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Released Apr 8 2021

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Dec 27 2021 02:31PM
     Denmark: Vaccine a DANGER to the vaxxed
Turns out, as was pointed out many times here, that negative effectiveness of vaccines and rapidly waning (and soon going negative) effectiveness of boosters against Omicron, received another and very important scientific confirmation.

It turns out that just three months after primary vaccination, VE against Omicron turns into very negative territory. Instead of being a protective device, like a life jacket, vaccination instead becomes harmful, like a chain attached to an ankle.

Boosters to the Rescue

The mRNA magic soup does restores protectionâ, but in a very odd manner:

the first two weeks past the booster shot give the vaccinee stronly NEGATIVE or at least NO protection (depending on primary series). This is why people who received a booster shot, are not considered fully boosted until two weeks pass after the jab. The infections occurring in these first two weeks are not officially counted against the booster, overstating effectiveness of this treatment.

Then at two weeks, according to the UK, booster becomes great again, and vaccinees enjoy protectionâ, however only amounting to measly 55%. However, booster protection starts declining right away. By just extrapolating the line, booster protection may evaporate after about 17 weeks. (nobody knows exactly when, but you get the idea)

So the boosted have two terrible first weeks, then a few decent weeks, quickly turning into so-so protection, and going to no protection again in 17 weeks, give or take.

If this is not vaccine failure, then what is?

Comments: Not Mine

Clearly the vaccines are 100% effective.
They will clear the population of the most gullible and stupid amongst us, and their offspring
Safe for big pharma
Effective against sheep

When the trend goes into negative territory (more potential for infection than unvaccinated) that would seem to indicate that your immune functions are hosed up, to use a technical term. So is your immune system responding to other pathogens in a similar, diminished fashion? Will it return to normal if you are not boosted again?

And that is the million dollar question....will you ever get your ability to make natural antibodies again once the vaccine wears away. And what does that look like since this is a gene therapy.

But go ahead....its safe....its effective....God Fauci has deemed it to be so & Pfizer/Moderna....they have a free get out of jail card.

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Dec 27 2021 05:35AM
     Another independent study confirms over 150K Americans killed by the COVID vaccines
I had 8 independent ways to show this before. And now there are 9. And nobody has a defensible number < 150,000. The CDC still claims no deaths, yet cannot explain how Schirmacher and others goofed.

In other words, these researchers found numbers similar to what we found, within a factor of 2. They agree that over 150,000 people have been killed by the vaccines so far. This is more than 3 times the number killed in combat in the Vietnam war; a war which lasted for nearly 20 years.

Meanwhile, critics like my good friend Jeffrey Morris admit they have not got a clue as to how many people have died and can't figure out even a single way to estimate it. Stunning. He still thinks there is no proof of causality.

Proof of causality

There are so many ways to show the vaccines cause death.

COVID-19 vaccine: Strong association with cardiovascular death, especially hemorrhagic stroke and venous thrombosis shows the mortality odds ratio (MOR) >2 and is highly statistically significant for a variety of adverse events. That can't happen by chance.

On COVID vaccines: why they cannot work, and irrefutable evidence of their causative role in deaths after vaccination

The autopsy work of Dr. Peter Schirmacher in Germany

Jessica Roses analysis of the VAERS data showing dose dependency (the graphs are supposed to look the same on Dose 1 and Dose 2 if the vaccines dont kill people)

The other 8 other analyses listed in this paper

However, there is no stopping condition for these vaccines and no member of Congress or the CDC is willing to draw a line in the sand and say, The US government should halt the vaccines after X number of Americans have been killed.

A reasonable stopping condition is 32 people. In 1976 we stopped the H1N1 vaccine after just 32 deaths.

Today, the number of deaths allowed is unlimited. And there is no liability for the manufacturers. And there have been no payouts at all to the hundreds of thousands of vaccine injured. Zero. Zip. Nada.


Yup you read that right......after 32 people died from H1N1 vax in 1976....the Gov SHUT IT DOWN.

Not 3,200....not 32,000.....not 320....nope 32 people.
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Dec 26 2021 08:12AM
     Psychosis of COVID Hysteria Come Home to Roost

The Chickens of the Collective Psychosis of COVID Hysteria Come Home to Roost

News out of Vermont paints a bleak picture of just how harmful the collective psychosis of COVID hysteria is, a phenomenon that seems isolated to heavily Democrat areas.

For years, fear-mongering from the government and national media has pushed people to detach themselves from reality when it comes to assessing risk profiles regarding the coronavirus.

Thats now playing out in the form of completely asymptomatic individuals rushing to jam up emergency rooms in Vermont. Though, as will see, this is hardly limited to the Green Mountain State.

"The emergency department at the Rutland Regional Medical Center has been overwhelmed with asymptomatic folks."

Anthony LaMesa (@ajlamesa) December 25, 2021

Some Vermonters who are able to find antigen tests and then test positive are clogging up emergency rooms. The emergency department at the Rutland Regional Medical Center has been overwhelmed with asymptomatic folks.

Dr. Rick Hildebrant is RRMCs medical director. He says some people who test positive with a rapid test go to the emergency room looking for a PCR test.

The Vermont Hospital Association says its hearing similar stories from other parts of the state.

Its not so much the beds that are the precious resource, its the staff at this time. So we have to have some of our clinical staff providing care to those people and they cant provide care to the folks in the ER, Hildebrant explained.

This isnt the overwhelming of hospitals we were promised by the left. Rather, its the exact opposite, with people who arent even sick showing up to take resources away because they have been convinced that COVID is still highly deadly for 45-year-olds in good health. Even older people who are asymptomatic should not be going to the ER. Rather, they should live their life. Unless they actually get sick, what is there to treat?

I dont think we have come to terms yet with the fact that 40% of the country is mentally ill.

Bonchie (@bonchieredstate) December 23, 2021

This stuff needs to stop, and its not going to stop until Democrats from the president on down start telling the truth about the risks of COVID for different demographics. Take another look at that picture in the Posts article. Many of those people look to be under 50, and none of them appear to be suffering from a debilitating illness. Yet, they are acting as if someone is handing out solid gold bars. Its insanity and completely unnecessary.

Lastly, given the apparent mildness of Omicron, which is quickly becoming the dominant variant in the United States, rushing to get tested while presenting no symptoms becomes an even dumber move. Yet, the White House is now going to send out tests direct to households anyway. Whats that going to do to emergency rooms, when a rush of positive tests starts happening and people freak out?

All of this was and is preventable, but it would require having people with actual leadership skills at the top instead of a bunch of cowards mostly concerned with covering their own backsides. Thus, the hysteria will continue. Its too important to the lefts cause.

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Dec 25 2021 06:13AM
     COVID vaccines damage your immune system, permanently?
1. I have been asked in other blogs why I post these. Simple. You are not being told the truth about the vax + this has never been about scamdemic. This is about control....and taken our lives away.

2. Here is yet another study saying what I have found in other studies.....this vax reduces your bodies ability to make antibodies.

3. Criticizing where the information came from.....or me....does not take away from the merits.

Here is the study.

New studies show that the COVID vaccines damage your immune system, likely permanently

The vaccines are making it more likely you'll be infected with Omicron 90 days after you are fully vaccinated. To keep vaccine effectiveness high against omicron, vaccination every 30 days is needed.

Worried about Omicron? Guess what? After 90 days, the vaccine they gave you is going to make you MORE likely to get infected from Omicron, not less. The longer you stay on the vaccine treadmill, the harder to get off in the future and the easier you’ll make it for the virus.

In short, we’ve been lied to about the vaccine. It is protecting you less and less over time. While you may get a benefit for earlier benefits, the benefit for other variants (and likely other diseases) is going to be negative. In short, you are getting a short term benefit against Delta, but at the expense of a degradation of your overall immunity to everything else.

In short, these vaccines may help you win the war against a variant that may soon be rate, but the price you pay is that you make your immunity to everything else worse. It’s a dumb tradeoff (especially since early treatments work so well). But the people making the laws won’t believe any of the science referenced in this article, so it will continue.

Alix Mayer alerted me to this game changing tweet which instantly went viral as you can see from the number of retweets:

Summary: Refuse to comply with mandates. Now.

This paper means we will need to inject people every 30 days if we want to “protect” them. Based on the harm that the vaccines do to our immune system, it’s likely that the needed interval will shorten with each booster.

If people don’t get boosted as required, they will be MORE vulnerable to Delta and Omicron than if they weren’t vaccinated. That’s what NEGATIVE vaccine efficacy means. It doesn’t mean the protection wears off (like we were told). It means the OPPOSITE of what you were told: it means the vaccines helps the virus to infect you (by suppressing your immune system, probably permanently each time we are injected according to Dr. Ryan Cole). It means we were lied to.

The faster, safer, lower cost way to end the pandemic

Everyone needs to stop listening to the CDC now and start listening to people who have been saying to ditch the vaccines and aggressively promote early treatment with repurposed drugs.

The entire pandemic will end as soon as the CDC stops ignoring the existing early treatment protocols which have been available since March 2020 (Fareed and Tyson protocol was first available back then). Masking, vaccines, mandates, lockdowns, and social distancing were never needed. We could have (and still can) end the hospitalization and death with just one thing: early treatment. Just like Japan has done. But the CDC refused to listen.

Why the paper went viral

So, the reason this paper went viral is because

It is well done,

It was done by PhDs in infectious disease and epidemiology,

The results show what is really happening, and

Nobody has been able to attack the paper with a credible argument, even on Twitter.

It confirms what my team of experts has been saying about negative VE

There is MUCH more....highly recommend reading it in its entirety....

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Dec 24 2021 11:52AM
     81% of new cases in Alberta are VACCINATED For JustHavinFun1
@JustHavinFun1 Trying to be a fascist and shut down a blog....

I can do this all day. You will not shut me down. Sorry.

Sooo tell me who are the REAL fascists.....Liberals. When then hear something they do not like they seek to destroy versus a dialogue.

Now back to the blog....

81 percent of new cases in Alberta are Vaccinated.

81% of new cases in Alberta are vaccinated people.

— Ezra Levant 🍁 (@ezralevant) December 23, 2021

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Dec 24 2021 01:46AM
     Check out the state migration chart for 2021 Guess who is number #1
The big losers are Massachusetts, Illinois, New York and California.

While the winners in the Covid migration sweepstakes are Arizona, Texas and Florida is #1.

Comments: Not mine

Wonder if this has anything to do with how states handled Covid + taxes.....just a guess.

Californians made what California is today and now they are fleeing to a Red state and bringing their Leftist ideas with them and wondering why California is in such a mess. Stupid Leftist all of them. Stay in the state you destroyed.

MOST of the states people are leaving are Dem controlled....speaks volumes.

I suppose nine of the top ten out migration states being Dem-controlled is just a statistical fluke?

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Dec 24 2021 12:25AM
     81% of new cases in Alberta are VACCINATED
81 percent of new cases in Alberta are Vaccinated.

81% of new cases in Alberta are vaccinated people.

— Ezra Levant 🍁 (@ezralevant) December 23, 2021

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Dec 23 2021 03:10PM
     Triple Vax'd Have a SERIOUS Problem
It does mean, though, that the current Omicron outbreak is largely an epidemic of the vaccinated and is being driven, not by the unvaccinated, but by those who have been double and triple jabbed. Combined with the fact that Omicron has quickly grown to be the majority of new infections, it suggests the vaccinated are playing an outsize role in the current outbreak.

The jab reduces your body's ability to make antibodies that are needed to fight the variants....that is what we are seeing.


When you hear of an unvaccinated person becoming ill with covid, the overwhelming odds are that they caught it off a vaccinated person. >>>>Yup vax'd carry 251 times the viral load vs Un Vax'd

Shall I summarise the above paper and this article itself?

The ‘vaccine’ does not work.

Quick explanation – people who have had 1, 2 and 3 shots are still getting infected, still passing on infections, still getting ill, still ending up in hospital, in some cases still dying.

The ‘vaccine’ does not work.

Hey, if people could so easily accept the lie that this sludge worked in the first place, it should be even easier for them to accept the truth that it does not. At some point even the densest mind will have to say “you know, I’ve had 5 booster shots on top of my primary series of 10 shots and I’ve still had covid 6 times and ended up in hospital twice – this stuff obviously doesn’t work”.

The proof will be in the toxic pudding.

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Dec 23 2021 02:57PM
     Covid News: Vaccinated deaths are rising in New Mexico
Commentary: Its coming out folks....can not stop it now. The lid is now wide open.

According to the most recent report by the New Mexico Department of Health, deaths from vaccinated individuals from Nov. 15 to Dec. 13 are now in the double digits at 18.4%.

The November report showed only 4.9% of deaths were Unvaccinated.

New Mexico’s governor of Science has forced masking since August 2020…

#Breaking UPDATE: New Mexico's governor extends existing business restrictions and the face mask mandate through August.

— KVIA ABC-7 News (@abc7breaking) July 30, 2020

Comments: Not Mine

Maybe the Vax'd should be put in camps...

I bet this is happening all across the US.

she concluded saying that vaccinations REDUCE the LIKELIHOOD that MORE VARIANTS EMERGE. Excuse me? Gratuitous FALSEHOOD! LIE!

Do you notice that they never actually show you the data? They just tell you what the data says. What about how the vaccines were supposed to prevent death. How can the numbers be rising if the vaccines are working. Showing the chart on which one is working better doesn’t answer the question but why none of them are doing what they were promised to do.

Can’t wait to hear the SC argument “for mandates” after these stats are introduced.

Does anyone see the HUGE CONTRADICTION?
The data shows MORE DEATHS IN THE VACCINATED and the vaccine effectiveness wanes so GET YOUR VACCINE AND BOOSTER. The world is afflicted with a mental illness!!

Nov. Was 4.9 deaths per unvaccinated to over 18.4% deaths per vaccinated, why would you even consider taking this? Right, be sure to get vaccinations and boosters!


Dec 22 2021 11:15AM
     FOX & NBC move News Years Celebration to??
Florida.....lmao.>>>A FREE where people are allowed to live you life.

You do all remember what that use to be like? Right.....

New York can even run a celebration out of the big apple b/c of how the fascists run covid...errrr the flu.

NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio says the city’s big New Years Eve event will move forward “so long as we can do it safely.”

(15,000 of New York State’s 23,000 COVID cases are in NYC.)

— The Recount (@therecount) December 22, 2021

Cases....sniffle sniffle.....not deaths...nor hospitalizations.

DeBlasio demands an exit parade for his excellency. Its his official last day.

How do they have so many cases. People are getting tested thats why.

No need to get tested at the rate we are.

This will go on forever. Exactly what they want.

Over a sniffle...cough....cough....
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Dec 21 2021 08:42AM
     Pfizer is buying WHAT? Surprise surprise
Pfizer is about to buy Arena Pharmaceuticals for $6.7 billion. Arena is a biopharmaceutical company focused in part on cardiovascular and inflammatory medicines to a global patient cohort. A majority of mainstream news outlets have focused their reportage on Arenas bowel disease treatment, while failing to mention the firms cardiovascular research.

Utah-based Arena has existing partnerships with United Therapeutics, who focus their research efforts on pulmonary arterial hypertension. Pfizers decision to acquire Arena and their relationship with United Therapeutics is certain to net the company more in return than the bowel disease treatment touted by the corporate press.

Arenaâs Crunchbase page also boasts the companys focus on cardiovascular and inflammatory diseases. A post on their website states the company is expanding our capabilities to study cardiovascular conditions.

One of the core issues related to COVID-19 is a predisposition to pulmonary arterial hypertension.

COVID-19 vaccinations have also been heavily linked to cardiovascular issues such as myocarditis, especially in men. Though a majority of the mainstream news medias reportage has focused on Modernas mRNA vaccine for COVID-19 and links to myocarditis, Pfizers COVID-19 vaccine has also been linked to the heart condition.


Surprise surprise......what a combination. One gets you and the other will take care of it.

By de facto admitting there is and will continue to be a problem....just w/out saying it. Their money did all the talking.

Lets see what other companies they buy or "partner" with.

Don't worry....the drug to take care of the drug for the flu will require another drug to take care of the drug that took care of the first drug. And it goes on & on & on.....
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Dec 19 2021 08:14AM
     Covid Prison Camps proposed in NY state legislation
Yup....many of you thought I was cray....well well well.....

New York Legislation Provides for Indefinite Detention of Unvaccinated at Governor’s Whim.

On January 5th, 2022, the New York Senate and Assembly will vote on a bill that would, if passed into law, grant permissions to remove and detain cases, contacts, carriers, or anyone suspected of presenting a “significant threat to public health” and remove them from public life on an indefinite basis.

Bill A416 presents a serious risk to the basic liberties of all Americans in the state of New York, including their right to choose whether or not to receive medical treatment and vaccinations related to thus far undetermined contagious diseases.

The bill gives the Governor of New York, his or her delegates – including but not limited to the commissioner and heads of local health departments – the right to remove and detain any individuals or groups of people through issuing a single order. The orders only have to include the individual’s name(s) or “reasonably specific descriptions of the individuals or groups.”

The department can decide to hold a person or group of people in a medical facility or any other they deem appropriate. The language is purposefully vague.

Though the bill attempts to state that no one shall be held for more than 60 days, the language allows for court orders to waive this maximum detention time. After 60 days, the court is allowed an additional 90 days to consider the detention of an individual, a cycle that can last indefinitely per the opinion of the department.

It goes on to state that the Bill will “require an individual who has been exposed to or infected by a contagious disease to complete an appropriate, prescribed course of treatment, preventive medication or vaccination,” essentially giving the government the right to detain anyone they want and forcibly vaccinate them.


1. What could go wrong...for trespassing people are still in jail.

2. Over what...the FLU.

3. The link for the bill is below. READ IT FOR YOURSELF.

4. The comments from others..."WELL THATS GREAT....etc...." Grow up please...just had to say it as there will be people...."ITS ABOUT TIME...." not insult my intelligence.

5. Human Rights anyone....

6. Ohhh the Fascist Republicans......errrrr sorry Democrats.

7. ohh its from the National Pulse...right wing blah blah blah. READ THE BILL for yourself.

8. Don't attack the messenger....and when you means you do not and can not refute the evidence or facts of the article.

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