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Released Apr 8 2021

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Apr 28 2023 08:57AM
     World's First COVID Vaccine Injury Class Action Lawsuit
This is just the tip of the iceberg.

Many more to come.

Does not matter how many get out of jail contracts Pfizer has.

Evil people....pure evil.

The suit accuses the Australian government, the countrys Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) and Department of Health and Aged Care, and a number of senior public servants of negligence related to the approval and monitoring of COVID-19 vaccines, breach of statutory duty and misfeasance in public office.

The suit alleges the government acted negligently in approving the vaccines and also by failing to withdraw them based upon the known evidence of risk.

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Jan 6 2023 04:34PM
     Apology Long Over Due is Due NOW
The doctors of this country of all Western Civ, really owe their citizens an apology and an explanation, and even then, they might not be able to save modern medicine. The doctors have dishonored and disgraced their profession. They promulgated a Covid- 19 vaccination program that is now clearly killing a lot of people early in life and unnaturally. To this day, no established professional group of doctors, or formal association, or major journal, has called for an end to the vaxx program.

The hazard signal has been clear for the better part of a year. The mRNA products made by Pfizer and Moderna did not stop transmission of Covid-19 and were causing widespread harm, especially in the working-age population between 25 and 64 who were forced to take the shots to keep their jobs. For the whole population, all-causes deaths and disabilities were still rising at the end of 2022.

The trend appeared to start with the unnatural deaths of professional athletes dropping dead on their playing fields. Then, in early 2022, life insurance companies reported that the death rates of policy-holders employed by companies with insurance plans were up 40 percent.

The unprecedented numbers were confirmed in mid-2022 by the Society of Actuaries the professional org of people who actually parse the statistics that the insurance industry bases its business model on. In fact the number of excess deaths in younger age groups had grown dramatically Covid vaccination produced a 78-percent increase in excess deaths among the 25-34 age group, a 100-percent increase in excess deaths among the 35-44 age group, and a 80-percent increase in excess deaths among the 45-54 age group.

These alarming signals arrived special-delivery and gift-wrapped to the medical profession and, amazingly, no corresponding warning to the public came back out. The doctors continued to push the vaccines.

The public health officials (many of them doctors) in all the agencies under the US Dept. of Health and Human Services withheld information about the harms that were being done and continued to run vaxx-up advertisements at the same time these officials must have noticed the incoming disturbing data. As late as this new year, CDC Director Rochelle Walensky appeared in TV ads promoting mRNA booster shots.

In short, a professional class the public depends on to define reality has done everything possible to conceal and distort reality. The cable news networks and the newspapers amplified the distortions to prevent the public from understanding what was happening to them in an epic world health crisis.

Social media, managed backstage by government intel agencies, reinforced the information blackout and their own nefarious lies. The crisis was coming not so much from the Covid-19 virus itself, which had a death rate well under one percent of those infected; the crisis came from the supposed remedy for the virus, the vaccines pushed on the uninformed and misinformed citizens.

And what are they going to do now? Pretend that none of this is happening? Continue to demonize, discredit, and punish the few doctors who wont pretend? My PC doc doubles as Chief Health Officer of his group practice. Hes fired doctors and others on the staff who refused to take the shots his company mandated.

Hes dishonored his Hippocratic oath. Hes in mid-life with, one would assume ordinarily, many working years ahead of him. The information about vaccine deaths and disabilities is going to get worse, and his own behavior around the crisis is going to look worse, probably even to himself. There are hundreds of thousands of doctors like him. As of now, early 2023, there is no general movement among them to explain or apologize for their actions. What will happen?

Article goes on....its a great read looking back at all of the evidence.

An apology is loooong over due.

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Jan 5 2023 11:59AM
     Athletes Sudden Death Coincidence of Jab Numbers Tell Truth
Over prior 38 years(1966-2004) 1101 athletes died from heart conditions.

Over 1 year 1101 athletes died from heart conditions.

Now what occurred over the last year that might have contributed to this?

Hmmmm....maybe the jab!!

All part of the "Died Suddenly" category. Google it.

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Oct 20 2022 12:59AM
     80 Canadian doctors died suddenly
Dr. William Makis Proves Canadian Doctors Deaths Following COVID Shot Have More Than Doubled To 80

At the first of October, Dr. William Makis joined me to discuss how he has been blowing the whistle regarding the high number of doctors who have died in Canada following being forced to take the deadly, experimental COVID shots.

At that time, he had been promoting 32 Canadian doctors that lost their lives following the shot, but warned that the number could have easily been double that at that time.

Now, in a recent letter, Dr. Makis claims there are at least 80 Canadian doctors who have died following taking the experimental COVID shot.

Part of the letter.....

On September 3, 2022, I wrote you a letter regarding the sudden and unexpected deaths of 32 young Canadian doctors since the rollout of COVID19 vaccines, and I raised concerns about COVID19 vaccines and vaccine mandates contributing to these sudden deaths.

The letter went viral on social media, it was viewed by millions of people worldwide, was translated into dozens of languages, and became the topic of numerous podcasts, media interviews, internet videos and news articles.

I am now providing you an update with information about 80 young Canadian doctors who died suddenly or unexpectedly since the rollout of COVID19 vaccines. Four more doctors have died since my previous letter, and these unexpected deaths are accelerating. You cannot continue to ignore this.

My team has assembled a database of 1638 Canadian doctor deaths during the period 2019 2022, with 972 of them from CMAs own website. Our preliminary analysis of this extensive data suggests that Canadian doctor deaths under age 50 in 2022 will be 2 fold higher compared to the 2019 2020 average. Shockingly, Canadian doctor deaths under age 40 are already 5 fold higher in 2022 compared to the 2019 2020 average, and Canadian doctor deaths under age 30 are 8 fold higher!

McMaster University recently announced the sudden deaths of 3 young fully COVID vaccinated medical residents during the summer of 2022, which is unprecedented. All Canadian medical students and residents were forced into unscientific, unethical, cruel and harmful COVID 19 vaccine mandates.

1. Go ahead and take a look at the story. They have their pictures. Young doctors.
2. Largest category death is now "Died Suddenly"
3. You'd think they would have known better.
4. And no investigations. Why? (followed by) Because they know, why !!!
5. Taking their own poison
6. Time tells all......Lots more will follow
7. I have a lot of friends who just don't want hear anything
8. You have ask yourself why hasn't anyone called for an investigation of some sort by either the medical establishment or RCMP..etc. How many more DR will have to die before they take action?
9. Because who's going to take the liability? The manufacturer is cleared so the gov?? Lol

There ya have it folks. The hits keep on coming.

Not to worry....SAFE & EFFECTIVE

I guess the jab did in fact work.

It stopped them from getting covid.

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Oct 11 2022 11:36AM
     Pfizer Bombshell Has Some Explaining To Do
Member of the European Parliament Robert Roos

In COVID hearing, #Pfizer director admits: #vaccine was never tested on preventing transmission.

"Get vaccinated for others" was always a lie.

The only purpose of the #COVID passport: forcing people to get vaccinated.

The world needs to know. Share this video

Rob Roos MEP @Rob_Roos) October 11, 2022


Do it for your neighbor....elderly. ALL A LIE.

Prison for all these people.

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Oct 7 2022 02:58PM
     Australia Now Injecting Cattle 35 Died out of 200
Instant Death Of Cows Who Received mRNA Vaccine

A friend informed me today that her neighbor, a dairy farmer, is now forced to vaccinate her herd with an mRNA vaccine!

She complied and of the 200 head of cattle, 35 died instantly!

would sue the DPI The farmer said it is mandatory for all dairy farms to have their herd jabbed with this mRNA vaccine.

Am not yet sure if thats for NSW or across Australia, but will investigate immediately Implications?

Dairy herd DNA is altered.

Milk is altered and you CONSUME IT!


The insanity is not over.

Australia has been even WORSE than California.

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Oct 6 2022 09:15AM
     "Serious Event" CDC data finally released
25% Of People Who Received Covid-19 Vaccination Missed Work Or Reported A "Serious Event" Affecting Their Normal Life Functions, According To CDC Data


Official data from the CDC has been released due to court orders, as stated by lawyer Aaron Siri. The findings show that 25% of people who got the shot (from a database of 10 million) couldnt perform normal activities and had to miss work or school afterward.

Lawyer Aaron Siri has successfully obtained reports from the CDC after the Informed Consent Action Network sued the organization twice. The court order required the CDC to release crucial information on the vaccines safety.

The newly released data is eye-opening.

According to the official CDC data shared by Siri, about 1.2 million people were unable to perform regular activities, 1.3 million had to miss work or school, and another 800,000 people required medical care after getting the vaccine. A total of 3,353,110 recipients were negatively impacted by the jab.

It took 463 days to receive the data, and Siri believes the CDC could have provided the information in a matter of minutes. Why did it take numerous legal demands, multiple appeals two lawsuits in fact before the CDC finally handed over the v-safe data Siri asks.

These findings are very concerning; for years, the vaccine was advertised as safe and effective. Siri said, A big reason that they pushed the Covid vaccine is [because] they said, look, not everybody is gonna get you know seriously injured by Covid, but for many, it ll prevent them from having symptoms, being hospitalized, missing work.

Well, now that we have the data, we could see that getting the vaccine caused 25% of people who got the shot within this data set of 10 million people to miss work, to have some serious event affecting their normal life functions.


Hate to say I told all of you so. Look at my previous blogs stating this very fact with actual SCIENCE.

They can NOT hide this anymore.

NOBODY in their right mind would take another MRna or RNA vaccine...for ANYTHING.

PS The attached chart is from CDC's own VAERS reporting system for Doctors. Which not all Dr's input data. The chart is from mid 2021 when the jabs were in full swing.

Literally MILLIONS have died from the jab. Not an exaggeration.

Also does not include dramatic rises in other diseases like cancer.

This was truly evil.
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May 25 2022 11:47AM
     Moderna CEO 30 Million Thrown Away
Says he can not give it away now. This is recent and thought to be taken at Davos. Can not confirm that. Where ever this CEO was does not take away from his statements. Which are recent.

No country wants the jabs......

You want to know why?

Look for the next comment.

These people have NO reflection what so ever.

Even from their OWN studies....oops.

Just let the cat out of the bag....

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May 2 2022 03:28PM
     Walgreens Reported Vaccine Results
Walgreens data shows the Vaccine and Booster arent working.


1 Dose 19%
2 Does 24%
2 Does < = 5 months 17.3%
3 Does > 5 months 27.8%
3 Does <= 5 months ago 24.6%

The verdict is in. From Wallgreens.

LOWEST chance of getting any variant of covid.......NOT VACCINATED.

Comments: Not mine

1. Now add in the known short term side effects and the unknown long term side effects.

2. There you go again trying to confuse me with data, charts, facts.RACIST!

3. The placebo group is winning!

4. Probably most unvaccinated have already been exposed and developed normal immunity.
Can the vaccinated develop immunity? Or do most/all of them have VAIDS?

5. Watch it. Cant let that out or they'll get attacked by the Ministry of Truth.

6. First vaccine in history that increases likelihood of contracting the virus it was supposed to protect you against.

7. Disinformation! Russian Propaganda!

8. The pure bloods be like, WINNING!

9. The pure bloods be like, WINNING!

10. More data proving libs and Democrats are idiots.

11. If youre vaccinated, you cant get Covid" Joe Biden. July 2021

So I guess now Walgreens is part of the vast right wing conspiracy.

When are you so beholden to the jab finally going to say it did not work?

The evidence is there...right here.....right now.
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Apr 19 2022 11:46AM
     Mask Mandate Facts vs Fiction
If you add up all the numbers on those two lines, you find that the mask mandates made zero difference. The cumulative rate of infection over the course of the pandemic was about 24 percent in the mandate states as well as in the non-mandate states.

Their cumulative rates of Covid mortality were virtually identical, too (in fact, there were slightly more deaths per capita in the states with mask mandates).

If this hasnt persuaded you to take off your mask, you can find lots more reasons in a book by Ian Miller, the data analyst who created the graph for City Journal. Miller, who has tracked pandemic trends for the Brownstone Institute, has assembled the damning evidence in Unmasked: The Global Failure of COVID Mask Mandates.

The book documents how mask mandates were implemented without scientific justification, how they failed around the world, and how public officials and journalists have kept making fools of themselves by pretending otherwise.

In their pre-Covid planning strategies for a pandemic, neither the Centers for Disease Control nor the World Health Organization had recommended masking the public for good reason. Randomized clinical trials involving flu viruses had shown, contrary to popular wisdom in Japan and other Asian countries, that there was no evidence that face masks are effective in reducing transmission, as the WHO summarized the scientific literature.

The pandemic planners at the United Kingdoms Department of Health had reached a similar conclusion: In line with the scientific evidence, the Government will not stockpile facemasks for general use in the community.

Anthony Fauci acknowledged this evidence early in the pandemic, both in his public comments (Theres no reason to be walking around with masks, he told 60 Minutes) and in his private emails (I do not recommend you wear a mask, he told a colleague, explaining that masks were too porous to block the small Covid virus).

Meantime, the medias favorite experts kept predicting doom for states that never mandated masks, like Florida, or that ended the mandates early in 2021, like Iowa, whose policy shift was denounced as reckless and delusional in a Washington Post article headlined, Welcome to Iowa, a state that doesnt care if you live or die.

Iowas Covid death toll plummeted right after the article appeared. Over the course of the pandemic, both Iowa and Florida have done better than the national average in measures of Covid mortality as well as overall excess mortality (the number of deaths more than normal from all causes).

Covering up may give the maskaholics a false sense of security but they could breathe more easily if theyd just face the facts.

Drop Mic
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Mar 30 2022 11:19AM
     Department of Defense Just Got Caught Lying About Vaccine Injuries
The attorney Thomas Renz has just discovered that the Department of Defense is altering data to hide the number of our service members who have been injured by the experimental and deadly COVID vaccines.

Mr. Renz also has the sworn statements of four whistleblowers inside the DoD serving as Army medical officer who have reviewed the relevant information and corraborated that important medical data has been altered. All of them had access to the relevant database called the Defense Medical Epidemiological Database (DMED)and they independently verified the findings.

They found dramatic increases in serious conditions after vaccination: a 456% increase in acute myocardial infarction, a 468% increase in pulmonary embolism, a 296% increase in all cancers, a 275% increase in myocarditis.

The Department of Defense responded to these whistleblower accounts by claiming that the increases in illness were actually false due to previously unreported errors in the DMED database itself:

According to the whistlebowers, the DoD then took the entire DMED database offline and fraudently altered the information on the database.

This is fraud on such a massive scale that its hard to comprehend the implications to our society. The DoD, and the entire federal government, have been caught mandating the use of deadly DNA-altering drugs that have now harmed millions of people.

This is going to be the largest medical scandal in the history of the world. Nothing else comes close. This should bring down the Biden regime ultimately, and lead to massive reforms in such corrupt agencies as the FDA and the CDC as well as criminal indictments for figures in Big Pharma and Big Government like Fauci and Bourla.

The federal government has recklessly gambled with the health of the American people.

There will need to be thorough public investigations in the coming years over this coordinated global fraud if our republic is going to survive. (Regarding that question: I have my doubts.) How did the public health sector and the medical community get captured by Big Pharma?
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Mar 25 2022 09:43AM
     Wonder why? Australian Football player collapses with cardiac event.
Bulldogs Player Hayden Crozier hooked up to ECG.

Totally normal situation.

Nothing to see here.

It is definitely not normal for so many mainly young athletes to suffer from cardiac arrests or to die while playing their sport, but this year it is happening. Many of these heart issues and deaths come shortly after they got a COVID vaccine.

While it is possible this can happen to people who did not get a COVID vaccine, the sheer numbers clearly point to the only obvious cause.

The so-called health professionals running the COVID vaccine programs around the world keep repeating that the COVID vaccine is a normal vaccine and it is safe and effective.

So in response to their pronouncement, here is a non-exhaustive and continuously growing list of mainly young athletes who had major medical issues in 2021/2022 after receiving one or more COVID vaccines.

Initially, many of these were not reported. We know that many people were told not to tell anyone about their adverse reactions and the media was not reporting them. They started happening and ramping up after the first COVID vaccinations.

The mainstream media still are not reporting most, but sports news cannot ignore the fact that soccer players and other stars collapse in the middle of a game due to a sudden cardiac arrest. Many of those die more than 50%.

Just to provide perspective.

Normally there are about 2.4 incidences a month worldwide.
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