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Level 0 Male

 30 yrs old
Vegas, NV
Registered Dec 26 2022
Released Apr 11 2023

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Mar 11 2024 03:04PM
     Places To Iive
Alright, I'm going with 2 methods I've tested for 4 years as my labor replacement. On average, I can earn 7.5%-27% roi per week. Where do you think is a great place to live. I'm seeking a cheap affordable area. Since it's crypto, I don't need much.

Think of it like, you're a young guy building himself up. You just need a place to sleep, eat, and crap. Until I cashout, I'm stacking money with a clean cut gig. I may live off grid so if you have suggestions in where to buy cheap land, I'm open minded. I heard you can live in Mexico for very cheap and other places. Anything positive info helps.

Please remember, I've already experimented with these formulas for 2 and 4 years with consistent results. I don't need career advice just, living advice. Also an area with Japanese stores could be good. I speak Japanese but, barely get o speak it here. Other than overhearing Japanese grandmas, I really don't have the chance to stay up on my Japanese.


Jan 30 2024 05:27PM
     AI vs Porn, etc.
Who so you think can make more money and why: AI girlfriends like Replika or Human Sex Workers?


Dec 6 2023 09:18AM
     14 days in Cali. Suggestions.
I live off grid in the desert and come to Cali to work during the Winter Period. After 12.31.2023, I'll only come to Cali for a max of 14 days sometimes only 2 days. Any suggestions for fun things to do or people to meet?

I'll be in these areas only unless there's a great reason (like a busty young JAV girl coming to town)
San Gabriel Valley
El Cajon
San Diego (Oceanside, Solana Beach, Etc.)

Attached Links
A reason for me to visit other places.


Dec 4 2023 05:52PM
     Choosing. Which do I choose?
Would you rather live a life you never had the chance to live as an 18 year old due to woring hard or would you rather live a carefree life flying first class wherever?

1. Backpacking like teens did in the 70s.
2. Save a little money and live like a glam guy.

*You come from a highly privileged background but, don't want to use family. Money or connections.

*You're an academically proved gifted math and science student and known how to make money from scratch.

*You're first business made 5000% roi due to these math and science gifts. Whcich would you choose.

Also, want to develop a Universal AI Income Fund.


Oct 4 2023 10:23AM
     Boob Tour
Sate, sate (Alright, alright)

Clock is running out. Quiting my job this year and have a lot of stuff I want to do in the next 16 years. For starters, this coming year I have a few things to try out:

1. A boob tour. I want to follow various working girl's with the biggest boobs city to city.

2. bike to boston

3. Experiments

What do you think is the cheapest and best travel method to do a boob tour? I have a remote job so, it can be done anywhere.

Also, any referrals of young women with the hugest boobs? I'm willing to fly in. So far NY, Seattle and a few other cities are possible destinations.


Oct 3 2023 11:10AM
     Tablets with 4g
Quiting my job and my new job could benefit from a sim card capable tablet. Any suggestions? May be working on a farm as a hobby or in an Indian Temple. However, I still will work on financial sciences and watching my favorite role models.

I may call it quits next morning. Not much else to do here. Cali and I aren't compatible. I'm a scientist not an artist.


Sep 27 2023 07:18AM
     Forex and Crypto Freebie
Since I'm getting messages about this, I'll give a freebie. I'll explain my background and provide some evidence of my records.

Profitable Method:
Quant Trade Behaviorial Patterns
Understand how a person thinks in a desparate situation. Search for consitent patterns of that on the asset or intrument.

Once identitified, trade at the phenomena's beginning and exit around the mid phase. If your math is right, you can easily earn 100%-200% roi per month with a loss rate below 3. 10/10 rounds. Finding out how to do this is the challenging part. I use my own custom mathematical system vs Western Math.

Past results with Forex:

My first time trading, I made enough money to buy a milkshake using only $6.00.

Turned $5.00 into $40.00 trading binary options in 10 hours.

Turned $2.00 into $250.00 in 4 days trading forex.

Made 250% roi off crypto currency portfolio.

Quiting my job this year for finance after years of experimentation.

*I don't offer any services. I hate dealing with people and would rather use my knowledge for myself.
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1 comment

Sep 26 2023 09:28AM
     Japanese Porn House: Boston or Connecticut
Which region would be best for my Japanese Playboy mansion style idea?

I'm transitioning into a finance career and want to hire live in low tier japanese adult video girls. Since I'm self employed I'm offering $15000 annually, free room and food.

JAV girls (researched)
Income $30,000 gross
Pay per video: $1350.00
Average cocks she must do per video: 4 penises
Must pay bills from income.

My offer:
1 cock (me)
Free food, rent and travel expenses


Sep 25 2023 03:31PM
     Bucket List: Quiting Job and Kicking Cali
Any suggestions of things to do before I quit my job and leave Cali?
I've decided that flying into different cities to bang Japanese Porn Actresses could be a fun hobby. Any idea where a good home base should be. Preferably fiscal conservative and gun friendly.

Transitioning into Finance Career.
Last business made +5000%. Started with $1350.00 made $200k+
Win rate:
Binary options 7/10
Forex Scalping 8/10
Forex Intrapositionals 7/10
Turned $2.00 into $250.00 trading forex in 4 days back in 2021.


Sep 22 2023 07:09AM
     Kicking California
Tried to go to NY on Tuesday for a Japanese Porn Actress but, my banks in Cali kept declining the charges "for my own safety." Some of the people here are so bizarre and impractical. Anyways, I'm quiting my job this year so, Cali and banks have no real purpose. Found out you can pay cash or crypto for plane tix these days. To those of you not insane, I wish you the best but, Vegas, Arizona and New York can service me better due to our compatibility. I'm not a dreamer. Don't believe in luck. I'm just a scientist who copied the mind of an artist and was successful. Then, did the gig econ and will move back into remote science work.

Until then, I'll just fly or drive into regions more compatible with my taste in women and lifestyle. Once my randomly selected day arrives, I'll never return. Fortunately, with my record in Finance, all I need is $2.00 to start and by the end of the month can have $250.00. I'm very good at math and New York will be better for me. Plus this is what New York has:
Attached Links
One reason I chose NY. So efficient and streamline


Sep 16 2023 01:38AM
     Universal Basic Income Experiment
If you received $2,000.00 per month for free, until the fund ran out (5/100 chance of that happening), what would you do with your life?

I've decided to proceed with adding UBI research to my work load. Any insights culd be beneficial.


Sep 8 2023 01:23AM
     Plastic Surgery for a Tan?
Before reading, please view the photo at the link:

I'm thinking of getting plastic surgery (laser treatment or bleach injections) to fix my tan. Anyone know a better alternative to returning my normal skin tone? It's just kinda strange to have slanted eyes, my hair texture and have such a noticeable case of Hyperpigmentation. Last year, before I used suncreen fle the first time and exfoliated, my skin was the color of a plum. So just imagine a plum colored set of arms and face walking around with a yellow-light brown chest and arms. My true tone is the color of dry grass. I actually picked a blade of grass and compared it to my nontanned skin.


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