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Level 0 Male

 30 yrs old
Vegas, NV
Registered Dec 26 2022
Released Apr 11 2023

22 blogs/27 comments
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Sep 4 2023 09:37AM
     Biggest Booties (posted in wrong location earlier)
Would anyone mind explaining to me what's attractive about big butts? I'm a boob guy and the largest I've had was I believe a MM Cup with a former porn actress; fun in a car for 15 minutes non stop.

I just can't unerstand the culture of it subjectively. Sociologically, I know how it began and rose to mainstream western recognition but.

Out of 5 women, how would I judge their booties? And how big is too big?


Sep 4 2023 03:36AM
     Moving to New York
I'm thinking of moving to Manhattan. How'd you think a young finance scientist would do there. My income would be from financial sciences and trading. I'm a minimalist, have never had a failed business and like th recreational activities Manhattan has to offer.


Sep 2 2023 07:12AM
     New Zealand Experiences
Hi, I'm doing fiscal research for a new forex method. I would like to know any fun experiences you had in New Zealand or even if your grew up there. Some topics that'd help would be local music to listen to, sex, party culture. I'm attempting to correlate this data with currency patterns I've observed.

In the past, I've used Japanese music, movies and commercials for this research method and did get an roi of 100% in total. Another instance was using Western entertainment patterns from many sources to profit from crypto and forex.

"Anything in a 3 dimensional reality can be assigned nunbers. Knowing how to do the math, reality can become a game to you. "

-Ryuu Tsuka

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Aug 31 2023 11:44PM
     Universal Basic Income
What do you guys think about a privately funded UBI for society? My next career is in financial sciences starting this year. I already have ~87 plausible solutions. How do you think a stipend of $500.00 Every month would change our society.

*Ps: the stipend grows by 10% every year as long as you live domestically for 9 months or if traveling abroad, for 3+ months, sign up to be a cultural ambassador spreading and promoting our societal ideals. You'd have to document and submit proof to continue receiving the $500.00 monthly stipend.


Aug 30 2023 10:03AM
     Poems and Young Women
Been writing poems to young women who's beauty inspires me. Anyone know how I can find Puerto Rican women on average to be my inspiration.

How it works.
We meet up.

Have fun.

I explore their culture: Visiting their culturally relevant communities (like Chinatown), watch movies starring people of their cultures and visit their restaurants and write them poems.

I want to explore Latin Culture and entertainment but, need a woman to be guide me. So far Puerto Rican women seem like a great match.


Aug 29 2023 06:25PM
     Japanese Porn Girls
What do you guys think about me starting a Playboy mansion type scene with 18-24 year old Japanese girls. I'd offer Free Rent, Free 3 Meals a day and citizenship /work visa. I did research and these girls make about $20k-30k at best seeing multiple men on camera. I'm starting a new job in Financial Sciences this year and the lowest amount I'd need to hire 3 Japanese girls is only $9,000.00 at a 60% roi per month rate at 9 months totaling $45k. Any advice is welcome.

My finance models are proven to work for the oast 4 years. So paying them isn't a problem and starting a partmership, S-Corp or LLC to make them citizens thru proven work and residency isn't hard. I did it before for Latinas and European chicks indirectly in my early 20s.


Apr 29 2023 07:21AM
     Severe Tanning
Long story short, didn't use sunscreen for 20+ years and have to do skin therapy. My skin was the color of a trash bag last year and managed to get it toa brownish red but, it still doesn't match my actual tone (the color of dry grass). Any advise on how to speed up the process? I already exfoliate, avoid direct sunlight and use sunscreen whenever the sun is out.


Apr 13 2023 08:40AM
     Alien Technology or A Miracle?
If you had certain events people call miracles like being cured of incurable illnesses, what would you do in this situation? It wasn't a miracle or religion. You have knowledge of advanced mathematics and science. You can prove this with your own body but, the technology of your era is so primitive, it may take your societies' best minds 1000+ years to even begin to understand the basics.

What would you guys do? I would say this is like the best iPhone 14 photographer waking up in the 1800s trying to explain digital imaging and emulation in an era of photo obscura and film just being introduced. How would you explain iphone OS, parts and coding to the primitive minds back then, who still thinks film capturing light on 1 cell is "magic?" You being from the era of digital, have no idea what camera obscura is or film but, have to explain this to people who have no concept of circuit boards, processors, or even an easy programming language like visual basic or html.

What would you do? Profit? I'm curious to know.


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