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Level 0 Male

 53 yrs old
Newport Beach, OC, CA
Registered Aug 20 2017
Released Aug 20 2017

36 blogs/305 comments
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Apr 7 2018 10:31PM
     Is Liz breeding more of her ...?


Feb 27 2018 04:53PM
     too much mojo
I just checked that I have well over 10,000 mojo on my other account. I don't know what happened. Is that too much for life? Can I convert them back to FXP?

Can I pay the mask for once and nobody I flirt can ID me after?


Jan 11 2018 08:57PM
     Forget about bitcoin and shit coins, you should have invested in skyrocking
potassium iodide

Thanks to the guy with the big button.
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Dec 5 2017 11:20PM
     Mr Pp
Can you not make up exotic names that I cannot spell? So much annoying. I'm not moving my capital to your pocket. How about Mary, Jane?

1 comment

Dec 1 2017 11:35PM
     Trump was wrong on the biggest issue
He cannot pardon himself in case of impeachment. Impeachment is the "sentence" and he cannot void that as written in the constitution.

He can pardon anybody else except for state crimes. But after the truth is out, a pardon doesn't do any good to himself.

Can preemptive pardons use to cover up? You can pardon the sentence but literally, it cannot stop the investigation nor testifying. Some say that you cannot claim the 5th because, with a preemptive pardon, you will not incriminate yourself by talking. And if you lie, the pardon won't cover new crimes.


Nov 25 2017 11:30AM
     Who just turned down HX person of the year award?


Nov 23 2017 06:23PM
     Thanks - Flynn's business partner Bijan Kian is a subject of the investigation and witnesses would
google yourself

whine below if you don't have dinner yet :-


Nov 23 2017 05:08PM
     Thanks - Flynn's lawyers split from Trump, signaling possible cooperation with Mueller
link yourself


Nov 21 2017 07:37PM
     The problem is Christianity, again
So iRent, what is your singing directed to?
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Nov 18 2017 08:41PM
     the Dunning-Kruger effect
Why incompetent people often think they’re actually the best?

People lacking knowledge and skill in particular areas suffer a double curse. First, they make mistakes and reach poor decisions. But second, those same knowledge gaps also prevent them from catching their errors. In other words, poor performers lack the very expertise needed to recognize how badly they’re doing.

So it's a good thing to tell them what they are. The head of the state department told him that he is a moron.

U.S. nuclear general says would resist 'illegal' strike order from him.

Low information voters still think they did a good choice.
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Nov 7 2017 07:21AM
     Please never blog again. Appreciated
This moron remained me of another moron who must be a new booker. He told me to text him 15 mins before arrival and then 10 mins before. There's no app for that!

OK, I can monitor the Google Map's ETA while speeding on 405, and subtract that from the car clock. When the answer is 10, then I should start texting while speeding.

Or I should get off the freeway one exit before, stop in a strip mall, text him, and then continue the journey off the freeway. I would have lost 10 minutes for that and have to be late or setoff early to compensate.

If that is not stupid enough, I think for some stupid reasons he relied on checking his text every 10 minutes.

Famousamos, even if you are totally new to this, you must have experience of running late yourself. Say if she is driving, while would she waste time replying when you are way too early. And if she's late, for me I would rather late for 10 minutes rather than stopping to reply and late for 15 minutes or more.

There are so many positive reasons, say, she has no helpers. She's popular with a lot of bookings. The last client was late for 8 minutes and didn't leave 8 minutes early. She isn't one of the girls who bring out her phone and type away once you came. Or the last client couldn't come so she didn't rush him out.

If you have been bumped around by the same girl I understand. I wouldn't wait for 5 minutes.

Please never blog again, so stupid that I have to waste my time to reply.
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Please never contact me again. Thank you


Sep 30 2017 07:17AM
     Cow Farts Are grossly underestimated
I cut and past for the benefits of those who never click on links:

Farts are funny. Global warming is not.Unfortunately, methane is a big contributor to the greenhouse effect, helping to trap heat within Earth’s atmosphere and contributing to climate change. Carbon dioxide usually gets the blame for global warming, but methane is about 85 times more powerful when it comes to trapping heat, although it breaks down faster than carbon dioxide.

Now, a new calculation of methane produced by cows, swine and other livestock shows we may have underestimated their inputs. Researchers from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the Joint Global Change Research Institute and the U.S. Department of Energy say the previous figures, which served as a basis for the 2006 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, were off by 11%.


Is that Tramp approved real news? Or he will wait 6 months and fire everybody for various makeup reasons?
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Global Change Research Institute was wrong


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