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Level 0 Male

 50 yrs old
Sherman Oaks, SFV, LA, CA
Registered Jul 17 2021
Released Oct 30 2021

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gsalty's Blog Blogs about gsalty 2 people have subscriptions!
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Aug 25 2023 04:09PM
     How difficult it is to get some feedback ratings
HI. Ive been on hx for some time, and privacy and discretion are top priority to me. I have, up until now, never given any ratings, nor gotten any(being mindful that any provider could have rated me negative if I was a jerk). Now that I am using hx again, there is such a great difficulty booking when I have no ratings. I have reached out several times to 3 providers asking them to rate me with no luck. Everyone was a "0" at the start. So, how does one build their ratings these days, if few want to book without, and some are not rating me back? Thanks everyone. Stay safe.

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Nov 6 2021 03:53PM
     cell phone
any ladies good with cam phone during session. obviously for later private enjoyment. NO posting of material

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