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Level 2 Male

 52 yrs old
Carson, Inland Cities, LA, CA
Registered Jan 28 2008
Released Mar 20 2008

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Sep 25 2020 03:46PM
     We are so screwed!!!!
So why we sit around bitching about what divides us we are ignoring what may be the real threat...

Judgement Day is coming Fuckers!!!

And I for one welcome our robot overlords...

Attached Links


Aug 13 2020 04:57PM
     Halloween Haunt in the CoVid Days
Drive-thru haunt at the OC Fairgrounds. Thank god there’s something going on. Halloween is my favorite holiday and it was looking like all Hope was lost.
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Mar 25 2020 06:48PM
     Who Needs What and Who Can Help Them
So I was talking to a coworker and he was describing how he needed eggs and couldn’t find any in stores, but he knew a buddy of his that is a bodybuilder so he always has tons of eggs on hand. They worked out a trade for some fruit that my coworker had. I thought this was a good example of people helping each other out.

In that spirit I thought maybe we could try that here. If someone needs something that they can’t find post it here. If someone has some extra, maybe they can help that person out. Hell, if you’re feeling extra special you could even post stuff you have before someone asks for it and see if anyone needs it.

BTW - I fully expect this to go off the rails, but maybe it will some folks out before it does...

1 comment

Jan 28 2020 07:39PM
     Where is my profile?
What the hell happened to my profile?

I had it filled out with some witty answers and everything, now it blank!!

Where did it go?


Jan 4 2020 06:31AM
     Breakfast in OC
Going to be stuck in OC for a while this morning, Laguna Hills, Irvine, Costa Mesa areas. For a change I will not be rushed, and am thinking about breakfast. Any recommendations?


Nov 18 2019 09:28PM
     New Electric Mustang
So they debuted the 2021 All Electric Ford Mustang. See attached link.

I do not think they should have called it a Mustang, to me it is not a Mustang.
Attached Links
Electric Mustang


Jun 7 2019 06:40PM
     Phoenix Trip
So I’m going to Phoenix for work, and it’s the first time I’ve been there in over 40 years.

Any suggestions on things to do or places to eat?


Apr 25 2019 11:08PM
     End Game
So... Avengers End Game is finally here. I’ve got to work late Friday, but I’m thinking about going to see it after I get off work. Probably around 11:00 or Midnight. That 3 hour run time might not seem so cool at 3:00 am, but I I’m sure I’ll get over it.

So, is anyone else planning to see it this weekend?


Feb 3 2019 04:32PM
     Super Bowl Commercials
Ok. It’s going to be hard to beat that Bud Light/GOT commercial.

They took out the Bud Knight Vioer style. WTF!!!!!!!


Dec 21 2018 08:53PM
     Fluffy Fans
Ok, so I don’t know if chubby chasers is appropriate for women that like chubby/fat guys. I know it’s a much smaller number, but I have met one or two in my life. So are there any out there? Any ladies that love having a lot of fluffy goodness to snuggle with after having thier world rocked?


Nov 2 2018 04:30PM
     Lodge 49 on AMC
A buddy of mine got me watching this show. It is set in Long Beach which is kind of neat since a lot of shows film in Long Beach but are meant to be someplace else.

I like the show, and it is kind of Big Lebowskish, but is fun to watch.

Anyone else watching it?


Oct 20 2018 03:32PM
     Halloween Blahs
This is the first Halloween in a while where I’m not going to a party or one of the haunted attractions. Halloween is my favorite holiday and not doing anything this year has me pretty bummed.

I even thought of going to Ship Wreck solo, but that idea sucks

Anyone else a Halloween Shut In this year?


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