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 59 yrs old
Registered Oct 17 2014
Released Oct 23 2014

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Mar 22 2017 08:02PM
     Trumpcare will pass
Own it Hombre Illegal
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Mar 6 2017 07:40AM
     Another Hollywood Whack job.
Barbra Streisand tweeted that President Donald Trump is causing her to gain weight.

She said she starts the day with "liquids" but turns to "pancakes smothered in maple syrup" after watching the morning news.

Why can't she just be honest and admit she is becoming a over the hill fat pig?


Feb 28 2017 07:14AM
     Blacks for Trump
Join the NIG and get involved!!

Thanks for your support!
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Feb 26 2017 07:42AM
     Obama mess
What a horrible mess Trump needs to unwind.

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Feb 21 2017 10:08AM
     California Drought Update
Most of you are stupid. Read below so you can sound intelligent to others:

Drought conditions have continued to improve, with about 11% of the state experiencing severe to extreme drought, compared to 20% last week. The area no longer experiencing short-term drought effects has increased from 40% to 41.5% over the past week. La Niña conditions have subsided and normal sea surface temperatures in the Northern Hemisphere are expected to continue through spring 2017. Despite these improvements, drought impacts on overdrafted groundwater basins, forests, and aquatic species in California are long term and will take multiple above-average precipitation years to be resolved.


Feb 16 2017 03:35PM
     Frog & Derby
Finally found a word the describes them both to a TEE!!

Shit Gibbon


Feb 16 2017 02:53PM
     Divided Nation from OBAMA
President Trump ended his marathon press conference Thursday by responding to the mounting political tensions in the country – and saying he didn’t start the fire.
“I didn’t come along and divide this country,” Trump said. “This country was seriously divided before I got here.”
Political tensions flared throughout the 2016 presidential campaign, and a string of political protests – some violent, some civil – have been held since his inauguration. While Trump maintained he inherited a “mess,” he also claimed Thursday he’ll clean it up.
The president cited inner cities, education and crime as areas he will focus on, praising the country’s law enforcement officials.
“It’s very important to me” to unite the country, Trump said. “But this isn’t Donald Trump that divided a nation. We went eight years with President Obama, and we went many years before President Obama. We lived in a divided nation. And I’m gonna try, I will do everything within my power to fix that.”
Earlier in the press conference, Trump cited the Islamic State’s rise and other issues in claiming he “inherited a mess at home and abroad.”


Feb 13 2017 02:16PM
     Alien Immigration Bans
Here's the breakdown of how many times each of the past five presidents issued orders limiting alien immigration.

Ronald Reagan - Five times
George H. W Bush - One time
Bill Clinton - 12 times
George W. Bush - Six times
Barack Obama - 19 times


Jan 22 2017 12:40PM
Right next to Susan Sarandon, Madonna is showing how much of a washed up, whack Liberal bitch she is, trying desperately to keep her name in the headlines.

I hope the Secret Service presses charges.


Jan 18 2017 07:10AM
     Truth on the false facts on Obama presidency
According to President Barack Obama, the last eight years have been just swell. But his rendition of history leaves out a few important facts about the state of America following his two terms as president.

In two videos, we run through 13 facts about his administration’s domestic and foreign policy record he conveniently ignores.

On the domestic front, the national debt has almost doubled on his watch. He is responsible for an unparalleled expansion of the job-killing regulatory state. And his signature policy, the Affordable Care Act, has proven to be anything but affordable for many Americans.

His foreign policy and national security record also paints a bleak picture. By any objective measure, transnational terrorist threats are far greater today than when Obama took office in 2009. His policy of appeasement toward hostile regimes in Iran and Cuba have not made Americans safer or the Cuban people freer. And his refusal to adequately fund the U.S. military has threatened the readiness of our country’s armed forces.


Jan 18 2017 05:07AM
     Black perspective on Obama legacy
Even his people are unhappy.
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Jan 15 2017 07:37PM
     Sums up the disaster
Obama promises the world. FAILED Presidency.

Classic BS video
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