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Level 0 Male

 53 yrs old
Newport Beach, OC, CA
Registered Aug 20 2017
Released Aug 20 2017

36 blogs/305 comments
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Sep 29 2017 01:50PM
     Price cost too much
on private jets. Being fired.


Sep 28 2017 09:15PM
     Picture of girls holding a piece of paper with upside down words?
Have you ever wonder why?

Some HX girls did it in their classified, like "<3 Candy HX 9/28"
But don't worry, I'm not talking about HX girls.

That includes mirror images, vertical words, and major spelling errors.

Now I know why. You give a cam girl a token she will be happy to do it for you. You send a girl two dollars via PayPal or it's foreign competitor and she will be happy to do it for you. She has no clue what the words are about or their orientation or their correct spelling. And the crew is too cheap to buy another one; there's a high probability of some other errors.

And I fell for it


Sep 15 2017 08:09AM
     ex-president Bannon destructing ...
... himself on CBS.

His history failed with alternative facts. His strategy being thrown out. But his words are gems. Not a single person shouts "fake news" when he speaks.

First gem: Tramp's firing of Comey is the biggest mistake in modern history!
Worse than Nixon? He knows something that we don't? We will soon find out :-)


Sep 13 2017 12:45PM
     Any Harvey & Irma victims here? part 3
White flag, white flag everywhere! Can't even see and discuss with what my fan says. Is there anything against the TOU for waving white flags? OK, just in case, I'm not starting part 4 if you guys wave the huge white flags again. I'll accept your surrender.
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Part 2


Sep 13 2017 10:21AM
     Any Harvey & Irma victims here? part 2
Part 1 shows the problem of Tramp supports and now Bannon supports. (I'm now a Bannon supporter. Go Bannon go! Dirt more dirt! War more war! )

If you think I'm trying to shame you, you are a bit sensitive. Tramp reacts very badly to criticism because nobody did that to him. That's the problem of electing a Boss who never held a public office.

Discussion/debate involves back and forth, unlike who owned who on video by a sound bite and who's twit is virally mean when nobody can meaningfully reply to it.

If you feel ashamed, it's because the propaganda you got is too easy to be taken down. Comparing Galileo to William Happer? Yes, you should be ashamed if you look it up what they did.

And then the others who have valid and relevance opinions but just wouldn't like to talk about, and make it difficult for others to talk about it. Forever high school?
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Part 1

No comments yet

Sep 12 2017 11:55PM
     RIP Shigeo Tokuda
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1 comment

Sep 12 2017 08:37AM
     Any Harvey & Irma victims here?
What are your thoughts if you are a climate change denier, or voted for one?


Sep 1 2017 06:24PM
     Half of Men Don't Know
Where the Vagina Is
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Aug 31 2017 01:01AM
     Climate change pt 3
SixD, I didn't think you are an ostrich, but why you behave like one?
We are not on Fox News you know, where you can cut my mic.
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Part 2


Aug 30 2017 03:43PM
     Climate change continued
Hi tards,

If you don't want to sound like a tard, post your real name together with your opinion and your original research. That's what scientists do at the least.

If you quote other's results, quote the source too. That's what scientists do.

Now I understand when nowadays it's so easy to post a link, and so many know how to post the 2nd and the 3rd parts and so on, when it comes to science and facts, you deliberately don't do that?

Part 1 WTF flat earth

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Aug 29 2017 11:47PM
     All impacts are unknown & beyond anything experienced
^National Weather Service

It’s catastrophic, unprecedented, epic - National Weather Service meteorologist

This is a storm the United States has not seen yet - FEMA

Thanks for the oil and gas Texas, keep the money for the rainy day. Any Texan deniers care to speak?


Aug 29 2017 08:27PM
     What is the Confederacy to you?
I begin to figure out the alt-right, the burger flippers, etc.
But why the Confederacy?

Any intelligible and legitimate opinions who support Tramp anyway?


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