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Level 4 Male

 54 yrs old
Registered Feb 20 2009
Released Mar 20 2008

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Dec 28 2021 05:28PM
     Hx superspreader
I cannot remain silent any longer. I have identified a super-spreader in our community and for the good of the community, I must report them.

The only solution to this problem is a strong mandate and I will take action if necessary.

If others have identified super-spreaders, they should be reported.
Attached Pictures


Dec 15 2021 11:14PM
     Goodbye dearest Heather
"@bird, yes a bachelors at 27 with NO debt, and furthermore don’t have to deal with the morons like you. I hope all of you who are typing away comments like yours are not living in a basement or hating life so much that you have to attempt to belittle someone who’s done nothing to you"

You know nothing about me. I love my life. I own multiple houses with plenty light and views (so I don't live in a basement), have a very successful professional career and personal life, earned 3 degrees at top 5 universities by age 30 on academic scholarships coming from a poor family. I love life and appreciate the many great women I have met on hx who have been a part of it.

What I don't like are a snooty haters who say things like this: "[I] hated most of these dumb asses on HX lol."

Seriously, I am happy for you to move on because I don't think you belong on hx. I sincerely wish you luck. Anyone who thinks most people are morons will need it.


May 15 2021 08:04PM
     So does China (CCP) get a pass on Covid?
I'm shocked that the world seems to be giving China a pass on Covid. They unleash something that has killed more than 30 times the number killed in Hiroshima and Nagasaki and the world looks the other way.

I can understand why Fauci and America don't want to go there because we (our tax dollars led by Fauci) funded it, but what about India, Europe and everyone else?

The link below is the best summary of the lab vs nature theories I've read.
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Jul 24 2017 07:20PM
     Just heard another story about AAs on NPR
Even though 90% of NPR's air time is devoted to AAs and their many issues, apparently black people's stories are not being told so Detroit just hired a "Chief Story Teller."


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