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Jun 15 2021 03:13PM
     Worlds Worst Plastic Polluters
What do you think???

What part of the world has the WORST plastic polluters for our Oceans?

Come on....think about it before I give the answers below.

You can do it......

It actually surprised me b/c of all the media attention in US.

Oops did I just give a hint? we go.....
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Jun 15 2021 10:23AM
     ‘Trudeau expects Kamala Harris to be president by end of 2022’…
Trudeau overheard telling staffers he expects Kamala Harris to be President by the end of 2022 per WH official attending G7.


I do not like making them but this seems like a slam dunk.

The goal here is to get Joe to be President 2 years PLUS 1 day. Then insert Kamala as Pres.

If Joe makes it to 2 years PLUS 1 day then Kamala can run for 2 full terms as President.

If Joe leaves or dies before 2 years and 1 day then Kamala would be considered Pres for 1 term and could only run for 1 more term.

Per 22 Amendment to the Constitution....see below.

No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice, and no person who has held the office of President, or acted as President, for more than two years of a term to which some other person was elected President shall be elected to the office of President more than once.


Jun 15 2021 08:42AM
     Can NOT make this up- - -Indiana sued for NOT taking Federal Monies
Indiana sued over the cancellation of federal unemployment programs

Two legal organizations in Indiana are suing the state for the governor's decision to opt out of the federally-funded pandemic unemployment programs.

Indiana Legal Services (ILS) and MaceySwanson Hicks & Sauer law firm have filed a joint lawsuit against the state claiming that ending the benefits would "cause irreparable harm to individual clients."

"These benefits have provided life-sustaining and crucial assistance to many Hoosiers during the pandemic," Jon Laramore, executive director of ILS, said in a statement on Tuesday. "The legislature passed a law creating a right to these benefits, and we’re asking Governor Holcomb to follow the law."

The challenge to Governor Eric Holcomb's decision is based on Indiana law 22-4-37-1 that requires the state to "procure all available federal insurance benefits to citizens," the organizations said in a statement.

Indiana is one of the 25 Republican-led states eliminating or planning to eliminate certain unemployment programs this month and early next month. Alaska, Iowa, Missouri, and Mississippi canceled their programs on Saturday. The federal expiration is September 6.

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Jun 15 2021 05:37AM
     Arizona Pushing back on Federal Gov over reach of audit---READ LETTER
Finally a state that understands his letter.


Arizona’s attorney general today warned the Biden Justice Department to back off its criticism of the state Senate’s audit of the Maricopa County 2020 vote, charging that it was giving into “hysterical” liberal Trump haters.

“My office is not amused by the DOJ's posturing and will not tolerate any effort to undermine or interfere with our State Senate's audit to reassure Arizonans of the accuracy of our elections,” wrote Attorney General Mark Brnovich to Attorney General Merrick Garland.

“We stand ready to defend federalism and state sovereignty against any partisan attacks or federal overreach,” he added.

Garland last week mocked election audits like those in Maricopa County. “Many of the justifications proffered in support of these post-election audits and restrictions on voting have relied on assertions of material vote fraud in the 2020 election that have been refuted by law enforcement and intelligence agencies,” he said.

But in the new tussle over the audit of former President Trump’s loss, Brnovich said it was Garland’s argument that should be mocked as well as a letter from the department’s Civil Rights Division.


“Your comments followed a May 5 letter from Pamela Karlan of the Department of Justice's Civil Rights Division, on the subject of the Arizona Senate's oversight of the Maricopa County audit. This letter appeared more interested in supporting the hysterical outcries of leftist pundits on cable television, rather than the rule of law,” wrote Brnovich, who last week announced his bid for the Senate.

Wrote Brnovich, “Arizona will not sit back and let the Biden administration abuse its authority, refuse to uphold laws, or attempt to commandeer our state's sovereignty.”

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Jun 14 2021 04:23PM
     Psssst AOC Call Grandma FIRST before opening mouth & inserting foot. Unless you are into that!!
EXCLUSIVE: 'It's a problem here in Puerto Rico - not with Washington.' AOC's aunt says Trump is NOT to blame for lack of aid to the struggling island after the congresswoman bashed the former president for damage to her grandmother's home

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez shared images on social media last week showing her grandmother's severely damaged house in Puerto Rico

She blamed the damage on former President Donald Trump for blocking aid to the island ravaged by Hurricane Maria

Conservative Matt Walsh raised more than $104,000 to help repair the home, but the congresswoman refused it!! tracked down the 81-year-old's home to a quiet community just outside the coastal city of Arecibo on Puerto Rico's north coast

Blue tarps are seen atop her grandmother's home, which appears to still sustain damage since the passing of Hurricane Maria and Hurricane Irma

A woman who identified herself as AOC's aunt told us, 'We are private people, we don't talk about our family. We don't speak for the community'

Her aunt said: 'In this area people need a lot of help. Many people have needed it for the past four years and haven't had anything'

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's angry tweet about her grandmother's damaged home in Puerto Rico and accusations about 'blocked' Hurricane Maria aid sparked a new storm – with one right-wing commentator starting a GoFundMe page that raised $104,000 to help her 'abuela'.

But the fiery congresswoman might not have the unequivocal support of one member of her family for her online outburst.

AOC tweeted two pictures of grandmother Clotilde Rivera's ruined ceiling with the words: 'Just over a week ago, my abuela fell ill. I went to Puerto Rico to see her – my 1st time in a year+ bc of COVID.

......just a portion
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Jun 14 2021 01:10PM
     NEW VIDEO: Proves Wuhan biolab worked with live bats… 15,000 files deleted…
The Wuhan Institute of Virology kept live bats in cages, new footage from inside the facility has revealed, disproving denials from W.H.O. investigators who claimed the suggestion was a “conspiracy.”

An official Chinese Academy of Sciences video to mark the launch of the new biosafety level 4 laboratory in May 2017 speaks about the security precautions that are in place if “an accident” occurs and reveals there had been “intense clashes” with the French Government during the construction of the laboratory.

The video shows bats being held in a cage at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, along with vision of a scientist feeding a bat with a worm.

The 10 minute video is titled “The construction and research team of Wuhan P4 laboratory of Wuhan Institute of Virology, Chinese Academy of Sciences” and features interviews with its leading scientists.

The WHO report investigating the origin of the pandemic failed to mention that any bats had been kept at the Wuhan Institute of Virology and only its annex referred to animals being housed there.

A member of the World Health Organisation team investigating the origin of the pandemic in Wuhan, zoologist Peter Daszak said it was a conspiracy to suggest bats were held at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

In one tweet dated December, 2020 he said: “No BATS were sent to Wuhan lab for genetic analysis of viruses collected in the field. That’s now how this science works. We collect bat samples, send them to the lab. We RELEASE bats where we catch them!”

In another tweet, dated December 11, 2020, he said: “This is a widely circulated conspiracy theory. This piece describes work I’m the lead on and labs I’ve collaborated with for 15 years. They DO NOT have live or dead bats in them. There is no evidence anywhere that this happened. It’s an error I hope will be corrected.”

This month, Daszak appeared to retract his earlier denials and admitted the Wuhan Institute of Virology may have housed bats but admitted he had not asked them.

The Chinese Academy of Sciences video was discovered by researchers investigating the origin of the pandemic who call themselves DRASTIC.

Digital archivist “Jesse” found the Chinese Academy of Sciences Video while the group’s co-ordinator, who goes by a pseudonym of “Billy Bostickson” for safety reasons, has long complained evidence bats were housed in the Wuhan laboratories.

Mr Daszak has not responded to requests for comment.

What does this prove: Trump was right all along
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Jun 14 2021 05:54AM
     NOT a Conspiracy Theory ANYMORE
This is why the left has and is still fighting against an audit. See story below.

Why Did Ballots Scanned Offsite Continue to Be Delivered to Maricopa Elections Center After Voting Ended?

Thousands of mail-in ballots in pristine condition in Fulton County, Georgia suddenly showed up after the 2020 presidential election. The same scenario simultaneously occurred in Maricopa County, Arizona.

They were printed by Runbeck Election Services in Phoenix, Arizona. This is the same company local media reported on regarding Rey Valenzuela, elections director, and Kevin Runbeck, owner of the printing company.

Brian Runbeck, a significant employee, has been a prolific financial contributor to Democratic campaigns and causes, records show.

When Rudy Giuliani and Arizona state legislatures held public hearings regarding the Maricopa County election fraud of November 2020, among the most compelling sworn testimonies came from elections witness Jan Bryant.

Her testimony coincided with others and may explain Arizona audit director Ken Bennett’s later revelation that Dominion Voting Systems had refused to comply with a subpoena to turn over passwords to its Maricopa County voting machines.

During the hearing on November 30, 2020, Bryant testified under oath that not even county IT staff were allowed access to the machines.

Bryant witnessed Dominion employees with a laptop computer in the counting room during the six days she worked at the Maricopa County Election Center.

During questioning by Republican state Rep. Mark Finchem, Bryant said there were daily election ballot deliveries to the center by Runbeck Election Services. According to witness testimony, these deliveries happened from Nov. 3 to at least Nov. 10.

Jan Bryant: They thought they were done multiple times. Multiple times the people that were running the rooms thought they were done (counting ballots), or almost done. Or were gonna be done Wednesday morning (Nov. 4th), then Thursday morning (Nov. 5th), then Friday morning. Then it went on the whole next week. And I’m like, I asked the question, You don’t know how many ballots are still left to come in? I don’t know who does, again…process…project management, but zero.

Kevin Runbeck’s brother, Brian, although not listed on the website as an executive with the company, is an employee of Runbeck Election Services. He has also been a regular financial contributor to Democratic organizations, including Biden for President and Act Blue.

The story goes get the jist of it.


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Jun 13 2021 05:12AM
     ‘White women shouldn’t report rape by black men’…
This is beyond the words.

An Oxfam staff training document says “privileged white women” are supporting the root causes of sexual violence by wanting “bad men” imprisoned.

In the wake of sex scandals that have rocked the charity, Oxfam has produced guidance which states that: “Mainstream feminism centres on privileged white women and demands that ‘bad men’ be fired or imprisoned.”

Accompanied by a cartoon of a crying white woman, it adds that this “legitimises criminal punishment, harming black and other marginalised people.”

Oxfam said that the training was voluntary, and the views are not presented as its own but designed to help staff understand the issues. However, the charity was warned on Wednesday night that the document, compiled by its LGBT network and seen by The Telegraph, could breach equality laws as it suggests reporting rape is “contemptible.”

The four-week “learning journey” recommends that staff read Me Not You: The Trouble with Mainstream Feminism, a book by Alison Phipps, a professor of gender studies at the University of Sussex.

Summarising the book’s central premise, the Oxfam document says white feminists need to ask themselves whether they are causing harm when they fight sexual violence.

It then links to Prof Phipps’s Twitter account and a thread which summarises the main themes of the book, including: “White feminist tears deploy white woundedness, and the sympathy it generates, to hide the harms we perpetuate through white supremacy.”

Naomi Cunningham, a discrimination and employment law barrister, says the document may breach the Equality Act, which bans harassment in the workplace on the basis of sex.

“The message seems to be that a woman who reports a rape or sexual assault to the police and presses charges is a contemptible ‘white feminist’,” said Ms Cunningham. “I think any woman could make an arguable case that this has created or contributed to ‘an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment’, which is how the Equality Act defines harassment.”

Learning About Trans Rights and Inclusion was drawn up in 2020, whilst Oxfam was still reeling from its own rape scandals in Haiti and Chad.

The charity suffered further blows in April this year, when a female aid worker quit alleging that there was a “toxic culture” and her sexual harassment complaint had been ignored, and it faced separate allegations of sexual misconduct in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

The training manual was written after the charity’s LGBT+ network wrote to the leadership team demanding that they publicly support trans people and suggested that any debate about rights was part of a “patriarchal and white supremacist narrative” used by the far right.

The letter called for specific resources to be made available, adding: “To argue that trans-inclusivity would undermine the vital work we do for women and girls is not only transphobic, but also perpetuates the white saviour complex that assumes that we know best for the people we work with.”

It says that it is “transphobic” to question whether men who identify as women could pose a threat to women and the fact that debates around identity continue among staff is exposing queer employees to harm.

The strategic leadership team responded saying that there “is no place in Oxfam for transphobia.”

It says the charity stands “firmly against” any attempt to exclude trans women, adding in an “important context note”: “Oxfam stands actively against any implication that the realization of trans rights and inclusion poses a threat to creating a safe environment for all.”

Oxfam said on Wednesday night that it “works to tackle discrimination and inequality whether that is on the basis of race, sex, gender identity or sexuality. Our commitment to gender equality includes trans people.

“We believe everyone has the right to freedom of gender identity and expression and will do everything we can to ensure those rights are respected and upheld within our organisation and through our work,” a spokesman said.

“Oxfam treats all allegations of sexual exploitation and abuse extremely seriously and actively encourage people to report wherever they have a concern. How to report is covered thoroughly in our staff training provision.”

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Jun 13 2021 05:02AM
     TV anchor who busted Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch on the tarmac commits suicide…
Ummmmm just add one more to the long list......he even just received a promotion......

Veteran TV newsman and former University of Alabama football player Christopher Sign died Saturday morning in an apparent suicide, according to police.

At 8:13 a.m. Saturday, the Hoover 911 center received a call of a person down at a residence on Scout Trace. Hoover police and fire personnel arrived to find the 45-year-old Sign dead.

Hoover police Lt. Keith Czeskleba said the death is being investigated as a suicide.

ABC 33/40 in 2017 announced Sign was returning to Birmingham from Phoenix as the evening anchor, replacing Dave Baird after he retired.

Question: How many people in your immediate circle have committed suicide or lost their life in unique circumstances?

One thing is for sure being around their orbit is life threatening.......
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Jun 12 2021 06:00AM
     What is Merrick Garland trying to hide… Threatens Arizona and Georgia Audits…
Attorney General Merrick Garland pledged Friday to double the size of the Justice Department’s voting rights enforcement staff to combat efforts to restrict ballot access and prosecute those who threaten or harm election workers.

Garland said the additional trial attorneys, which he plans to hire over the coming 30 days, will scrutinize new laws and existing practices across the nation for potential discrimination against Americans of color, including in new measures GOP state lawmakers are pushing. They will enforce provisions of the Voting Rights Act by challenging such laws or practices in court — and prosecute anyone found to intimidate or threaten violence against election officials.

The expanded unit will also monitor the growing number of post-election ballot reviews being called for around the country by supporters of former president Donald Trump in search of signs of violations of federal laws, Garland said, and will watch over upcoming redistricting efforts to call out discriminatory practices.

“To meet the challenge of the current moment, we must rededicate the resources of the Department of Justice to a critical part of its original mission: Enforcing federal law to protect the franchise of all eligible voters,” Garland said in his address to department employees.

He added: “Where we see violations, we will not hesitate to act.”

Question: If there was NO voter fraud then what are you afraid of??

Question: If its RACIST to have people show ID's to vote then what about when boarding AIR PLANES and other parts of our lives.

Question: If its RACIST to have people show ID when voting then why does EVERY Country in Europe have such laws(47 I believe)....and England is coming around now to one?

Conclusion: Making sure our elections laws do NOT have ID requirement allows for FRAUD.

Conclusion: Disrupting the AUDIT is a sure sign one knows there was FRAUD committed.

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Jun 11 2021 11:10AM
     Texas will build its own border barriers, governor says
Hmmmmm maybe a good idea for California.

Or at least STOP the flow......

California will have about 100,000 illegals this year alone and will accelerate in the coming years.

Newsom DOES have the jail space since letting out 70k plus......

Sad a state has to do what the Const says is the Feds responsibility.

If President Biden won’t build a border wall, then Texas will.

Gov. Greg Abbott said Thursday that his state will erect border barriers in easy-crossing areas along the Rio Grande, and then start arresting and jailing illegal immigrants on state charges.

“The influx across the border is out of control, and the Biden Administration has shown that is not going to step up and do its job,” Mr. Abbott told Breitbart Texas shortly before a border summit Thursday in Del Rio.

The state plans mass arrests and more jails to back that up and send a message to illegal immigrants, the governor said.

“What people have seen in videos across the country seems to be the Biden Administration welcoming these people to the United States. We won’t be sending that message,” the governor said. “If you come to Texas, you’re subject to being arrested. You’re not going to have a pathway to roam the country. You’re going to have a pathway directly into a jail cell.”
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Jun 11 2021 09:25AM
     New Jersey school district removes names of all holidays from school calendar
After an outcry at a raucous public meeting over a previous decision to rename Columbus Day as Indigenous Peoples Day, the board of education at a New Jersey school district decided to strip all holiday names off of the school calendar.

So holidays like Thanksgiving will not be on the calendar and will simply be called "day off". Jewish holidays of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur were also stripped off the calendar by the move.

"If we don't have anything on the calendar, we don't have to have anyone be hurt feelings or anything like that," board member Dorene Roche said.

This is what going woke looks like....coming to a school near you.

No Christmas....No Thanks Giving.....No Halloween.....

Libs take ALL the fun out of life....and even want that as well.
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