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 63 yrs old
Registered Feb 18 2022
Released Feb 18 2022

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Aug 26 2023 03:27PM
     Miramar Air Show
I have 2 unrefundable tickets for the airshow on Saturday 9/23. Girlfriend has a scheduling conflict so I'm open to taking someone else. Females preferred but will give a ticket to a guy if no females grab them before 9/21.

Tickets are for the Semper Fi Chalet which is shaded with buffet lunch and open bar (beer and wine). Best way to see the airshow. Up close to the flight line.

Bring ear plugs!


Nov 10 2022 01:52PM
     Doomsday may be upon us.
This is possibly the scariest time since the Cuban Missile Crisis.

Putin has indicated that he will not hesitate to use nuclear weapons if Russian territory is threatened. It is also very clear that his ego will not allow him to lose the war in Ukraine.

He recently "annexed" the Kherson region (amongst others).

Several weeks ago he ordered civilians to evacuate Kherson.

Recently, he has withdrawn troops from the Kherson region.

Ukrainian troops are advancing on Kherson to retake it.

What if Putin is drawing them into that region just so he can nuke them? His justification will be that since Kherson is now Russian territory, and that Ukrainian forces are invading Russian territory, that the use of nuclear weapons on Russian territory is fair game!

The U.S. has already said that if Russian uses nuclear weapons in the region that they will suffer a terrible response - but it will not entail a nuclear response by the U.S. or NATO. WTF? Nothing like giving Putin a get out of jail free card!

I believe that he is setting this up for the use of nuclear weapons. What good are nuclear weapons if everyone knows that you are afraid to use them? Obviously, the U.S. is afraid to use them. We had the perfect opportunity when we had OSB trapped in Tora Bora. Sparsely populated area with limited collateral damage - but no - that is violation of our moral code, and I'm sure Putin took note of that.

If you are a wannabe world leader that is economically challenged to take the No. 1 spot, why not just become the meanest, baddest MOFO on the planet and let everyone else know that you have nuclear weapons and that you are not afraid to use them?

Our mid-term elections will cause him to pause for a moment and re-evaluate the chess board, just like he did after the 2020 elections, but just like invading Ukraine (which I'm sure was years in the planning), he will forge ahead anyway. He is not concerned about the ramifications, only how he will spin the fallout (literally speaking)!


Aug 12 2022 08:37AM
     Pence - American Hero or Traitor?
Put aside your own party bias for a moment and envision what history will say about Pence 20 years from now.


Aug 10 2022 09:52AM
     Harris for Pres?
I have held this belief even before the 2020 elections. I did not think that Biden was mentally competent enough to be president. However, it appeared that he was the only one capable of taking on Trump. Add to that his selection of Harris as his VP so he could garner the women and black votes. Not a bad strategy come to think about it.

But here is the true hidden agenda (in my mind anyway). Shortly after the mid-term elections,
Biden will step down, leaving the presidency to Harris. That way the remaining time left on the current term (which will be less than 2 years) will not count against her 2-term limit. This means that Harris will be eligible to serve a total of 10-years as president (ifs she can get elected and reelected).

How many SCOTUS will retire or die in that 10 years?

How many immigrants will be granted entry into this country, many of them getting citizenship in the process?

10 years of growing their base with a chance of reforming the SCOTUS. Not a bad long range plan actually!

BTW - I'm an Independent!


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