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 49 yrs old
Registered Aug 28 2008
Released Jul 16 2010

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Mar 2 2021 11:14PM
     Alex Jones leaked interview admits he is sick of Trump
“It’s the truth, and I’m just going to say it. That I wish I never would have fucking met Trump,” Jones says in the footage. “I wish it never would have happened. And it’s not the attacks I’ve been through. I’m so sick of fucking Donald Trump, man. God, I’m fucking sick of him. And I’m not doing this because, like, I’m kissing his fucking ass, you know. It’s, like, I’m sick of it.”

Filmmaker Caolan Robertson, who shot a propaganda film called “You Can’t Watch This” with the Infowars host, leaked the footage to the Southern Poverty Law Center’s Hatewatch initiative, which monitors far-right extremism in the U.S.

Robertson told Hatewatch that Jones asked him to discard the footage, which he said was shot in January 2019 in Austin, Texas. He provided text messages between him and Jones corroborating his account.

Robertson shared the footage to expose how Jones is exploiting Trump’s supporters and his audience, he told the group. During that same shoot, he recalled, Jones bragged about making tens of millions of dollars in 2018 and mocked his audience, claiming they would “buy anything.”

“Alex Jones doesn’t care about most of the stuff he professes to,” Robertson told Hatewatch. “It just shows he doesn’t care about anything he talks about. He doesn’t like Trump, but then goes on camera talking about how Trump is the savior.”

Of course in 2021 he was out there supporting magas and the stop the steal insurrection. They all hate Trump. They know he is bad for the party. But the money train from the rubes is just too easy if you go out there a spout a bunch of nonsense that only they believe.


Jan 6 2021 11:34AM
     I see they have invaded the capital now - 6pm curfew
I guess they are still looking for ANY evidence that what Trump said was true. Apparently hearsay doesnt make it true.


Apr 3 2020 06:25PM
     Wow, the bad news keeps coming
Since SARS-CoV-2 infection was first identified in December 2019, it spread rapidly and a global pandemic of COVID-19 has occurred. ACE2, the receptor for entry into the target cells by SARS-CoV-2, was found to abundantly express in testes, including spermatogonia, Leydig and Sertoli cells. However, there is no clinical evidence about whether SARS-CoV-2 infection can affect male gonadal function so far. In this study, we compared the sex-related hormones between 81 reproductive-aged men with SARS-CoV-2 infection and 100 age-matched healthy men, and found that serum luteinizing hormone (LH) was significantly increased, but the ratio of testosterone (T) to LH and the ratio of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) to LH were dramatically decreased in males with COVID-19. Besides, multivariable regression analysis indicated that c-reactive protein (CRP) level was significantly associated with serum T:LH ratio in COVID-19 patients. This study provides the first direct evidence about the influence of medical condition of COVID-19 on male sex hormones, alerting more attention to gonadal function evaluation among patients recovered from SARS-CoV-2 infection, especially the reproductive-aged men.


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