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Level 1 Male

 54 yrs old
San Clemente, OC, CA
Registered Oct 29 2008
Released Aug 13 2010

8 blogs/220 comments
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May 14 2020 01:22AM
     Which President would be better handling a national crisis Obama or Trump? Round 2
I think Archie Bunker is the best one to answer this question!!

The Dude's Round 1:


Feb 23 2020 06:54PM
     Strip Club Happy Hour Volume #2
I'll take you girls (and guys) down to TJ if you would really enjoy a fun night!! However, Friday and Saturday nights are WAYYYY TOO CROWDED!! Thursday is the best night to hit Tijuana. One thing though ... we would definitely have to hit Chavelas! And why is that??? The manager lets me bring in bottles of tequila from outside the bar!! Of course I keep his shotglass full!!


Nov 22 2019 02:57PM
     Volume 2 - Seriously, Would any of you rather have Hillary Clinton as president rather than Trump?
So I am a liberal because I ask why Putin is our enemy? Well, I am not the slightest bit liberal (unless one considers frequent trips down to TJ's "North Zone" a type of liberal behavior)

Anyway, which situation would you rather be in ...

Situation 1 - The US and Russia have nukes aimed at each other about 100 miles from each other's border. Keep in mind that at that close a distance our missile interceptor missiles are not going to be able to catch up to commie's nuke in time to shatter it to bits. There wouldn't even be time to blow it off course although if the nuke is 100 miles from our border, blowing it off course isn't going to help much!

Situation 2 - The US and Russia both realize that if they fire nukes at each other NOBODY WILL COME OUT A WINNER!

The contractors make a lotta money by selling shit the the government. Of course their stance is that we needed whatever it is they are selling a long long time ago and best to buy it now rather than wait for the price to go up!
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Link to Volume 1


Nov 21 2019 03:36PM
     Seriously ... Would any of you rather have Hillary Clinton as president rather than Trump?
That lying C-word is BEYOND DISGUSTING!!! I can't believe how she blatantly lied saying she didn't know that she couldn't load classified documents (inccluding emails) on her home computer!! Even with low end security clearances you are CONSTANTLY being told


And the government secret version of cops even invented the word SCIF (Secure Compartmentalized Industrial Facility)!! And they CONSTANTLY use it to let you know that conversations, especially documents, and even more especially ANY COMPUTER HARDWARE OR SOFTWARE (on a system for which classified information is allowed to exist) DO NOT LEAVE THE SCIF!! And just in case someone accidentally fucks up, the only people who can use CDs on a classified system are those whose job is system maintenance! And occasionally, there might be a classified computer and an unclassified computer on someone's desk. Just as a precaution, CDs cannot even be used on the unclassified system!!

Oh, but Hillary didn't know that she couldn't put classified stuff on her home computer!! If she is that stupid, who would want her as president?


Sep 21 2019 04:54PM
     Does anyone need $770/month for the next 3 years??
And in addition to $770 (actually 100 Euros) each month you can probably find good and inexpensive pizza and/or pesto pasta!!! (Has the Pesto Princess returned to the building after taking some time off???)

Well, if you're willing to move to Molise (an area just east of Rome), the Italians will pay you $770/month for 3 years to move there!!

Here are the details ....

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$770/month FREE!!!


Aug 14 2019 01:41PM
     Fake News Is Being Reported Again!!
The Fake News teams are at it again!!!
They're claiming that protests against the Chinese are tas king place in Hong Kong ... Well it's just more fake news bullshit!! I was in Hong Kong last night and there were no protests going on!! Just a lotta hot chicas looking for company. However, there is a plastic problem in Hong Kong .... AT LEAST 1/3 of the chicas have plastic chichis, and half of these girls also have plastic butt cheeks!!


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