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Dec 18 2021 11:59AM
     The double-Vaccinated are a threat to the triple-Vaccinated

Ontario top doctor's holiday advice: 'Avoid social contact with anyone older, even with two doses'

Ontario's top doctor is advising those who have yet to receive a third dose of the COVID-19 vaccine to avoid celebrating with elderly loved ones in person this holiday break due to the spread of the 'aggressive' Omicron variant, putting a damper on the plans of many families hoping to get together.

Dr. Kieran Moore, Ontario's chief medical officer of health, said Friday to "avoid social contact with anyone older" even though one has received two doses of the COVID-19 vaccine.

Which by the way has NOT killed a single person. You see when a virus mutates it makes itself so that it spreads more easily. BUT it becomes less lethal. And that is what we are seeing here.

This is sheer madness......not following the science.

On top of that the vax's are not made for Omicron. They do not work anyway.

PS Davis was right in the other blog. Since people try to silence those they do NOT like. Which is very fascist.....RIGHT. So lets look at the facts Davis was talking about.

Drug companies use or LIE by using what they call RRR or relative risk VS Absolute Risk on the efficacy of a vaccine.

From Pfizers own FDA Emergency submittal

.70 of people who took the jab did NOT get covid

.74% who took the placebo did.

Soooo class when you take the difference of the 2 numbers .04% and divide into .70% you get 95%. That is what the press touted....we all read it...heard the 95% number. NOW you know where that came from.

But class the ABSOLUTE RISK is really only .04%.

Yup....we are doing all of this covid BS for only a .04% chance of not getting it.

Why do you think all the "breakthrough" cases are happening?

Think people....
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Dec 17 2021 12:48PM
     Clay Travis makes a damn good point…
Clay Travis — “The NFL is 95% vaccinated, the NBA is 97% vaccinated, the NHL is nearly 100% vaccinated. All three leagues are still overwhelmed and hitting new Covid case highs. So how is Joe Biden arguing vaccines will end Covid? The pro sports leagues prove that’s 100% a lie.”

The NFL is 95% vaccinated, the NBA is 97% vaccinated, the NHL is nearly 100% vaccinated. All three leagues are still overwhelmed with covid cases & hitting new covid case highs. So how is @JoeBiden arguing vaccines will end covid? The pro sports leagues prove that’s 100% a lie.

— Clay Travis (@ClayTravis) December 17, 2021

NFL statement on new COVID-19 protocols….

— Adam Schefter (@AdamSchefter) December 16, 2021

“All clubs will implement preventative measures that have proven effective: masking regardless of Vaccination status, eliminating in-person meals, and no outside visitors while on team travel.”

The NFL will allow asymptomatic Vaccinated players to test positive and still play…

To be clear: The new NFL COVID protocols make it possible for anyone who's tested positive this week to "test back in" and play this weekend (yes, even if you tested positive today and play Saturday) as long as they're vaccinated and show no symptoms.

— Dan Graziano (@DanGrazianoESPN) December 16, 2021

Baker Mayfield is not happy…

Actually caring about player safety would mean delaying the game with this continuing at the rate it is….
But to say you won’t test vaccinated players if they don’t have symptoms, then to pull this randomly. Doesn’t make any sense to me.

— Baker Mayfield (@bakermayfield) December 16, 2021

Kyle Juszczyk reacts…

Kyle Juszczyk on the changing protocols around COVID-19 in the #NFL

— Tracy Sandler (@49ersfangirl) December 16, 2021

You can NOT make this up.....

COMMENTS: Not mine

Does this disprove that only the unvaxxed can spread? Asking for a friend, because they’re dumb

When will anyone in the power sphere of influence stand up for therapeutics to prevent and treat this rather than an experimental, now virtually unproven, poison more apt to injure or kill you now or later as it commandeers and re-trains your immune system?

I hate him but Rodgers did everything the right way for his own personal health issues. NFL, NBA and Xiden are both nothing but chinee stooge$

Take away the emergency authorization and the madness will stop immediately and then the backlash of law suits and Nuremberg trials 2 can begin.

The ruling class will not give up their irrational failed narrative. Big pharma must make their $$$$ and medical tyranny must be pushed. They are cultists who must force everyone to “drink the koolaid”.

One big freaking lie! People have had it. We will not conform to your bullshit.

If the players would simply wear their masks when on the field, they would never get Covid.

Oh, wait…

BOOM! that’s the sound of the mic hitting the floor.

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Dec 16 2021 08:14AM
     Airlines want to end mask mandates…Guess who is NOT following Science
The CEO of Southwest Airlines claimed in a Senate hearing that wearing masks to stop the spread of Covid on flights is excessive, and argued that air filtration systems make planes the safest indoor space to be in.

Southwest Airlines CEO Gary Kelly made the claim during a Senate hearing on Wednesday, on the financial support US airlines received during the Covid-19 pandemic.

After Delta Air Lines Executive VP John Laughter and United Airlines CEO Scott Kirby testified that the air on aircraft with HEPA filtration systems is the safest you can possibly breathe in an indoor environment, Republican Sen. Roger Wicker questioned whether Americans would ever be able to get on planes without wearing a mask again.

Boasting that 99.97% of airborne pathogens are captured by HEPA filtration systems, Kelly said, “I think the case is very strong that masks don’t add much, if anything, in the air cabin environment. It’s very safe, very high quality compared to any other indoor setting.”

American Airlines CEO Doug Parker agreed with Kelly’s statement, adding, “I concur. The aircraft is the safest place you can be. It’s true of all of our aircraft, they all have these HEPA filters and the same air flow.”

READ THAT AGAIN......99.97% Hepa Filters on planes....and now read below.

Pete Buttigieg was forced to respond this morning.

Transportation @SecretaryPete on airline mask mandates: "Look, I think we're all impatient with them. I get that, I feel that. Obviously, I travel a lot. But especially at a time when we still have uncertainty with new variants, it makes sense to air on the side of caution."

— The Hill (@thehill) December 16, 2021

Now WHO is following the SCIENCE????? CEO's or Pete?

Sooo Pete VARIANTS can pass through these me the SCIENCE.

There is non....making it up as they go along.....for the whole SCAMDEMIC.

Comments: Not mine

The mask is a mark of who’s obedient. It’s a human leash

What an idiot. It’s “err” on the side of caution unless he was trying to be funny. And we’re not amused.

No Buttgiggles, it makes sense to err (not “air”) on the side of liberty. That’s kind of the point of this nation.

Who is the TSA to mandate anything? We need to look behind the curtain and realize that it’s just a bunch of know nothing bureaucrats who can’t make it in the competitive world. One of the gravest issues facing the Republic is all the alphabet agencies “mandating” shit under the color of law. It’s Congresses fault. Until Congress reigns in these people they are going to mandate our country into the grave.

Masks don’t work. I have refused to wear one since this Plandemic started. People with masks and vaccines are still getting sick…what’s the point?

You idiot. There is NO uncertainty on variants. They are mild, per EVERY study, report, research done around the world, including that masks don’t stop the 100 micron diameter corona virus passing through the 1200 micron hole in every thread count. Its like using a chain link fence as a bullet proof vest.

But I don’t expect you to comprehend that Mama Buttigieg.

Does he wear one flying on Air force 2? Or any other government aircraft? What is his background in clinical study? What research study is he citing?
Control Control Control
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Dec 16 2021 05:45AM
     Revolution taking place? Unvaccinated are being arrested in NYC

#BreakingNews multiple protesters against mandates were just arrested at Applebee's in queens NY for trying to order food at a vaxed only restaurants

— Leeroy Johnson (@LeeroyPress) December 16, 2021

More then 50 NYPD officers responded to Applebees when Freedom Fighters refused to prove Vaccination.

#BreakingNews arrested made at Applebee's in queens mall after Protesters against mandates had a sit in at a restaurant that's for the vaxxed only.

— Leeroy Johnson (@LeeroyPress) December 16, 2021

Freedom protest at Queens Center Mall …

Happening Now: New York Anti-Mandate protesters staged a sit in at a food court in the Queens Center Mall, where Vaccine passports are a requirement. They were let in, able to eat without problems or showing proof of vaccination…

— LUKE2FREEDOM (@L2FTV) December 15, 2021

Comments: Not mine

NYC cops can’t stop you from getting murdered, mugged or raped but boy, when it comes to ordering at Applebees, they are magnificent !

The pressure needs to be out in the INDIVIDUALS enforcing the mandates. Videotape the police officers, get their names and paste it all over the internet. I guarantee that they will choose their lives over their jobs.

We need cops of good character. There don’t appear to be any at this Appleby’s; and they are simpletons if they don’t realize they are arousing more and more hatred, that they are way, way outnumbered, and becoming more and more outgunned every day.
Any half-way astute observer/student of history and human nature is being shown unequivocally that major serious nation-destroying trouble will be visited upon us if/when a significant MINORITY of Americans believe they have nothing left to lose.

Pussy viable target cops on unconstitutional mandate duty while real crime resulting in theft, assaults and murders are mostly ignored.

NYC – Democrat death cult paradise of serfdom.

I’ll be the first one to say it. Shame, shame, shame be on those cops. The ones they arrested are most likely the ones who supported them when the left wants to defund them. Shame.

guess they should have pushed the right color of people toward the cameras and started looting and burning. Then they would have been left alone to exercise “their god given rights to protest ” at least thats what cops, pols and media said during summer riots in NY, OR, WA, Kali etc…

…..And the vast majority of law enforcement officers will “just follow orders” and arrest you and many will take glee in beating you given the opportunity. Don’t believe me…..go back and watch the videos coming out of Australia. The same goes for when they come to take your guns. Most won’t care about the Constitution when their job and pension is on the line. Most Nazi guards in the death camps were put in a bad situation where they were forced to choose between following orders or their own certain demise. Of coarse the government makes it all “ok” because they’ve soothed the conscience with the “big lie”. Humans are no different today than 80 years ago.

Applebee’s is private property if their corporate policy is not to serve “unvaccinated” then f*
Australia doesn’t seem so far away does it.
Here we go. Arrests, starvation, isolation, then the death camps. Anything seem familiar in an historical sense? Nazis are back. This time more deadly than ever. Satan is in panic mode. He knows his time is very short. Better be prepared for it.

Democrats continue thier tyranny over American Citizens. Using the police as their strong arm.Illegal aliens are sent all around America UNVACCINATED yet American citizens are The Democrats target. Time to rise up America. Democrats and their wacked out leftists are the problem.

Well folks.....we are now heading in very murky waters. I have said that if the pressure keeps up on what we know now is a SCAMDEMIC......bad things will happen. And this maybe that moment. If will occur somewhere...sometime. The American spirit does not live under tyranny.
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Dec 15 2021 09:10AM
     Dr. Peter McCullough blockbuster interview with Joe Rogan

McCullough, a practicing internist, cardiologist and epidemiologist, and chief medical advisor of Truth for Health Foundation, told Rogan that from the outset of the pandemic, there were a number of sinister ways doctors worldwide were restricted from prescribing hydroxychloroquine — even though the science shows it’s an effective early treatment for COVID patients.

McCullough referred to hydroxychloroquine as “the leading drug worldwide to treat COVID-19.”

He explained that early on in the pandemic the U.S. “had the right idea,” and stockpiled hydroxychloroquine — only later to refuse to release any of the millions of doses from the stockpile.

At the same time, he explained, France redesignated hydroxychloroquine from an over-the-counter drug to prescription-only, making it much more difficult for people to use.

In Australia, doctors who used their best judgment and prescribed hydroxychloroquine to treat COVID patients were threatened with jail time, McCullough said.

During this time, one of the world’s largest hydroxychloroquine manufacturing facilities “mysteriously burnt down” outside Taipei, Taiwan, McCullough said.

“It seems to me, early on, there was an intentional, very comprehensive, suppression of early treatment in order to promote fear, suffering, isolation, hospitalization and death. And it was completely organized and intentional in order to create acceptance for, and then promote mass vaccination.”

McCullough told Rogan the reason so few medical professionals are willing to speak up against the new, anti-scientific COVID regime is they’re under a “mass formation psychosis,” meaning the COVID fear-mongering and propaganda has placed almost the entire professional field in a state of irrational complacency.

“In the U.S. only about 500 doctors really understand what’s going on … and there’s about a million,” he said

When asked by Rogan why so many people are fine after getting a COVID vaccine, McCullough said “the human body is a miraculous thing,” but shared his worries about the health ramifications of an ongoing booster campaign.

“The spike protein stays in the body for at least 15 months … if we start vaccinating every six months, I think the spike protein will never get out of the body,” he said. “The spike protein accumulates and progressive accumulation is very worrisome.”


It was necessary to create the hysteria, panic, and fear. The intentional release of the CCP virus was to rig the 2020 presidential election. It worked like a charm. The proven therapeutics would have put a damper on the hysteria, panic, and fear. Multiple examples of the efficacy of the proven therapeutics are available. You’ll notice there’s zero “journalistic” curiosity about that efficacy. Instead, the fake media pushes the Marxist globalist agenda. You’ll notice also there’s examples of over 90% of a country population “vaccinated” yet having outbreaks of some CCP virus variant. Again, it’s ignored by the fake media. The US government agencies have abandoned public health for a political agenda. The medical establishment has done the same.

Whats in the vax that they so badly want you to take it and forbid early medicine treatment which would be our normal way?

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Dec 15 2021 08:50AM
     Indoor Mask Mandates for all of California EXCEPT
California(Newsom) exempts San Francisco from COVID indoor mask rule

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) California is exempting San Francisco from a rule that takes effect Wednesday requiring all people to wear masks indoors in a bid to contain a troubling rise in new coronavirus cases.

San Francisco will continue to allow fully vaccinated people to remove their masks in gyms and workplaces while its overall masking mandate remains in effect, the city Department of Public Health announced.

A recognition of all of the thought and care that San Francisco residents have been putting into staying as safe as possible said Dr. Susan Philip, San Franciscoâs health officer.

California joins other states with similar indoor mask mandates, including Washington, Oregon, Illinois, New Mexico, Nevada, Hawaii, and New York.

Comments: not mine

1. Covid is one smart stays away from SF.

2. Yet another example showing this is NOT a pandemic.

3. Edict came down on Dec 13th and went into affect Dec 15th. Glad covid waited 2 days before starting to spread again. Covid must have needed 2 days to rest.

4. All Dem states doing this. Says all I need to know. Fascist.

5. So SF gets a pass....and not the rest of Calif. Ohhh wait....rules for thee and not for me.

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Dec 9 2021 09:32AM
     BOOM: NIH Calim OWNERSHIP of Moderna Vax
Glenn Beck breaks it down with Tucker last night....along with confession of ownership by ex NIH.

PS Before you say politics...or its Fox.....listen to the 4:48 mark....its in HIS OWN WORDS.

Comments: Not Mine

Conflict of interest much

Ah yes, salesman of the year…..Fauci

Two thoughts.

1) Oh good. Vaccine companies may have legal immunity, but the government doesn’t. We can sue the NIH.

2) I feel sorry for liberals. The cognitive dissonance is getting harder and harder to sustain.

1 comment

Dec 7 2021 03:16PM
     South Africa's Biovac making Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine in 2022
American population: 320 million (approx)

American Deaths from Covid: 700,000 range...reported

Africa population 1.2 BILLION (2016)

Africa Deaths from Covid: 220,000


Africa with 4 times the US population has a lower death rate than the US.

Not only can Covid not affect Elites at their dressers....Obama B-Day bash....etc....but knows enough to stay away from many parts of Africa. One smart virus.

I wonder if Reuters will do a story about this nugget of information.

It seems the LAST thing that Africa needs is a Pfizer vaccine for Covid.....

Africa is doing quite well without it.

Maybe....just maybe....the US could use more Ivermectin.
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Dec 7 2021 08:03AM
     (Vaccine) things that make you go hmmm…

Ended up in the emergency room on Wednesday night after taking the 2nd Pfizer shot. Diagnosed with Pericarditis. The Dr. said this is now common after the Pfizer shot, especially with males 🤔🤔🤔

— Ben Madgen (@iMadgen01) December 4, 2021

Ben Magden retired last year from professional hoops in Australia.

“Ended up in the emergency room on Wednesday night after taking the 2nd Pfizer shot. Diagnosed with Pericarditis. Doctor said this is now common after the Pfizer shot, especially with men.”

“5 that is ( F I V E ) players from the Adelaide Crows football team just went to the hospital with the same type of thing. When this is happening to five people out of a team of what 50? that is 1 out of 10 you are not going to tell me that this is rare.”

— Dr. James E. Olsson (@DrJamesOlsson) December 5, 2021

Video montage of Democrat politicians expressing vaccine hesitancy for partisan reasons last year. Today, many Democrat politicians accuse vaccine skeptics or critics as people who want to kill others.

— Andy Ngô 🏳️‍🌈 (@MrAndyNgo) November 28, 2021


1. There’s a reason congress and other branches of the US government have exempted themselves from the “vaccine” poison. When something this life changing can be proliferated among the entire globe and no one be held liable for the consequences you know evil is it’s intent.

2. Check out the table halfway down the page. Vaxx is failing and also wiping out their immune system. I still can’t believe Gov’s did this.

What this shows is that the fully vaccinated 30–39-year-olds have seen the largest drop in immune system performance over the past three months, with a 40% decline between week 33-36 and week 37-40, and a 13% decline between week 37-40 and week 41-44. This equates to an average monthly decline of -26.5% and means that in less than three months fully vaccinated 30-39-year-olds could be facing total immune system failure.

3. The CDC will not update numbers of vaxxed vs. unvaxxed since Aug 28th. If they fit the narrative, they would have updated them:

4. Big pharma is going to fix this mess by adding heart medication, anti-clotting medication, psych drugs for Post Pandemic stress disorder, anti-Guillain-Barré syndrome medication, and anti-Bell’s palsy medication to their vaccines.

Hang in there. A fix is coming.

5. Who knew that the medical system in India would be superior to the medical system in America when it came to immunology.

Based on results.

Countless millions of people in India,Africa, and South America….all equatorial nations were given Ivermectin to prevent malarial infections and had little or none of the Co-19 infections. Why isn’t this being broadcast?
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Dec 6 2021 08:17AM
     UK-300,000 people facing heart related illnesses due to??
You knew this was coming....blaming not seen before heart problems on..

Post-pandemic stress disorder, warn physicians. SMFH

The grossly unnecessary lockdowns and fear-mongering and control-freak psy-warfare certainly caused a lot of stress and emotional disorders -- brought to you by the same malevolent dictators that want to force this biochemical crud mislabeled a "vaccine."

However, the "vaccine" is causing myocarditis, blood clots, heart attacks, and neurological symptoms. As we can see from this article's example, they continue trying to cover it up. The corporate media are complicit. What's been going on is a travesty and an insult to humanity.

Here is the article:

More than 300,000 people in the UK are facing heart-related illnesses due to post-pandemic stress disorder (PPSD), two London physicians have warned. This could result in a 4.5 per cent rise in cardiovascular cases nationally because of the effects of PPSD, with those aged between 30 to 45 most at-risk, they claim.

Mark Rayner said that as many as three million people in Britain are already suffering from PPSD, thanks to stress and anxiety caused by the effects of Covid-19. He fears this could result in a dramatic rise in physical health issues, such as coronary heart failure, if cases are not detected or treated early.

Mr Rayner said PPSD is a very real problem on a massive scale. As well as the condition itself with all its immediate problems, one of the biggest collateral issues is the affect it can have on heart health.

Mr Rayner warned that without at least doubling the current funding, the NHS will not be able to tackle the trauma timebomb, which could have potentially fatal consequences for those suffering with long-term PPSD.

Meanwhile, Tahir Hussain, a senior vascular surgeon at Northwick Park Hospital in Harrow, said he has seen a significant rise in cases where he works.

He said: I have seen a big increase in thrombotic-related vascular conditions in my practice. Far younger patients are being admitted and requiring surgical and medical intervention than prior to the pandemic.

I believe many of these cases are a direct result of the increased stress and anxiety levels caused from the effects of PPSD.

We also have evidence that some patients have died at home from conditions such as pulmonary embolism and myocardial infarction. I believe this is related to many people self-isolating at home with no contact with the outside world and dying without getting the help they needed.

Graph below is about 6 months old....still valid....and numbers growing.
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Dec 4 2021 10:01AM
     Omicron shares genetic code with common cold…
The omicron variant is likely to have picked up genetic material from another virus that causes the common cold in humans, according to a new preliminary study, prompting one of its authors to suggest omicron could have greater transmissibility but LOWER virulence than other variants of the coronavirus.

As a virus evolves to become more transmissible, it generally “loses” traits that are likely to cause severe symptoms, Soundararajan said.


1. Since virus's loses the ability to do harm with mutations......then why are governments causing MORE harm?

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Dec 2 2021 12:02PM
     FAUCI ALERT — American Heart Association issues warning on mRNA vaccines

American Heart Association:“The [PLUS Cardiac Test] score has been measured every 3-6 months in our patient population for 8 years. Recently, with the advent of the mRNA COVID 19 vaccines by Moderna and Pfizer, dramatic changes in the PULS score became apparent in most patients.”

— Marina Medvin 🇺🇸 (@MarinaMedvin) December 2, 2021

New study and warning from the American Heart Association: mRNA vaccines dramatically increase risk of developing heart disease — “The PLUS Cardiac Test score has been measured every 3-6 months in our patient population for 8 years.

Recently, with the advent of the mRNA COVID 19 vaccines by Moderna and Pfizer, dramatic changes in the PULS score became apparent in most patients.”

Comments: Not Mine & effective.....

I’m looking at you Fauchi, Pfizer, Moderna – the time of reckoning is approaching. This is but the first crack that will lead to total collapse & subsequent offering of you up as scapegoats.

We know it goes well beyond you f*cks – but a good place to start.

As for the rest – memory-holing won’t work – the internet never forgets – and neither do angry freedom-loving people who were wronged.

Big Pharma and Woke Media have been trying to debunk this study for over two weeks with the “Expression of Concern” label , claiming the “data collection method was faulty”

This is what they’ll do going forward – claim any study that doesn’t fit the narrative is bogus because, well , “we said so!”

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