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Level 2 Male

 64 yrs old
La Jolla, San Diego, CA
Registered May 14 2012
Released Jun 7 2012

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Oct 7 2023 10:09AM
     Is anyone surprised already?...
Back in mid September the Biden administration makes a prisoner swap deal with Iran.

5 of ours for 5 of yours .

Oh but then the icing on the cake. We lift $6B in frozen assets to Iran which even the WSJ referred to as a ransom payment. Not my words.

In other totally unrelated news Gaza militants have launched rocket attacks into Israel.

The policies of appeasement DO NOT WORK with these evil fucks.


Sep 7 2023 09:51PM
     Hell just froze and pigs are flying

From linked story...

"A Minnesota Democratic–Farmer–Labor Party official who once vowed to “dismantle” the Minneapolis Police Department is now


after she was beaten and bloodied in a carjacking outside of her home this week."

She will be disowned by the Progressives.

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Mar 3 2023 06:55PM
     Shark tells it like it is...
Today on CNN...

Investor and "Shark Tank" star Kevin O’Leary claimed Friday that blue states in America are "uninvestable" thanks to regulations enacted by politicians and quipped that Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., is "great at killing jobs."

Ruffled some feathers with the hosts...
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1 comment

Feb 15 2023 09:45PM
     NBA or NFL..?
Which League do these perpetrators come from?

36 accused of abuse
7 arrested for fraud
19 accused of writing bad checks
117 have either directly or indirectly bankrupted at least 2 businesses
3 have served time for assault
71 can't get a credit card due to bad credit
14 have been arrested on *TOS* related charges
8 have been arrested for shoplifting
21 are defendants in lawsuits
84 have been arrested for DUI in the last year

Which is it... ?


Feb 9 2023 03:22PM
     Burt Bacharach RIP
A monumental composer, songwriter, pianist.

I love the music he did for "Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid"

A six-time Grammy Award winner and three-time Academy Award winner, Bacharach's songs have been recorded by more than 1,000 different artists. As of 2014, he had written 73 US and 52 UK Top 40 hits. He is considered one of the most important composers of 20th-century popular music.


Apr 1 2022 04:35PM
     Will Smith is nothing more than a peice of shit (part 2)
So Smith just resigned from the academy to avoid being expelled...

Academy stands by claim that they asked Smith to leave the Oscar's...

And Jen 'circle back' Psaki is leaving the WH to continue lying at floundering MSNBC.

It's all Trumps fault

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Aug 2 2021 09:32PM
     Does anyone find it somewhat odd...
That a fourth DC officer who was called in to defend the Capitol on Jan 6th has just "died from suicide"...?

Wow... what are the odds?
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Mar 27 2021 07:17PM
     And just as the sun rises in the east and sets in the west...
A little bit of sanity shines through.

LA County increases police funding by $36 million after defund movement backfires

*** NO SHIT, REALLY? *** 🤷‍♂️

LAPD's budget was cut by $150 million last summer

$36M seems like a meager refund but at least they will give alternative policing methods with additional funds.

From the third link below...

"The board voted to amend the law enforcement contracts to increase funding by $36 million, instead of the $111 million requested, with L.A. Metro CEO Phillip Washington or his designee responsible for dividing it among the three law enforcement contracts. The contract will last through Dec. 31, while previously it was set to last an extra six months."

"Mayor Eric Garcetti — who chairs the board — City Councilman Mike Bonin and several board members also amended the motion to instruct Metro’s CEO to include at least $40 million in the fiscal year 2022 budget for investments in alternatives to policing, including transit ambassadors, elevator attendants and a flexible dispatch system to enable a response by homeless outreach workers, mental health specialists and unarmed security ambassadors."

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Mar 14 2021 07:22PM
     You cant this shit up... Really?
Trump is ridiculed because he asked for $5B to build a wall but Congress spends $1.9T for "COVID relief". Tr

After Biden signs executive orders nullifying "zero-tolerance" anti-immigration policies (allowing people to reside in Mexico durin amnesty cases ) instated by former Republican President Donald Trump, stops border wall construction, a surge of immigrants have begun arriving along the U.S. southern border. Some wearing t-shirts that read, "Biden Please Let Us In."

With the Biden administration continually refuses to acknowledge for weeks that an issue exists as Texas had to deploy its National Guard a week ago...

Pelosi today decides to blame everything on the big bad orange man..

Seriously... how stupid does she think people are?

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