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Level 1 Male

 37 yrs old
Registered Dec 16 2013
Released Dec 16 2013

33 blogs/485 comments
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Apr 7 2021 01:16PM
     So I was thinking about this...
Every guy here knows that a lot of the ladies on this site have problems trying to be normal mature responsible adults. That doesn't matter tho since they make up for it in other ways.


They don't know how to keep track of bills, or pay rent on time, spend money like it's going out of style, act very immature when called out on things like accountability or breaking promises (lol), forget they said things and deny things ouright but will always make a fuss if you wrong them for anything that they are guilty of as well. It's as if these ladies think about as far ahead as their nose is long, and looking back on past experiences is being negative about anything.

Now I was wondering, ladies how many of you have been diagnosed with ADHD? Because a lot of the crazies I've met on here exhibit many of these symptoms and while they are excellent in the bedroom they would make terrible terrible life partners IRL. And fellas you know what I'm talking about. Look up ADHD on webMD or YT. Any stimulus that is fun and worth doing is worth doing well, and all the boring life shit is not for these gals. And these girls are VERY good at what they do if they like it.

Now I'm saying all of this because ladies, if you think you are having it bad in life, it might be because of a genuine mental/physical imbalance and not because you suck at adulting.

That is all.

1 comment

Apr 24 2020 12:03PM
     Anyone care to relax with me over a glass of fine libations?
It's cool Trump said it's good for you! We can disinfect together
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Jan 30 2019 10:33AM
     Have any of you ever felt a witch's kiss?
And if so did you feel gross when it happened?


Nov 25 2018 08:59PM
     Things to do in Chicago
I'm stuck here so what things can I do late at night? Freezing in the snow until I die from the cold is an option I am already entertaining. It's also Sunday.

Ok go


Nov 20 2018 03:50PM
     A really good garbage disposal unit?
I need something that my tenants can't really stop up or clog up, something like this? Anyone have any recommendations that they can personally vouch for?

Oh yeah boobs and butts to stay relevant

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Jun 19 2018 01:48AM
Is he a master troll or a great self promoter?


Sep 18 2017 10:56PM
     There shuld be more to a girl than nice tits an a phat ass
If I cant have a enter lectual conversation with a girl then she clearly not the one.



Aug 25 2017 12:48AM
     I love Brazil liens
They be speaking porch of geese and I'm like dayum sweetie quack quack 👄👅👄


Aug 17 2017 08:17PM
     Let's see the #liberals find a reason to deface, destroy or degrade this one
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May 16 2017 11:52PM
     Snctm Club?
Have any of you heard of it and/or been there? Is it worth ponying up? PM your experiences or post them here.

I guess some of you can make shirt up too. I am at your mercy which is kind of the point of the club right, or something?


Apr 18 2017 10:23PM
     What is a good current/latest gen phone?
Something that any of you might like or be in to for its features? Android or IOS based don't matter. Preferable something that has:

A great/amazing camera
Lots of storage or able to add more storage

I know it's probably easier/lazier to look at online reviews but first hand exp is nice to hear about from time to time.

P.S. If a woman/girl on here has any personal recommendations or thoughts and why pls list them!


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