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Level 3 Male

 49 yrs old
Pasadena, SGV, LA, CA
Registered Apr 10 2008
Released Mar 20 2008

32 blogs/279 comments
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Nov 7 2022 09:06AM
Yeah, not talking about the Astros.
I have to be in Houston for a week, starting this Friday... aside from BBQ, any recommendations for what to do in Houston. Or who to reach out to in the area?


Nov 29 2021 09:33AM
     Holiday Disasters
Some morning show was opening the lines up for people to tell their thanksgiving or holiday family disasters and some of the stories were really freaking funny, ie... Grandma was convinced her dead husband was a cat and wanted the family to give it a seat at the table!

My most cringe worthy holiday story is that my brother went out drinking with some friends thanksgiving afternoon one year and tried to drive off half drunk after leaving the bar. He backed out of his spot and hit a shopping cart but he had just seen a homeless lady walk by with a cart so he thought he hit the lady. First thing he did was pick up the phone and tell me that he had just killed someone and he was sorry for everything he had done. He started crying and said he was going to turn himself in and was going to jail.... he kept me on speaker when he got out of the car and walked around back to find it was just a cart, no lady under the car, so I drove to pick his dumb ass up and took him home to sleep it off. He had a plate of leftovers for breakfast because there was no way he was fucking it up for everyone.
Funny now that I think back but damn... it was a stressful 2 minutes waiting to hear what was behind the car.

Anyone else have a holiday disaster story...that doesn't end in some sad circumstances?

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Oct 11 2021 10:09AM
     Columbus Day
Ok. So it triggers people to call it that nowadays but even if he was a heartless genocide inducing son of a motherless goat, dude was important. He still brought european culture to this land, for better or for worse. He still established trade routes that exist to this day, again for better or for worse. AND he rocked those puffy pants in battle, so he gets some credit.

Colombus does not deserve a day to celebrate his punk ass but he still deserves to be in the history books as a significant figure, even if the history books until the 90s had the whole discovered america thing wrong AF. What other holidays should be scrubbed?


Jul 12 2021 08:50AM
     San Francisco?
I got a call from work on Saturday night, caught a flight and I am in San Francisco this morning.

I have a legitimate 4 hrs to work each day for the next 3 days but then I am on my own and available to explore the city. I've done all the tourist shit and bar hopping in SF in the umpteen times I've been here before.

What non tourists stuff do you recommend to do in SF? Any dining suggestions? Upscale, down home, local food and eateries are good? Any other suggestions?


Jun 24 2021 11:04AM
Had the catalytic cut out of my car 2 days ago.

Damn, I said.

Drove my other car to work and started looking for a shop to take care of the damage...
Holy fucking shit bubbles in a pool!

I really hate the Air Resources Board. Can't get a catalytic from anywhere but the dealer and the dealer is charging literally thousands JUST for the parts because...well there is no competition.

Anyone have "a guy" that could help the situation?


May 7 2019 09:45AM
     Begging hits a new high! may have been around for some time but I just found out about it from a podcast that was ragging on it. What an insane concept!
Kudos to those that make it work but damn... if this don't beat off, I mean all.

Anyone subscribe to or put in a request on this site?


Nov 27 2018 01:04PM
     Photo uploads on fire today!
Just wanted to give Thanks to the generous ladies who have made today, at 1pm, perhaps the single greatest moment of photo uploading ever on HX.
Hot damn!
Y’all some beautiful people.


May 30 2018 12:46PM
     New Music to listen to LOUD
I found this song over the weekend a few weeks ago and I just want to be in the car with it playing full blast every chance I get.

Any other new music to recommend?

It need not be electronic just good. Good music is everywhere.

Attached Links
Anoraak - Oblivion


Apr 24 2018 07:45AM
     Emails are cool
With great change comes great innovation.
Anyone hear about this email thing on the internets?
Apparently, if you sign up for one from various places like or yahoo or a plethora of other places, you can freely communicate with each other cost free and rather efficiently.
If only people would freely post their email addresses in places where others are trying to reach them so that they could be reached more easily.

Emails are pretty cool if people were to use them to stay in touch.


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