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 60 yrs old
Registered Dec 3 2020
Released Dec 10 2020

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Jul 7 2022 11:08AM
     Is it just me???
Or is it a total turn off/moronic when a girl from here taks a pic sticking her tongue out...I don't get it...isn't sexy to me!!!!!!


Jun 27 2022 03:50PM
Looking forward to all of you fireworks fuck blowing your fingers and hands retarded!!!!!!


Apr 26 2022 09:21AM
     Is it just me or is Twitter a good start to getting progressives and libs to lose their collective s
Independents, conservatives and traditionalists should take the lead from up and take control of everything that progressives love...and then wreck it...and run it into the ground!!!!!!!


Apr 14 2022 09:40AM
     Is it just me, or is California proposing to pay reparations to California blacks for slavery ridicu
The federal government passed their 1.9 Trillion dollar infrastructure package...that is a lot of money...since Lyndon Johnson's "Great Society"...we have spent 19 Trillion dollars...and we haven't gotten a thing out of it for anyone...I think 19 Trillion in reparations is enough!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Dec 22 2021 12:04PM
     Is it just me or in the movie Training Day...would things have gone better if
Ethan Hawke just went along with the program????


Dec 20 2021 03:44PM
     Is it just me...or is sleepy hair sniffing jor a complete failure?
Here is an incomplete list of his mean failures.....can ayone tell me what he has kicked ass on besides kicking ass on failure?????????????

Biden’s Record Of Failure
By Dick Morris on December 20, 2021
Only rarely has the first year of a presidency been as characterized by failure as has Biden’s. Only the administrations of Andrew Johnson, Warren Harding, and John F Kennedy (Bay of Pigs) have seen as much failure in their first year as has Joe Biden.

Domestically, inflation, illegal immigration, crime, and COVID have consumed his opening year. Only an emergency stimulus package — largely crafted by the Trump Administration — and an infrastructure measure — rescued from oblivion by nineteen Republican Senators — have survived to make it into the history books.

Despite control of both houses, Biden has failed to pass:

• Voting rights

• Climate change

• Competition for prescription drugs

• Capital gains tax changes

• Trans-gender sports

• CRT instruction in schools

• The Build Back Better program

• Raising the minimum wage

• Expanding Obamacare

• The PRO program on unionization

• Filibuster reform

• Ending Remain in Mexico

• Supreme Court reform

• Expanding the child tax credit

• Amnesty for DACAs

• Diverting Police Funding

• Bail reform

• Repeal of federal minimum sentencing

• Ending catch and release at the border

• Packing the National Labor Relations Board

• Packing the Federal Elections Commission

• Expanding Medicare

• Expanding gun control

• Extension of Higher Unemployment Benefits

• Expanding IRS Access to bank account data

Beyond this graveyard of hopes, fantasies, and dreams lies his failures in foreign affairs.

From his botched withdrawal from Afghanistan to his failure to contain Iran’s nuclear ambitions to his current ineffectiveness in deterring Moscow and Beijing from invading Ukraine and Taiwan, to his begging OPEC and Russia to raise fossil fuel production, to his opening up the floodgates for aid to the Palestinians, his foreign record has been as dismally unsuccessful as his domestic output,

What a catalogue of failure and incompetence, a record about to be capped by massive reversals in the 2022 elections.


Sep 23 2021 12:46PM
     Is it just me or is Dimentia Joe going deeper into the hole everyday?
Oval Office meeting yesterday with Boris Johnson from the UK...he was ready to take questions...the poons could not get Beijing Biden out of the room fast enough...the...Lyying sack of shit...jen psaki says Boris went off script...rogue as it were by taking questions which they were not expecting...that's because they weren't able to get the questions submitted they can prep joey with the answers and give him a list of which reporters to call on...


Aug 16 2021 03:20PM
     Is it just me or does no one else give a fuck that Elvis died on the toilet 44 years ago today?
I don't get it with talent at all...thank you, thank you very much...


Jul 26 2021 08:16AM
     Is it just me, or did senile Beijing Biden almost speak a complete sentence?
He gets more senile every time he speaks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Jul 15 2021 08:15AM
     Is it just me or is In-n-Out her butt burger the worst burger on the planet? #2
Sherkahn...Anthony Bourdain thought suicide was good too!!! And he was jealous as fuck of Guy Fieri...!!!!!!!!!!!


Jul 13 2021 04:05PM
     Is it just me, or does In-N-Out her butt burger have the worst burger on the planet?
I love the business model...they are great to customers and employees...managers make on average $150,000 per year...but the burgers are shit...nothing special about them in any way...the "Secret" menu which everyone knows about is stupid and the lines around the building pouring out on to the street...or parking lot...blocking traffic are ridiculous!!!!!!!!!!! Thoughts?


Jun 14 2021 09:38AM
     Is it just me, or did they say G7 to Joe Biden and he responded "You sunk my battleship"?
Here is where his senility will be on full display...the other world leaders do NOT suffer fools well...Joe is incompetent...he insisted that Boris Johnson did not introduce South African President Ramaphosa...only seconds after he introduced him...he confused Libya with Syria three separate times...he said out loud..."That a lot of people may not know what COVID is"...these things all happened...Putin is going to eat Joe's (Our) lunch on Wednesday...


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