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Level 2 Male

 55 yrs old
Registered Sep 12 2009
Released Mar 20 2008

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Jan 22 2020 12:08AM
     Earthquake - 3.6 in San Fernando

Who felt it?


Dec 11 2019 10:10AM
     We Are at War and We Don't Even Know It-2
Thank you all for participating in this discussion. Please continue questioning authority and testing your own opinions to see if they are factual. It's in your best interest. If you're being fooled, it's for someone else's benefit, not yours.

No one will ever change your mind except yourself. Check your sources of information to see if they're credible. Here's the test: do they ever admit making a mistake and how clearly and responsibly do they correct it? Do the sources seek to sway your opinion using blatant fear and anger or do they simply inform with factual reporting of what is happening in the world around us?

And finally, we are all Americans. There's over 300 million of us. We come from different backgrounds and cultures, and we will disagree on a lot of things. But, with few exceptions, we all care about the security and prosperity of our country. We all want a just and reasonably equitable society. And we all want a fair chance to succeed. Those are the ties that bind us together, that make these states "united".

In the big picture, we are all on the same side. Beware of the groups and forces who seek to divide us.


Dec 10 2019 02:19PM
     We Are at War and We Don't Even Know It
Well, most of us don't know that we are at war. It's a civil war. Not that it involves any civility, that's out the window, but that it is between parties inside the supposedly "United" States of America. This is a real war not a conceptual one. It is a war of misinformation and division, and its primary weapons psychological warfare and deception. No side will win this war. Both will be weakened. Only our nation's enemies will benefit from this war being waged.

One side is attacking. The other side is defending. If you don't know which is which, you are already one of this war's victims. But it's not too late. In this war you can resurrect yourself.
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Jun 7 2019 04:49AM
     The Truth
I know this is the wrong site for this kind of post, but, fuck it. I don't care about that.

There's a great divide in our country right now. Wedge issues, smear campaigns and misinformation have been driving it further and further apart for decades, and it looks like we are coming to a tipping point. We can be on the side of bringing ourselves together or on the side of widening that gap.

Recently, someone on here posted a "news story" (from a non-reputable source) that a large crowd of Brits had come together chanting "We Love Trump" during his recent visit to London. This isn't about that particular person. He isn't the only one.

That "news story" turned out to be not true. The video that was purported to be from just a few days ago has been making the rounds on the internet for about a year now. The link the HX guy posted on June 4th is the first link listed below.

In it, there's a video posted on twitter earlier that same day, June 4th, 2019 by someone called Amy @RightHookUSA

The thing is, the rally in that video happened months earlier, NOT while Trump was visiting England. The 2nd link below is a different video from the same rally published on YouTube ten and a half months earlier (July 16, 2018).

It's the exact same rally shot from a different perspective. The supposed June 4th rally never happened.

The point is we are being lied to and some of us are buying it. If you care about our country and democracy in general, check your sources. Don't believe something just because it supports your already held view whether it be conservative or liberal.

With the onset of the internet, credibility has become increasingly important. Information sources and news organizations that depend upon their reputation and integrity of their reporting to survive are the only ones that can be trusted. You can recognize a credible outlet by when they make a mistake. They will immediately print a correction and an apology, and if the offense warrants it, the reporter will be suspended or fired.

Now here comes potentially the most divisive and controversial part of this post. The following is a list of credible sources. They often include "opinion pieces", take those with a grain of salt, one person's opinion. But, they are fact-based news outlets. They care about getting things right. They aren't perfect, but they maintain their credibility. This is an incomplete list.

The Washington Post
The New York Times
The Raw Story

And here are some credible media watchdog and debunking sites.

Source Watch
CREW (Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington)

Our democracy and freedoms are under attack. A democracy cannot function without a well-informed electorate, and there are (and have been for decades now) forces out there who want you to be misinformed. If you have already bought into their lies, this may be challenging for you, but remember these forces do not have your best interest at heart. They have their own, and there's a reason why they want us divided and distracted.
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