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 57 yrs old
Registered Dec 26 2018
Released Apr 8 2021

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Mar 20 2022 06:08PM
     Are there ANY studies? You Decide if Ivermectin works.
Just found this website today. Was not looking for it but came across it by accident.

There are a couple of people in particular who say THERE IS NO SCIENCE for Ivermectin to treat Covid.

This website has ALL of the studies.

So....lets please FOLLOW THE SCIENCE....the real science.

Can not wait to hear the nay sayers.....lmao.

They would rather see people die. As Doctors did do in the US and around the world.

And this pill would have saved tens of millions.

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Mar 14 2022 05:46AM
     Pfizer CEO 4th shot is now Necessary

“Right now, the way that we have seen, yes it is necessary, a fourth booster right now. The protection that you are getting from the third, it is good enough, actually quite good for hospitalizations and deaths. It’s not that good against infections, and doesn’t last very long.”


1. Wonder if her will get his FIRST shot. As he was not allowed to travel to Israel.

2. Who else has quit listening to Pfizer?

3. 1-2-3-4
Pfizer’s the Shot
Give Me More!
So where is Faxci
with all His Love

4. This was the test run, wait for Bill Gate’s special pandemic 2.0

5. I can’t get a fourth shot. Bc I haven’t had the first three.

6. “The protection that you are getting from the third, …. actually quite good for hospitalizations and deaths.”

Show me the data!!!!

7. He said it was good for hospitalizations and deaths.......see the NEXT comment. He is correct on the DEATH part.


Mar 8 2022 06:15AM
     Did Mask Mandates and Lockdowns Work. Here is the SCIENCE.
Dr. Joseph Fraiman: Personally, I would like to apologize to the three other scientists sitting with me here on Zoom, the proponents of the Great Barrington Declaration I'm sorry, because I believe now you guys were correct. And you were correct from the beginning.

Public Health Erred on the Side of Catastrophe

In a coercive mass experiment, governments opened a Pandoras box of harms

Throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, proponents of lockdowns, shelter-in-place orders, mask mandates and other coercive government interventions have characterized these measures as benevolently erring on the side of caution.

Generally speaking, erring on the side of caution in everyday life means lowering risk with a precaution that has a negligible cost.

Overconfident, unnuanced messaging conditioned us to assume that all dissenting opinions are misinformation rather than reflections of good faith disagreement or differing priorities, write Rutgers professors Jacob Hale Russell and Dennis Patterson in their essay, The Mask Debacle. In doing so, elites drove out scientific research that might have separated valuable interventions from the less valuable.

That hasnt been the case with Covid mandates. Though many continue embracing the illusion of government control over Covid, the contrary studies and real-world observations are stacking far too high to be denied any longer by the intellectually honest among us.

The breadth of the resulting harms from the ensuing plunge into public health authoritarianism is staggering.

Public health erred on the side of a mental health crisis.

Public health erred on the side of drug overdoses.

Public health erred on the side of auto fatalities.

Public health erred on the side of domestic violence.

Public health erred on the side of riots, arson and looting.

Public health erred on the side of confining people where the virus is transmitted most.

Lockdowns ordered people away from workplaces, schools, restaurants and bars and into their homes, where New York contract tracers found 74% of Covid spread was happening, compared to just 1.4% in bars and restaurants and even less in schools and workplaces.

Public health erred on the side of obesity.

Public health erred against fresh air, exercise and Vitamin D.

Public health erred on the side of killing small businesses.

Public health erred on the side of harming womens careers.

Public health erred on the side of inflation.

However, it should also be noted that public health officialsand media that overwhelmingly emphasized negative stories whipped up a level of fear that led people to overstate the level of danger actually posed by the virus.

On top of all that, the edicts were reinforced by Orwellian censorship and ostracism leveled at those who dared raise questions that have now proven valid.

So make no mistake: Overreaching public health officials and politicians and the journalists-in-name-only who served as their mindless, unquestioning megaphones have fully earned our withering condemnation. Indeed, holding them accountable is essential to sparing ourselves and future generations from repeating this dystopian chapter of human history.

Yup.....I was right.......all of you who attacked me.


PS This is NOT a victory lap for me.

Actually it points out how NARROW minded some people are to see FACTS and immediately want to attack people without even a small amount of opening up your mind.

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Mar 2 2022 03:40PM
     Pfizes COVID-19 Vaccine Goes Into Liver Cells and Changes your DNA
This is the first time that researchers have shown in vitro or inside a petri dish how an mRNA vaccine is converted into DNA on a human liver cell line, and is what health experts and fact-checkers said for over a year could NOT occur.

THEY LIED---see below.

The genetic material delivered by mRNA vaccines never enters the nucleus of your cells, the CDC said on its web page titled Myths and Facts about COVID-19 Vaccines.

The CDC says that the COVID-19 vaccines do not change or interact with your DNA in any way, claiming that all of the ingredients in both mRNA and viral vector COVID-19 vaccines (administered in the United States) are discarded from the body once antibodies are produced. These vaccines deliver genetic material that instructs cells to begin making spike proteins found on the surface of SARS-CoV-2 that causes COVID-19 to produce an immune response.

Pfizer did not comment on the findings of the Swedish study and said only that its mRNA vaccine does not alter the human genome. -----right we believe you Pfizer LIE LIE LIE

Our COVID-19 vaccine does not alter the DNA sequence of a human cell, a Pfizer spokesperson told The Epoch Times in an email. It only presents the body with the instructions to build immunity.

LIE LIE LIE....and people needlessly DIED.

Spike proteins may circulate in the body after an infection or injection with a COVID-19 vaccine. It was assumed that the vaccines spike protein would remain mostly at the injection site and last up to several weeks like other proteins produced in the body.

But studies are showing that is not the case.

The Japanese regulatory agencys biodistribution study (pdf) of the Pfizer vaccine showed that some of the mRNAs moved from the injection site and through the bloodstream, and were found in various organs such as the liver, spleen, adrenal glands, and ovaries of rats 48 hours following injection.

The whole process occurred rapidly within six hours. The vaccines mRNA converting into DNA and being found inside the cells nucleus is something that the CDC said would not happen.

Dr. Peter McCullough, an internist, cardiologist, and epidemiologist, wrote on Twitter that the Swedish studys findings have enormous implications of permanent chromosomal change and long-term constitutive spike synthesis driving the pathogenesis of a whole new genre of chronic disease.


Pfizer lied....CDC lied.

The jab CHANGES your bodies DNA. And what the future holds for those people is yet to be determined. Many times causing death.

And its not just the liver. It tends to go EVERYWHERE.

This is why over 100k Americans died from the jab. Athletes are dropping on the field.

And one final note for ALL of the people who denounced what I have been posting on this subject.......YOU WERE FRICKING WRONG.

Every single muther trucker. EVERYONE.

You have blood on your hands as does Pfizer Moderna...WHO....CDC.

PS A 22 year old Stanford goalie just died. Wonder how a top athlete just collapses. Death unknown is code for the Jab. Please.....professional soccer players dropping like flies. Calif made all adult college students get the JAB or no school. FFS.

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Jan 11 2022 09:27AM
     MSN News
Belgian scientific research station in Antarctica is dealing with an outbreak of Covid-19, despite workers being fully vaccinated and based in one of the world's remotest regions.

Vax works just fine.

Were they social about those masks...tisk tisk.
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Jan 10 2022 01:48PM
     Covid: 75% of deaths occurred in those with at least 4 co morbidities
To start off with for the naysayers. This is NOT political for me. The "vaccine" was started and finished under Trump...and rolled out under Biden. So please there is much blame to go around.

This is seeking the truth. We....the American people....have been lied to.

Now for the blog:

CDC Director Rochelle Walensky The overwhelming number of deaths, over 75%, occurred in people who had at least four co-morbidities. So really these are people who were unwell to begin with.


We all been getting played. The only people buying the shitte the CDC, FDA, NIH, and the DNC are selling is their brain dead base (which includes their intellectuals)

Go take a look at January 7th death rate.
0.8 per 100,000
December 23rd, 1.0 per 100,000
Lets be honest also, theres a very large number that are not going in to get tested.
This is less than a bad flu season statistically.

The great unraveling. I need popcorn!

Bit of a long post apologies. But this has to be called out.
75% have 4 co-morbidities meaning other diseases and conditions that were killing them. what Walensky didnt say was that 94% had at least 2 co-morbidities OR that means that just 6% of reported deaths were with ONLY covid a cause of death. this means that instead of the 850,000 listed deaths, just 51,000 died with ONLY covid present.

now factor in that there were ZERO flu deaths recorded during 2020 and 2021, when the ten year range is between 12,000 and 52,000 per annum for the ten years prior to 2020 and the excess deaths is NORMAL at around 25,000 deaths with ONLY the new flu covid present.

now factor in that the RT-PCR test is more accurate than the RAT rapid antigen test and that the RT-PCR test has been withdrawn because it cannot distinguish between new flu or old flu or any of their variants because at over the 35 cycles in common use throughout the US, 95% of results are FALSE positives and negatives and you get some idea of the false narrative by ALL players in considering this a pandemic.

lastly, why did she not reinforce the point that these injections are NOT VACCINES because they do NOT PREVENT INFECTION OR TRANSMISSION or prevent severe symptoms, but instead have caused severe adverse events and deaths? most analysis suggests that the VAERS system reports just one in 40 events, meaning that the cure has killed 800,000 (20,000 dead on VAERS) and seriously injured 40 million (1 million adverse events on VAERS).
These excess deaths and injuries from the injections are in line with the excess deaths in Pfizers clinical trials as exposed here (see pages 13 and 33).

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Jan 8 2022 03:29PM
     French soccer player suffers heart attack during game Disturbing video

Ousmane Coulibaly, 32 years old, collapsed today during a match in Qatar. He writhes in pain for several minutes before the ambulance arrives on the field.

The video is hard to watch......poor guy suffered HEEDLESSLY.

An ambulance was brought on the pitch as Al-Wakrah defender Ousmane Coulibaly collapsed during the Qatar Stars League match against Al-Rayyan. Horrifying TV footage showed him struggling on the ground before medics rushed to help him

Mohamed El Gharbawy (@Gharbawy) January 8, 2022

Comments: Not Mine

Obviously he needs another booster shot then he will be just fine, according to Fauci.

This is normal. Now get your 10th booster

As much as it pains to witness such scenes, understand that thousands more are suffering the same fate, yet know one knows about it, because our evil overlords are actively hiding the consequences of the death jab. Can you imagine how much worse the coercion would be if these top athletes werent dying Live in full view of the public?

This is only a partial list of suspected vax death/injured sports people 20/21. There are at least another 20-30 names. I have been a sports watchers all my life and Ive never seen anything remotely close to this. There is a study cited in the Canadian Covid Care Alliance video that claims an average of 4 heart deaths / injuries per year for sports people every year since 2003, and 21 during 2021. I think it is much more than that.

Brandon Goodwin (NBA impaired ),
Kyle Warner (Pro Mountain Biker: pericarditis) ,
Jake Kazmarek (d. 28 bodybuilder),
James Kandilios (d. 23 CoV complications weightlifter)
Suzanna Newell (impaired ex-triathlete),
Florian Dagoury (myocarditis; world record freediving), Antoine Méchin (triathlete 32, pulmonary),
Jeremy Chardy (34yo, tennis pro #73, impaired),
Ben Madgen (36 Aus ex-pro basketball- pericard.),
AFL Adelaide Crows (player: pericard., director Nick Takos resigned),
Yusuke Kinoshita (28yo Jpn pro baseball d. Heart), Richard Harward (BYU basketball, heart),
Ian Matos (32 Olympic Diver d. lung),
Boris Sadecky (d 24 Bratislava Capitals ice hockey)

Pedro Obiang (Sassuolo 29 myocard.),
Adam Traore (Sheriff Tiraspol),
John Fleck (Sheffield Utd),
Christian Erickson (Denmark),
Sergio Aguero (Barcelona),
Francisco Garcia (d. Spanish club coach),
Victor Lindelof (Man U),
Charlie Wyke (Wigan Athletic),
Emil Palsson (Iceland),
Piotr Zielinski (Napoli),
Martin Terrier (Rennes),
Marin Cacic (d. Croatian clu,
Soufiane Lokar (d. Algerian clu
Makhlid Al Ramadi (d. Oman clu,
Ahmed Amin (d. Egypt clu;
Wesson Abou Ali (Vendsyssel, Denmark Div 2),
Viktor Marcell (d. 18 Andrashida, Hungary),
Rune Coghe (d. 18 Belgium football),
Jens de Smet (d. 27 FCC Filosof);
Ethan Trejo (d. 16 Princeton HS soccer),
Jack Alkhatib (d. 17 Dutch Fork HS soccer);
Osmane Coulibaly (32 Qatar Al-Wakrah)

NBA: CJ McCollum (collapse); Keyontae Johnson (Florida Gators basketball collapse);

Rugby: Siobhan Cattigan (26 d. Scot);

Baseball: Andres Melendez (20 d. Cleveland);

Josh Downie (24 cricket Liverpool) ;

Kjeld Nuisance (ice skater 31 impaired), Ryan Jacobs (swimming)

Alberto Olguin (d. PGA caddie)

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Jan 5 2022 06:28AM
     The Winds are Changing on COVID Great Suspicions
Kathy Hochul suddenly changes her tune Very Suspicious

Kathy Hochul suddenly gets religion on Covid hospital numbers

Have to ask yourself.....WHY? Is it upcoming it the truth is leaking out and want to get ahead of it.....why now?

Will Calif follow suit.....

Comments: Not mine

They have read the polling data and know their scam is up.
It wont be long before Democrats take victory laps claiming they beat the virus.

Florida has issued Stay at Home Orders for all residents of New York, Michigan and California. Cheers from the Sunshine State.

Its an election year.

YES! Perfect analysis. Hochul simply wants the pandemic numbers to look better under HER term.

Remember that if anyone else said these things 2 months ago, they were a conseeeewhatheeey theeewist!

I agree with her opinion of this They are trying to reduce the numbers .. they were purposely inflated for political reasons they ditched Andrew as he was damaged goods & he was paid off with a book deal.. she will be the sunshine but there are still 15,000 dead from his decision

Why? Why now? Simple: Anything to help them personally. They want to reduce the number of deaths under their watch so they dont look bad. The BS was great when it could be used to attack the GOP and DJT. Now that they own it (and they are seriously screwing up) they must get numbers in their favor. They are all liars, thieves and miscreants.

New York state will start breaking down its hospital figures between "with" and "because" of COVID-19, Governor Kathy Hochul says.

"We're going to start asking some questions .. is that person in the hospital because of COVID" or because of a car crash?

BNO Newsroom (@BNODesk) January 4, 2022

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Jan 4 2022 09:10AM
     Why so many Vax'd getting Covid?
Why are so many vaccinated people getting COVID-19 lately?

A couple of factors are at play, starting with the emergence of the highly contagious omicron variant. Omicron is more likely to infect people, even if it doesn't make them very sick, and its surge coincided with the holiday travel season in many places.

People might mistakenly think the COVID-19 vaccines will completely block infection, but the shots are mainly designed to prevent severe illness, says Louis Mansky, a virus researcher at the University of Minnesota.

^^^^^^^^READ THAT AGAIN^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

"but the shots are mainly designed to prevent severe illness,"

Is that not what a therapeutic does?

Ohhh thats right we changed errrr Fauci changed the definition of a vaccine.

So the Pfizers of the world can not stop you from getting Covid BUT may help prevent severe illness.

Its coming out.....CNN has now said Obesity is an underlying health condition.

Me...I'll stick with Ivermectin.
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Dec 29 2021 02:32PM
     CDC Now says PCR Test is NOT Valid Method for Detecting "Confirmed Covid-19 Cases"
A person sent me this story and wanted to give them credit but not sure if they want it.
So he can comment on the blog if they so choose....but I did not find this.

Bombshell: CDC No Longer Recognizes the PCR Test As a Valid Method for Detecting Confirmed Covid-19 Cases?

In the Course of the Next THREE DAYS the PCR test in the US will be Declared Invalid?

This misuse of the RT-PCR technique is applied as a relentless and intentional strategy by some governments to justify excessive measures such as the violation of a large number of constitutional rights, under the pretext of a pandemic based on a number of positive RT-PCR tests, and not on a real number of patients. .Dr. Pascal Sacré, Belgian physician specialized in critical care and renowned public health analyst.


The PCR Smoking Gun?

As of January 1, 2022, the CDC in a request to the FDA withdraws its endorsement of the RT-PCR test.

The CDC acknowledges that the PCR test does not effectively differentiate between Covid-19 and Seasonal Influenza. <<<<<>>>>>

Amply documented and analyzed by numerous scientists, the RT-PCR test does not detect or identify SARS-CoV-2 and its variants.

While the CDC does not officially acknowledge that the RT-PCR test is invalid, it nonetheless calls for it to be withdrawn.

It is worth noting that almost a year ago, in January 2021, the WHO also questioned the validity of the PCR test which it had itself put forth at the very outset of the covid crisis.

If the PCR test is invalid as suggested by the CDCs statement, the 260 Million so-called Confirmed Covid-19 Cases collected and tabulated Worldwide since the outset of the alleged pandemic are meaningless.

There is no Pandemic.

CDC encourages laboratories to consider adoption of a multiplexed method that can facilitate detection and differentiation of SARS-CoV-2 and influenza viruses. Such assays can facilitate continued testing for both influenza and SARS-CoV-2 and can save both time and resources as we head into influenza season. Laboratories and testing sites should validate and verify their selected assay within their facility before beginning clinical testing. (emphasis added)

It has taken them almost two years to recognize that the PCR test is flawed and invalid.

Read carefully, what this CDC directive tacitly admits is that the PCR test cannot differentiate between SARS-CoV-2 and influenza viruses.

WOW......what a scam.
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Dec 28 2021 12:03PM
     IRS issues new tax alert just for Biden voters No Joke
From a reporter at the DailyWire

This is real.

— Ryan Saavedra (@RealSaavedra) December 28, 2021

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Dec 28 2021 09:25AM
     Dr. Peter McCullough blockbuster interview
Interview with Joe Rogan.

A REAL expert vs Fauci.

McCullough, a practicing internist, cardiologist and epidemiologist, and chief medical advisor of Truth for Health Foundation, told Rogan that from the outset of the pandemic, there were a number of sinister ways doctors worldwide were restricted from prescribing hydroxychloroquine even though the science shows its an effective early treatment for COVID patients.

McCullough referred to hydroxychloroquine as the leading drug worldwide to treat COVID-19.

He explained that early on in the pandemic the U.S. had the right idea, and stockpiled hydroxychloroquine only later to refuse to release any of the millions of doses from the stockpile.

At the same time, he explained, France redesignated hydroxychloroquine from an over-the-counter drug to prescription-only, making it much more difficult for people to use.

In Australia, doctors who used their best judgment and prescribed hydroxychloroquine to treat COVID patients were threatened with jail time, McCullough said.

During this time, one of the worlds largest hydroxychloroquine manufacturing facilities mysteriously burnt down outside Taipei, Taiwan, McCullough said.

It seems to me, early on, there was an intentional, very comprehensive, suppression of early treatment in order to promote fear, suffering, isolation, hospitalization and death. And it was completely organized and intentional in order to create acceptance for, and then promote mass vaccination.

McCullough told Rogan the reason so few medical professionals are willing to speak up against the new, anti-scientific COVID regime is theyre under a mass formation psychosis, meaning the COVID fear-mongering and propaganda has placed almost the entire professional field in a state of irrational complacency.

In the U.S. only about 500 doctors really understand whats going on and theres about a million he said.

When asked by Rogan why so many people are fine after getting a COVID vaccine, McCullough said the human body is a miraculous thing,but shared his worries about the health ramifications of an ongoing booster campaign.

The spike protein stays in the body for at least 15 months if we start vaccinating every six months, I think the spike protein will never get out of the body,he said. The spike protein accumulates and progressive accumulation is very worrisome.

Moderna was working on the Vaccine before the virus was made public

Ivermectin & HCQ are effective in the countries who use it.

COMMENTS: Not mine

Of course they did. The intentional release of the CCP virus was intended to rig the 2020 election. They couldnt allow the effective therapeutics to be distributed. It would have thwarted their ability to ensure millions of unverified mail-in ballots. It would have thwarted the ability of election officials to criminally change election laws. They couldnt allow people to recover it would have thwarted the mass panic, fear, and hysteria campaign. This was an international effort. If studies appeared showing the efficacy of the proven cheap therapeutics it would have registered too many red flags.

Do not trust the Government: check
Do not trust public schools: check
Do not trust any 3 letter agency: check
Do not trust any .org site: check
Do not trust the MSM: check
Do stay on top of your health!

Its all clearly laid out in chapter 1 of RFK Jrs book, backed up with pages of end notes.

The Jab. Biggest scam every pulled off in the history of mankind.

Anytime they censor people, stop people from prescribing a medication, and try to force people to take a shot for more or less the flu/cold.When it really only affects people who have underlying health conditions and elderly people, that tells you its about money. Especially when they have the border open letting in millions of people that the treasonous administration doesnt care if theyre tested or get the shot. This is about control of the American people how far can they take it. People are going to have to stand together and say enough is enough.

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