HSE chief clinical officer Dr Colm Henry admitted the figures were “higher than we would like” but added they would be even higher but for the impact of vaccination.


Of course....he KNOWS it would be worse if not vax'd. Lets see folks....the vax ONLY works on Covid 19 and NOT the variants. Its the variants causing the spikes.

The vax suppresses your body to STOP making antibodies.

And is it any wonder there are spikes.


Oct 11 2021 04:28PM
     DeSantis gets Last Laugh on Biden


Current case rate is now 48th out of 50.

COVID cases in Florida have plunged 88% in the past six weeks with no mandates.

Wonder if this will be on CNN tonight.....
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Oct 11 2021 02:56PM
     New Zealand to Impose ‘No Jab, No Job’
(AFP) — New Zealand announced Monday a sweeping “no jab, no job” policy for most healthcare workers and teachers to prevent the spread of Covid-19.

Doctors, nurses and other frontline health workers must be double-jabbed by December 1st while everyone working in the education sector who has contact with students must have their two doses by January 1st.

Maybe....just maybe....the health care community has seen these charts and knows better....

Maybe....just maybe.....the gov should let each of us make a decision that is best for each of us.

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Oct 11 2021 02:16PM
     Biden terminates all Texas border wall contracts
DHS is pulling the plug on contracts to erect a border wall in the embattled Rio Grande Valley even as migrants from around the world continue to pour into the US from Mexico in unprecedented numbers.

The agency ntends to cancel the remaining border barrier contracts located within US Border Patrol (USBP) Laredo Sector and all border barrier contracts located in the Rio Grande Valley Sector

The unspent cash that Congress allocated for wall construction will be spent on environmental projects including biological, cultural, and natural resource survey in the border region.

The announcement comes after DHS said it was bracing for 400,000 border apprehensions this month alone.

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Oct 7 2021 09:26AM
     Shocking Covid FACTS & What we all need to know
Right out from VAERS reporting site.

VAERS is used by Doctors to input patient data on adverse affects.


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Oct 6 2021 01:18PM
     Rashida Tlaib — ‘I only wear a mask for the cameras’ Scamdemic
In her OWN words.....

Rashida Tlaib admits the truth to a fellow Democrat.


Hypocrisy is one of the true tests of a persons character. A hypocrite cannot ever be trusted.

When Tlaib is around, I wear my mask over my eyes.

Proof this is propaganda

202-225-5126 Give her a jingle (its her public number folks)

Mail in voting…… Now you know how these people are where they are!

If she’s not going to wear a bag over her head, a mask is better than nothing.

Follow up question: “So, to be clear, masks are actually theater and not because you believe masks keep you safe?”

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Oct 6 2021 11:26AM
     UCLA requires Vaccine for online classes…Now you know...SCAMDEMIC
"All of my classes are online. I don’t step on to campus. I’ve already paid. We’re a week into classes. My university just called to tell me they are dropping my classes if I don’t report to them about my vaccination. "


Herschel Walker’s son records a conversation with a UCLA administrator.

How do you know when its a lie.......Now ya know!

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Oct 5 2021 12:08PM
     Proof- Vaccinated ARE Superspreaders
Vermont — 76% of September Covid deaths were Fully Vaccinated…

“We can’t be in a perpetual state of emergency,” Vermont Gov. Phil Scott said this week as COVID numbers go up in New England

Vermont — 76% of recent deaths are ‘breakthrough’ cases

Despite having some of the highest vaccination rates in the country, the six New England states are grappling with effects of the delta surge in cases and the strains on the health care system.

Case counts in Vermont, which has continually boasted about high vaccination and low hospitalization and death rates, are the highest during the pandemic.

“Just eight of the 33 Vermonters who died of Covid in September were unvaccinated.”

The head of UMass Memorial Health, the largest health system in central Massachusetts, said recently that regional hospitals were seeing nearly 20 times more Covid patients than in June and there isn’t an ICU bed to spare.

👆👆Vermont pretty much blew Fauci's data out of the water for September.

"Just eight of the 33 Vermonters who died of Covid-19 in September were unvaccinated, the Vermont Department of Heath said Wednesday."
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Oct 5 2021 06:29AM
     Pfizer scientist turns whistleblower…
Pfizer scientist Nick Karl — “Your antibodies are better than the Pfizer vaccination. I work for an evil corporation. Our organization is run on Covid money now.”

Its coming out folks....the narrative is clear.

And its in his own words...
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Oct 5 2021 05:44AM
     Stunning Covid Chart — Israel vs Sweden
Israel....with the highest jab rate of ANY country in the world.

Already on their...count it with me class 4th jab......

Israel Covid cases spiked as they began rolling out the third booster.

Sweden, where natural immunity is supreme, had very little rise as Delta struck.

Huh...soooo what does COMMON SENSE tell you.....
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Oct 4 2021 03:34PM
     Kyrsten Sinema Decries Leftists Harassing Her as ‘Inappropriate,’ ‘Unacceptable’
Well....laugh my azz off.....

NOW that it affects HER....its bad? But when its done to people she does not agree with...well thats ok??

So needs a flow chart to keep their thinking straight if at all possible.

Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ) decried Saturday leftists harassing her inside a bathroom over the weekend as “wholly inappropriate” and “unacceptable.”

Activists with LUCHA Arizona confronted Sinema outside her classroom at Arizona State University (ASU), even following her into the restroom as they attacked her for not supporting President Joe Biden’s $3.5 trillion Build Back Better Act.

Can NOT make this stuff up....

If it were not for Double Standards....the left would not have standards.
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