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Level 2 Male

 51 yrs old
Irvine, OC, CA
Registered Feb 11 2006
Released Mar 20 2008

8 blogs/108 comments
jake2k69's Blog Blogs about jake2k69 7 people have subscriptions!
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May 3 2023 09:58AM
     Question for the bloggers here?
I just noticed that all our blogs are public. You do not have to log in to read them. Is this by design? Even though I have a bogus username, I dont like the fact that our blogging on this site is public. Does anyone else have concerns?

Owner of site. This site is great. I really appreciate it, but why is the blogging public? It should be behind the log in. Thanks for your consideration.

If this has to do with law enforcement, they can get to the blogs via a log in. Our blogs should not be public.


May 1 2023 11:51PM
     Wow, what is this, hmmm
I find this women righteous. What say you?

On Wednesday, I’m gunna write a new episode, I’m callin it:

Wednesday night whump: U like this DAWG?

Stay tuned

Attached Pictures


May 1 2023 11:25PM
     Monday night madness. Any TREK fans out there. Come in lets chat
Stardate 050123 #1

Im a bit older. Not ancient, just older.
Ya know when the parts start to not work. Like when ya gotta go potty all the time. Anyhow,

I use to watch a lot of Trek in the 70s. Syndication, right. I loved that trek. Actual I loved next generation, voyager, enterprise. The stories in these tales were always about how cooperation and science can solve the worlds problems. I was inspired. true beliber. It set me free.

Trek STD ( I havent heard much about the latest one, so Ill speak to STD) I didnt warm up to it. I felt like it turned into SWars. War, fighting. It was produced by B. Robot. Under the influence of KurtzM. They did the latest movies with Pine in the chair. Fun romps but fundamentally not trek. STD erupted into this military thing right away, science took back seat. Loved the diversity. Loved the gay engineer dude and his partner, but disliked the overall writing and star warsy treatment. What happend to sciencing the shit out of it (member that Martian story)? I miss the diversity, cooperation, optimistic, non dystopian, science driven, wholistic-emotions-balanced-by-logic future Roddenberry painted.

Any other Trekkies out there, phone home, ET wants to know.


Apr 30 2023 01:29PM
     Sundee mornin school house rock!
Ok, all you mitches and bitches. (Mitches - male itches)

Always member, (I have an IQ of 54, but my cock is 8 inches long, yeah baby)

Sittin in the pew today ( The Authorty, right ), grumbling a bit as I offered up my coins for the afterlife, I got thinkin. Damn this money could be goin to PUSSY. Wait, no I really didnt think that, ahhh Fuk. I did, sorry (Im a SINNER). Anyhow, I got off in my own mind pontificating about the theme of the shindig.

-Keep the Main Thingy, the Main Thing- Wtf does that mean?

Heres my own sanctimonious dribble on that topic. If it offends, Fuk off. Move along, your too sensitive.

Noooo, just fukn with yall, I love all and mitches and bitches here.

-Keep the main thing, the main thing-

God damn right.

What is the Main Thing. Well of course it’s
wholistically the American Dream, dumb Fuk. Is dumb Fuk in the scripts, idk, I never read it

But what the Fuk is the American dream?

I dream about endlessly fucking skufergirl, is that a legitimate American dream? No mutherfuker, I’m a degenerate, its not a collective National Dream. What is our collective national dream! We got spoon feed it in comic books, super hero movies and endless patriotic 80s, 90s movies. Ya know, the entertainment industry of the truth. Lol

It was created to give poorer folks hope, yet keep them working for them corporations, chasin the dream. Two things come to mind. (1) own a home (only in Amerika). (2) your children are better off than you were (American exceptionalism). This has been our collective dream since WWII.

Sooooo, brothers and sisters dont get side tracked by diab-blows lies. Dont elevate social concerns above the Main Thing. Yes, you SINNER ( fear and shame hustle, lol ), pro choice/ pro life is import, but less important then the main thing. Yes, you SINNER, LGBT+ folks humanity is fukn important, but not priority over the Main thing.

The Authority says, uphold your collective main thingies, over your side hustles. Thats somewhere in the scribblings I dont know fukn where. Like I read those rants, haha.

Come to your senses church. Walk in the path of the Jedi. Dont walk the path of Thanos ( whose name means death). Protect the Jedi order and than work to bring forth the living waters of you social concerns. Dont crucify the dream, to spit your social concerns. Did you not watch Anikin Skywalker fuck over the collective dream on courasant. That mutherfucker destroyed the order, didn’t reform it.

HER BOTTOM LINE: love bottoms; all you TEAM players out there (dems-gop-whatever) Dont undermine the Empire, too weaken in your adversaries.

-Thus sayith the Authory-

Well boys and girls. I hope this little sundee school house rock revival, spoke to yall. I just dropped the soap in the shower on purpose. I need a good ass fukn after this sermon.

Chime in with your own vitriol if u want, otherwise FUK OFF.


Apr 29 2023 01:37PM
     Horse Riding Topless
When I watch chicks riding the horse topless, it gets me off every time. Anyone else?

Do you hotties, feel the same? Do you like topless riders?

Holding her angelic legs high,
Bending her at her knees,
Trusting til we pop.
Sundays cummin up, I need Worship at the Y.


Apr 29 2023 01:12PM
     Is Canada still free?
Hard to tell. That trucker protest thing-a-mi-jigger really exposed the lack of freedom in that country. Holy shit. Those PEACEFUL protesters were fukd over by Go Fund Me for Christ sake. They got double penetrated with no lube. Maybe the Canadians like that. Looks like authoritarian bs to me.

We watched cities burn pre election. Yet, nothing to see here. These folks deserve to burn shit down

While, the Canadian truckers stop business in a city in Canada and all HELL breaks lose.

You want a make real hope and change, go after the ELITE. They are fuming u with no lube

If your lonely and
cant find someone,
You always have your hand.
Use it mightily.

What say you?

1 comment

Apr 28 2023 12:58AM
     I like my nipples pinched...
I like my nipples pinched,
Til i feel that familiar pain.
My ass I like spanked and rent,
As I BLOW my luv on his face

Ok, can some one pick it up there and hustle with it. Give another verse. And so on and so on.


Apr 27 2023 10:17PM
     Are you a DOM or SUB?
Im short man, bout 5.11. I have a small cock, just shy of 8 inches. But fuck that, I have a big heart. when I lay pipe, I gotta be the welder. I set the narrative. I ask you to join.

What say you?

Do you want it from or given it to?


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