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 44 yrs old
Registered Aug 15 2008
Released Mar 20 2008

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Jul 18 2020 01:04PM
     'Boogaloo' on the loose
What the Hell is "Boogaloo"?

Authorities who study extremism told Congress Thursday that far-right groups, not the radicals of antifa, currently pose the most serious threat of political violence in America — including attacks on the police.
A growing body of evidence, including intelligence reports, leaked law enforcement documents, as well as a number of indictments filed by Barr’s own Justice Department, has revealed significant threats against police and protesters by followers of far-right accelerationist and antigovernment militia movements, including the boogaloo.
“As long as there is chaos these groups will thrive,” said MacNab. While some members of extremist militias are waiting for a catalyst to launch the violence, many others, she said, “will do what they have to do to bring chaos to the situation.”
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Jul 11 2020 07:52PM
     Mueller says Roger Stone remains a convicted felon and 'rightfully so'
Muller Strikes back at Trump
�Trump�s commutation of Roger Stone�s sentence is an unforgivable betrayal of his office�.

"Stone was prosecuted and convicted because he committed federal crimes. He remains a convicted felon, and rightly so," Mueller wrote on Saturday.

Sen. Mitt Romney, R-Utah, criticized Trump calling it �unprecedented, historic corruption.�
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Jun 28 2020 09:28AM
     JESUS Threatens to sues Trump campaign
Breaking NEWs
Rolling stone threatens to sue Trump campaign to stop using their songs during Trump rallies

I heard Jesus is planning to sue Trump for singing “Kumbaya my Lord “ too lol 😂


Jun 27 2020 09:45PM
     Year 2187 AD, ALL Trump statues brought down and finally he is declared Racist
The way America catch up with racism it will take probably another century and half to recognize that is he and his follows were Racist


Nov 25 2019 09:53PM
     Do Navy leaders have a 'duty to disobey' Trump in Gallagher case?
Great article
- what if every Nazi would have justified killing Jews that they are killing them on order of their commander in chief... Hitler...…

- It's a doctrine that demolished Nazi war criminals' claims during the Nuremberg trials that they were just following orders.

-The commander in chief's pardons and orders undercut America's moral authority and ability to hold troops accountable for misconduct

- and he want convicted war criminals to campaign for him

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Oct 19 2019 09:49PM
     Meryl Streep of generals roasts Trump over not fighting in Vietnam, KFC and Linclon
Few Days ago Trump Mocked James Mattis his own former US defense secretary The retired Marine Corps general and referred to him as the "world's most overrated general" this week.

Also Trump joked about former President Abraham Lincoln during his rally, "Abraham Lincoln could not win Texas under those circumstances," Trump said during the rally, adding that he eliminated a record number of regulations on natural gas and oil production in the state. "Honest Abe couldn't do it."

Dumb Ass Trumpbo don't even know there were no Gas regulation when Lincoln was president to repeal… lol

James Mattis took very clever revenge by roasting him …..

He mocks Donald Trump for Being Coward and not fighting in Vietnam

"I earned my spurs on the battlefield ... Donald Trump earned his spurs in a letter from a doctor," Mattis joked at one point, in a reference to the medical deferment for bone spurs that kept Mr. Trump from serving in the military during the Vietnam War.

Mr Mattis went on: "I think the only person in the military that Mr Trump doesn't think is overrated is Colonel Sanders," referring to the founder of Kentucky Fried Chicken."

then very true where our Great nation is headed...…

the retired four-star Marine Corps general invoked Abraham Lincoln in his speech, quoting the former president's famous Lyceum address in Springfield, Illinois.

"Lincoln went on, it was not the foreign aggressor we must fear; it was corrosion from within. The rot, the viciousness, the lassitude, the ignorance," Mattis paraphrased from the Lyceum speech. "Anarchy is one potential consequence of all this. Another is the rise of an ambitious leader unfettered by conscience or precedent or decency who would make themselves supreme.

"'If destruction be our lot,' Lincoln warned, 'We must, ourselves, be its author and finisher,'" Mattis said.

Last But not least He thanked our Kurdish allies

The former defense secretary said: "We owe a debt to all who fought for liberty, including those who tonight serve in the far corners of our planet, among them the American men and women supporting our Kurdish allies."

Eye Opener.... for some...
I am sure some dumb heads still try to make some nonsense out of this... to defend him....

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Oct 17 2019 09:44PM
     OBAMA has awarded next year’s G-7 summit to Florida OBAMA resort, the White House said

Just Kidding...……. you know Obama is black if he will do that he will be Traitor and corrupts.....

can't do it only person can do it most HONEST WHITE person in white house EVER,

like Blue diamond say Best President ever #45 …

President Trump has awarded the 2020 Group of Seven summit of world leaders to his private company, scheduling the summit for June at his Trump National Doral Miami golf resort in Florida, the White House announced Thursday.

That decision is without precedent in modern American history: The president used his public office to direct a huge contract to himself.

America ( Trump ) First!!!!!

Make AMERICA Great Again…
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Sep 17 2019 08:53PM
     Why is Trump so desperate to make California’s air more polluted?
How Low you can go?

since 1970 California is able to set its own tailpipe pollution rules because of a waiver granted to it under the Clean Air Act due to the state's unique geography and history of intense air pollution, highlighted by the thick smog that once blanketed Southern California but Trump not only set to revoke California's authority to set vehicle standards he is Threatening the Car companies who want to follow it

#1 Republican Bull shit argument Federal Govt should not control local Govt unless its Trump..… HMMMMM... what..

#2 the Car Companies which Voluntarily agreed to California standards for clean Air, Trump Justice Department will file law suit against those car companies to help make air cleaner … Govt Control...

Hunhh for you "less Federal govt control freaks " on your Face we have Democrat in house...

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Sep 9 2019 07:09PM
     #PresidentPussyAssBitch Vs Filthy Mouthed Wife
Trump Comes for John Legend and 'Filthy Mouthed Wife' Chrissy Teigen on Twitter; Ends Up With a New Nickname more than Half of US Can Agree On

Love the reactions from Other Celebrities.... Hilarious
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Sep 2 2019 08:33PM
     Nero in White House
Heard history repeats itself
Emperor Nero, “fiddled while Rome burned.
Trump was playing Golf in his Virginia golf course today as Category 5 hurricane is racing towards Florida and Carolinas
Can’t miss his Golf lol the one he complained about Obama for playing too much to his dumbass followers lol
America First !!!!! Lol


Aug 27 2019 10:23PM
     Trump is Cleaning The SWAMP
So much for America First!!!!

-United Stated Attorney General picked by Trump, books Trump’s hotel for his party
-Trump Suggests Hosting 2020 G-7 Summit at His Miami Golf Resort
-Rick Santorum Slams Trump for Pitching His Own Miami Resort as Next G-7 Venue: 'Hell No… Put an End to It'

LOL, SWAMP cleaning SWAMP!!!
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Jul 28 2019 10:17PM
     Great AMERICAN City of Baltimore
Yesterday Trump called out the Maryland congressman Elijah Cummings,and Blamed him for "disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess."

Funny thing is in 2015 , He blamed Then President Obama for same thing but now since He is President, he is not to blame, lol its congressman now lol Fucking Retard...

Its not Fake News Guys Love Twitter... you better watch out what you Tweet it will stay for ever

For You Neo Nazi's Trump Supporters... History of Rat Infested Great City of Baltimore

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