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Level 0 Female

 29 yrs old
Long Beach, LA, CA
Registered May 22 2024
Released May 22 2024

5 blogs/1 comments
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  • In the LB Area
    Sep 18 2024 09:19AM
    California > Los Angeles > Gateway > Central (710 to 5) > Long Beach
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Jul 27 2024 03:57AM
     Fx Points
Hey all....
So I'm running low on points , I need more points so I can post more Pic also so I can continue to send and receive mail... please anyone who's willing to donate some of there points I'd highly appreciate it....Thank you


Jul 20 2024 09:28AM
     I need a spot
Hello my fellow HX friends . So I don't have a place to Host at. I really want yo work and I'm in need of a place. Will someone help me out please? Thank you...Bobbielynn
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Jun 22 2024 10:19AM
     I Need Some Help...
Hi all my fellow HXer's I'm reaching out cause I need some help? Yesterday I lost everything in a matter of hour's ( my place my job and my money); It really sucks . IF there is anyway some one can help me. I'll take all the business I can so I can be able to get a spot and get stable again. It's really embarrassing but I have to reach out cause I'm desperate. Seems like so much has gone wrong. Thank you and if you need to get a hold of me my # is 760-472-1374... thank you

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Jun 12 2024 09:11AM
     New to HX community
Hey everyone I'm trying to build my HX community!! I would love for you to be a part of it!! I'm still very new on this site & cant wait to learn the inns & outs ; ]. By me being one of the newest female's on here, I would hope everyone would want to keep there eyes 👀on me and watch and learn what I'm about. So That being said , I really could use some FX points to play with. Who can bless me with them. I would greatly appreciate it and hope that you'd be part of my community.Thank you for welcoming me on the h.X site LOVE ME XOXOXOXOX BOBBIELYNN
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