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Level 2 Male

 52 yrs old
Carson, Inland Cities, LA, CA
Registered Jan 28 2008
Released Mar 20 2008

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Oct 19 2018 09:58PM
     Movie Plot Holes
So, I am watching Top Gun right now (one of my favorite movies of all time) and I am reminded that it had a huge hole in its plot.

The whole purpose of sending these pilots to Top Gun is so they can learn dog fighting skills since pilots had become too dependent on missles. But in the big dog fight at the end the only guys using their guns were the Russians, and every American kill was a missed shot....

It is still one of my favorite movies, despite this but what are some movies you like with a huge hole in the plot?


May 4 2018 03:19PM
     Mama Mia Better Than Good!
Had some of the best deep dish pizza I have ever had today in Long Beach. It is a little hole in the wall place, and it was better than anything I ate in Chicago.

The place is called 5000 Pies on Santa Fe Ave, just north of PCH.

Attached Pictures


Feb 8 2018 11:22PM
     Altered Carbon on Netflix
Good series.

I wish they had advertised it better. Original storyline for once (I know it was based on a graphic novel, but fuck it), super hot women, and great visual effects.

Oh, and lots of sexy time


Nov 18 2017 08:21PM
     What to do?
So I am unexpectedly alone tonight with no plans. I'm trying to decide what, if anything, I should do.

I could get some drinks and kick back at the local strip club.

I could clear up some DVR space.

I could just get hammered at home.

Im open to other suggestions. Entertain me...


Sep 27 2017 10:25PM
     How To Embed A Video
Ok, so what's the secret to embedding a YouTube or any other video?

It looks so much better when you have that little screen to click on rather than some boring link.


Sep 21 2017 10:33PM
     Mistress of the Dark
Just saw Elvira on the news and I must say, for a 65 year old woman, she is still pretty hot. Maybe it's just the long time lust, but she still fills out her black gown very well.


Sep 18 2017 02:29PM
     Hell's Bell's Palsy

Hit me on Friday for the first time in my life. It's weird not being able to control parts of your face. I feel like I have the local the dentist uses wearing off.


Sep 14 2017 10:02PM
     Happy Birthday AlyssaO711
I know it's early by a few hours but I had to wish my ATF Happy Birthday!!!!

Hope you have a great day you beautiful sexy woman!!!


Sep 14 2017 07:39PM
     Halloween Haunts/Mazes
So October is quickly approaching along with my favorite holiday... Halloween!!!!

Anyways, I've done Knotts, Universal, The Queen Mary and I like them, but I'm looking for something a little more intense. What's the best haunt or maze out there?

I've seen some more interactive events, but I'd like input from my fellow HX Asylum Inmates.


Sep 8 2017 10:24PM
     Sex Sent Me To The ER
This show is fucking hilarious.

They just had a guy on who had a fractured penis (didn't know that was possible) because an ironing board slammed down it.


Sep 7 2017 11:13PM
     8.2 Earthquake
Off the coast of Mexico.

That's huge. Going to be a lot of damage from this one.


Sep 7 2017 03:49PM
     Sleep Problems
For the past two nights I've the had the hardest time sleeping, and the sleep I did get was shitty to say the least.

Oddly enough, I've talked to a number of people that are in the same boat. Anyone else been getting crappy sleep the last few nights?

Any suggestions for getting the rest you need when everything else is working against it?


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