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Level 2 Male

 55 yrs old
Fountain Valley, OC, CA
Registered Feb 7 2012
Released Apr 14 2013

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Jul 26 2020 01:30PM
     Police in Australia won their Supreme Court bid to stop a Black Lives Matter protest
Awesome: Police in New South Wales, Australia won a Supreme Court case to stop a Black Lives Matter protest from taking place on Tuesday, July 28th due to coronavirus concerns.

Is anybody else watching Married at First Site Australia? There are some hotties on this show.


Jul 3 2020 10:30PM
     90 Day Fiance shows
I have come to really like these shows. The producers can make 3 or 4 shows out of 1 show.
90 Day Fiance
Before the 90 Days
Happily Ever After, or something like that
90 Day Fiance the Other Way

You got to love Big Ed. This guy is a mess but he seems to embrace it and have fun. Showing how he uses Nair with a paint brush for his front and a paint roller for back hair. Awesome.


Jun 16 2020 06:49PM
     Does anyone really care
I have been thinking that I really do not care. I mean who gives a shit. Come on people get with it. Today I was driving home from work listening to Emerson Lake and Palmer's version of Fanfare for the Common Man and thinking these guys had it right. Arron Copeland in an interview said that the first 2 minutes and the last 2 minutes were Fanfare but the 6 minutes in the middle he had no idea what that was. Arron gave his consent to ELP for their version. Arron had it right. He did not care. ELP had it right and did not care so I am following their lead. I wish you all good tidings but pull your heads out of your asses and see what is not important.


Jun 7 2020 11:20PM
     The Forrest Fenn Treasure has been found
I made 3 trips searching for the treasure, twice to New Mexico and once to Wyoming. I was working on two additional solves and was planning a trip in early September. I hope the person who finds it posts some pictures and maybe where it was hidden.

The Newspaper article:

The search for treasure might be over, but the fight sure isn’t.

Forrest Fenn, an 89-year-old Santa Fe author and artifacts dealer, said his treasure chest hidden in the Rocky Mountains in 2010 was found last week.

“It’s true,” Fenn told The New Mexican in a phone call Sunday, adding that the finder of his chest located the valuable goods “a few days ago.”

Fenn wouldn’t say where the treasure was found or who found it.

“The guy who found it does not want his name mentioned. He’s from back East,” he said, adding that it was confirmed from a photograph the man sent him.

Fenn declined to produce the photograph Sunday.

An estimated 350,000 people have hunted for Fenn’s treasure. Some quit their jobs to do so. But it’s had deadly consequences. At least five people have died while searching for the chest.

Barbara Andersen, a Chicago real estate attorney, said she is filing an injunction in federal District Court alleging she solved the puzzle but was hacked by someone she doesn’t know.

“He stole my solve,” she said in an interview. “He followed and cheated me to get the chest.”

Andersen, who has been licensed to practice law in Illinois since 1998, is representing herself.

In the injunction, she seeks to stop an unknown defendant from selling booty from the treasure chest. She is also asking the court to give the chest to her.

And that’s not the only court case involving Fenn’s treasure.

In December, David Harold Hanson of Colorado Springs, Colo., sued Fenn for $1.5 million, claiming he has deprived him of the treasure through fraudulent statements and misleading clues.

A judge threw out the case in February, citing mishandled procedure for serving Fenn with the lawsuit. But last week Hanson petitioned the court to reopen the case.


May 23 2020 08:36AM
     Sex with facial coverings
I had my first experience with my partner wearing a facial covering. I rather enjoyed the experience. New kink?


May 3 2020 08:22PM
     Huntington Beach this weekend
I live in H.B. about 1 1/2 blocks from the sand. On Saturday morning helicopters flew overhead and made announcements that the boardwalk was closed and the beach was too. Well I was in the water at the time and basically none of us got out until we wanted too. The lifeguards did nothing and the H.B. police issued no citations as I saw. Same for Sunday morning.
The city put up tape and blockades along the paved beached trail and the stairs but that was all taken down or moved by the public. We still walked, jogged, swan, surfed along the beach and water. The city put them back and we took them down, No citations as I saw were issued.
Bolsa Chica State beach was completely shut down, Bolsa Chica goes basically from Warner Ave. to the inlet right just north of the H.B. cliffs. There were CHP officers and state rangers enforcing the shutdown.
Basically the H.B. City beaches were ""closed"" but the authorities did not do much of anything to stop people from going on the beach or in the water.


Mar 29 2020 09:52PM
     Stay home and stay out of Huntington Beach
WTF people. You have no better place to go then clog the bike and walking paths in H.B.. It is like a summer weekend everyday. Keep you dirty, diseased, stinking bodies and crappy cars out of H.B..
Fuck you all. I do not drive through your neighborhoods at 2 mph and stop at every intersection trying to figure out where to go. Stay the fuck home. Thanks and peace and be kind to you neighbor,


Mar 22 2020 11:42AM
     People paying too much for silver
Today silver is approx. $12.63 a troy ounce. I have been purchasing precious metals for years. My favorite is silver because it comes in so many different ways. Bars, rounds, coins, skulls, lions, bullets..... all made out of .999 or .9999 silver measured in troy ounces or gram weight. Some of the items I have purchased were $2 or more over spot price but the items were neat designs: dragons, lions spiders...... Typically for rounds or bars you would pay 69 cents to 99 cents above spot price with no tax.

I have recently searched the 3 main manufacturers or mints to purchase at a lower price but they all have basically say out of stock. They are not out of stock it is because those mints purchased silver at a much higher price then today's spot price and to sell would mean a big loss.

Searched eBay and have been watching people purchase silver for over $20 ounce for rounds, bars and coins.

I can sell my own silver on eBay, I have been selling on eBay for about 10 years, for more now then I could when silver was $17 an troy ounce. i understand supply and demand but this still makes no sense to me.


Mar 20 2020 09:39PM
     Very nice shopping experience today at Trader Joe's and Sprouts
The Joe's i went to did not open till 9 am. I got there at 9 am and there was a line of about 30 people. I grabbed a cart and stood in line. The store was letting in 10 groups of shoppers in at a time. A group was either 1 person with a cart or basket or a couple with a child or a 2 people together. they had every other register opened to keep shoppers apart. It took about 30 minutes to get into the store and once inside you buzzed through the store in about 10 minutes. The way joe;s was doing it kept very few shoppers inside which allowed you to go through quickly. The Joe;s staff was stocking and helping shoppers find items. Joe's had eggs, bread, cheese, yogurt, milk, vegetables. frozen items...... just about fully stocked.'

Outside in line we told jokes too each other'
Why do people no longer give Darth Vader presents at Christmas or his Birthday?
because he can sense your presence. Best joke I heard.

Sprouts was pretty easy too. Went to the Deli and seafood section and was out in about 15 minutes with everything, meats cheese, seafood that I wanted.

I live in h.B. and everything seems to be going smoothly. The beaches and parks were full of people walking and talking and playing. Dog beach was full of happy tail wagging dogs.


Mar 18 2020 06:50PM
     Thanos snapped the Covid 19 and traffic is no more
Driving to work now is like driving to work the week before Christmas, I leave for work 15 minutes later then usual and still get there early enough to grind the beans and make excellent coffee.
Italy is reporting no or very little smog and dolphins in the Venice.
Went to Walmart in H.B. after work yesterday for a few items and the parking lot had half the cars as usual for the time and no line at self check out.
The County closed Irvine Regional Park,to vehicle traffic a 400 plus acre park because of fears of people being to close to each other. WTF kind of reasoning is that. I parked at the shopping center on Chapman and Jamboree and rode my bike in and it was like heaven. A few locals walking dogs. It was like being in an isolated wilderness.
Thanos had it right.


Feb 9 2020 10:33PM
     Dave McCoy, Founder of Mammoth Mountain and Pioneer of CA Ski Industry, Dead at 104
Dave McCoy, a towering pioneer of the California ski industry, who with vision, hard work and a knack for the mechanical transformed a remote Sierra peak into the storied Mammoth Mountain Ski Area, has died. He was 104.

A notice of McCoy’s death posted Sunday afternoon on the Mammoth Mountain website simply said, “Thank you, Dave McCoy, for everything.” No other details were given.
I met Dave in Bishop about 20 years ago and we had lunch at Jacks, Very nice guy.

1 comment

Feb 2 2020 05:34PM
     Karl Strauss Red Trolley Ale
Fuck yea. I do not drink much but when I do it is Red Trolley Ale. Not driving tonight. Not going anywhere. Trump 2020. Fuck Communism. Fuck Newsom's Gaynors. Fuck yea. Fuck all you haters. I am hating now so fuck me too. Red Trolley Ale rules. Fuck yea.


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