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Level 4 Male

 59 yrs old
Pasadena, SGV, LA, CA
Registered May 21 2008
Released Mar 20 2008

47 blogs/1468 comments
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Jan 15 2021 04:09PM
     The latest HX Doodle... wtf?
What does it mean?

"Humaniplex: Let's all Wanda Have a Vision for 2021"??

Is this some meme that I am not hip enough to know? a typo?


Nov 23 2020 05:19PM
     New Handles from Rock Front Men
Several new female members joined in last few weeks,
with handles taken from names of rock front dudes scrambled to be female.
Profiles all have similar format...

Darlene Hall (Daryl Hall of Hall & Oates)

Petra Cetera (Peter Cetera of Chicago)

Samantha Hagar (Sammy Hagar of VanHalen and solo)

Andri Kiedis (Anthony Kiedis of Red Hot Chili Peppers)

Lucy Lewis (Huey Lewis of Huey Lewis and the News)

and similar format profile but not same:

Sara Smile (Hall & Oates hit song title)

thoughts? coincidence? LOL


Aug 19 2020 05:11PM
     Thanks HX for improvements to mobile
Been meaning to say something...

I noticed a while ago (few months?) the mobile site interface / experience got much better.

There are improvements in browsing photo albums, subscriptions, composing email and blog entries.
All used to have annoying glitches on a mobile device and those seem to quietly have been fixed.

And it is much appreciated! I honestly don't know if it was site improvements or some other fix but seems likely it was.


Apr 4 2020 05:28PM
     Hotels Occupancy Limited to Enforce Isolation
In Arkansas, would not be surprised to see similar order here...

Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson has directed vacation rental properties, motels and hotels not to issue occupancy to "out of state recreational travelers" in an executive order issued Saturday.

Occupancy should only be issued to health care workers, first responders, airline crew, journalists, Covid-19 patients or work related travelers, Hutchinson says.


Jan 14 2020 10:27AM
     TOS hacked
just reviewing TOS. I do that periodically for entertainment and to see what has been changed.

Noticed this was inserted in the middle:

720-738-4277 (Make money!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHA faggots)
817-786-9317 (Would you like dysentery?)
801-433-9659 (Hi "Pete Dutcher / 'Kai'" hahahahahahahaha)
949-447-5694 (Not our beloved police at all. Scam bullshit that makes our actual protectors look bad)


Dec 13 2019 09:33AM
     Mobile mail PM broken?
Today when I tried to send PM from my phone, does not seem to work. I can open the window but as soon as I type a character, the SEND button disappears.

Phone PMs have always been a bit weird but have made them work.

Is anyone else seeing this or just me?


Jul 31 2019 05:10PM
     Top 15: HX Most Used Female Handle Names
Totally unofficial and with no decent methodology.

Yes too much time on my hands and bored with political blogs, so did some crunching....

1. Alex, Lex, Lexie, ... 345
2. Cathy, Kathy, Kat, Cat, Katie, Katy ... 300
3. Rose ... 280
4. Jas, Jaz, Jasmine, Jazzy, ... 256
5. Bella ... 189
6. Jennifer, Jenny, Jennie, Jen, ... 177
7. Natalie, Nat, Nathaly, ... 174
8. Alex, Lex, Lexi ... 159
9. Jade, Jayde, Jayden ... 129
10. Madison, Maddy, Maddie ... 120
11. Mia ... 120
12. Amber ... 118
13. Candy ... 114
14. Taylor, Tay ... 114
15. Brook, Brooke ... 108


Jul 8 2019 12:04AM
     Hx accepting cryptocurrency?
I know they used to as I used it to buy a bunch of FX points.

But I noticed the link to the crypto info on the main page is broken, and a blog search for how to buy FX points with crypto turned up nothing.

Did HX stop accepting crypto?


Aug 3 2017 11:41AM
     Political Correctness Eats Its Own Tail
In the you can't make this stuff up category...

I knew there is a movement to remove all gender references, even from birth certificates. odd.

But then these geniuses realized that most languages have gender as a big part, like Spanish "latina" and "latino". So they now want to change those languages to remove gender..
they propose using "latinx" which is both silly and hard to pronounce.

But then, telling most of the world that their native language offends you is not very politically correct either...


May 14 2017 09:04PM
     double/double nipple piercing
so I think I saw a picture on HX of a girl who had both nipples double pierced in a cross, so one horizontal and one vertical through each nipple.

But now can't remember who or where...

anybody help? Or did I dream it?


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