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Level 3 Female

 36 yrs old
San Diego, CA
Registered Jun 22 2012
Released Jun 24 2012

40 blogs/354 comments
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Jul 18 2024 12:51PM
     Should I?
Start traveling again? Ladies how has business been this summer? Ive been laying pretty low but I feel like I need some 😈 excitement in my life again. Fellas should I come back out to play 🐱😝
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Jan 24 2024 10:21AM
     Long story short
My ENTIRE house was flooded by the rain on Monday. No,I don’t have renters insurance. My landlord was informed before the water was getting worse and basically did nothing to help. I used every towel,blanket,paper towel roll,dog pads and some to try to soak up as much as I could. I even went and rented a shop vac myself because my landlord failed me. ALOT of my stuff was destroyed! They even told the guy (that ended up bringing me big huge fans) he said they told him not to pull up anything. So now everything is getting molded. I was stuck having to pretty much take care of the problem myself. My question is can I sue? And what kind of lawyer do I need? They knew my place floods in the rain and have always took the cheap/short cut way of “fixing it”…. This isn’t the first time they have failed me.
I NEED HELP! I know it’s not safe or healthy to be living here rn as mold is definitely going to start to grow.


Nov 30 2022 01:32PM
     Saying goodbye
Is never easy 😢 especially when it’s a family member…or in my case my furry four legged family member 💔 On Monday I had to make one of the hardest decisions of my life and had to lay my first fur baby to rest. He was declining so fast and was getting so skinny. Around thanksgiving he stopped eating and drinking water. He was eating and drinking like normal but I noticed he was getting really skinny. It wasnt til last week he started to not use the bathroom as much (before this he was peeing too much and in places he knew better not to pee) then he just stopped eating didn’t want water and then he couldn’t even hold himself up anymore without falling over,constantly throwing up and was very restless 😢💔 I booked him an appointment on Monday to see a vet and my biggest fear was coming to life. My poor baby my first baby of 14 years was dying on me 💔💔 so we did a final “quality of life” exam and exactly what I feared was “he has no more life and he’s suffering” a piece of my heart died that day. I had to lay my poor baby to rest. 💔💔💔💔😢🐾 when does it get easier 😫😫😫😢 I miss having my “shadow” following me to the bathroom or wating outside the tub while I shower or greeting me everytime I get home. 🐾🐾😢 my other two fur babies keep looking for him and are so confused too. When does one start healing ❤️‍🩹

Mommy loves you son
Oct 18 2008- Nov 28 2022


Sep 30 2022 11:43AM
So as many of you already know I was getting a loop recorder heart monitor put in this month.
I had the procedure on Wednesday morning and by 11am that day I was taken by the ambulance and was later admitted to the stroke unit. I just want to bring awareness to this because I never thought I could have a stroke at only 34 years young BUT it CAN happen!
I first started to feel my body get boiling hot and it was only getting hotter by the secs. After that I was getting tingly in my face and a few seconds later I could only see my fingers touching my face and couldn’t feel me touching it. Shortly after my tongue and throat felt swollen and I was unable to talk. My body then shifted to the left and I lost all mobility in my body. I was lucky enough when the symptoms first started I had my neighbor here told them call 911 and I text my mom “I’m calling 911” by the time my mom called back and my neighbor placed the phone by my ear my mom said she couldn’t understand anything I was saying so my neighbor filled her in 🙏🏼 Had I been home alone and wasn’t quick on getting help I don’t think I would be alive and able to even write this.
Please please please if ever you start to experience what I went through be sure to call 911 or have someone do it for u. Every minute counts!!!


Sep 10 2022 10:25AM
     I’m not
One to normally do this but I’ve run out of options.. as many of you already know I’ve been having a roller coaster of events this year when it comes to my health and things are only getting worse for me. To those that haven’t been following me or don’t know me personally here is a lil update. I’ve been suffering from implant illness that seems to only be getting worse over time. My surgeon had requested certain test (mri on breast) that I still haven’t been able to get done (it’s been 7 months now) first it was insurance,then it was scheduling and then it was an expired referral then it was my menstrual cycle (which I still don’t get what your cycle had to do with the breast but ok) so I’m still waiting on that so my surgeon and I can figure out what’s next. In the meantime I have encountered one thing after the next. For the last few months I have been having issues with my heart. Rapid heart beats,uncontrollable and very terrifying to say the least. I have been unable to provide or host like I’m useto and things have took a turn for the worst and has made it almost impossible to even step outside of my house these days. I have so many issues with my breathing and my heart that it has me cooped up in my house scared to leave. My heart just starts racing off the charts and I can’t breathe I start to panic and I get scared im gonna die from my heart racing so fast. Even sitting at home watching tv I get rapid non stop heart pounding. Some say it’s anxiety and panic attacks but my dr has yet to confirm. Ive been put on a heart monitor and had stress test done and many visits to the ER but all they say is “your fine” when im not!! Im not fine! I haven’t been able to work and im drowning in bills now and haven’t been able to afford rent. As embarrassing as it is to say,I’m doing really bad right now. I’ve been on this site for 16 years (I had a previous handle) and I’ve never reached out for help like I am now. I kindly ask that if any of my hx friends can help assist me at this time I’m in dire need of help with keeping a roof over my head to please help if at all possible on your end. Im sincerely appreciative of any and all help.
If you can help in any way please send me a PM or kindly send to my Cashapp and let me know you helped out.
Cashapp - $InABag619
Thanks in advance
I appreciate each and everyone of you.
Much love


Aug 30 2022 09:44AM
     Micro chip
So those that know me or know of my situation and have been following my journey this year. I got a lil update this morning from my doctors that kinda has me scared. Ok,I take that back it has me a lot of scared. On the bright side “nothing is wrong with me” although I live in my body these doctors don’t! So I’ve been suffering from breast implant illness and it’s only getting worse. I’ve been having breathing/heart issues that only been getting worse for me to deal with.I’ve been back and forth to the ER and “I’m just fine” so they say but my body is not fine!!! I struggle to do the simplest shit in life,brushing my teeth,taking a shower,cooking,walking,even sitting!!! I get rapid heart beats that are uncontrollable and pretty scary especially when I’m driving. I had a heart monitor on for a week and I had a radiation “stress tests” done. Come to find out …’s the shocker “I’m just fine” noooooooo I’m not!!! Idk if it’s just really bad anxiety/panic attacks I’m getting but it’s getting so bad I haven’t been able to work I’ve been cooped up in my house and to say the least the struggle been mad REAL!! Now here’s where we’re at with it. On September 28th a microchip (the size of a paper clip they say) will be implanted into my chest and will be in there for 2 years to help monitor my heart. 😳😬 a microchip!!?! Tracked by WiFi! Im not too sure how I feel about this but I need more answers then “your fine” when clearly im not!!! Has anyone here ever had this done? How did it feel? Does this mean they will be tracking my every move!! Like gps on me? 🤔 please if anyone had any past experience with what I’m up against please please please give me a lil positive feedback that might comfort me a little better. In the mean time just keep me in your prayers,I’ve been really hurting and suffering for months.
Much love
Jayden Sooooooo Sweet 😘


Aug 5 2022 11:14AM
     Am I
just a "dumb blonde" or is OF really this complicated to figure out?!
I dont even know where to start with this one.
I FINALLY got my account approved and im left on STUCK.hahaha

Any ladies willing to give me a little inside scoop on this shit.
I dont even know where to begin.

Thanks in advance and Happy Friday everyone!
Hope everyone has a great weekend



Jul 8 2022 08:51AM
     New “accessory”
So I got a new “accessory” yesterday to add to all my beauty already and lets just say this is gonna take some time getting use to it. First night trying to sleep with this thing on and lets just say i didnt feel like I was sleeping alone,lol. How does one sleep with this mess on
For those that dont know (a lot of u do,especially my regulars) but I have been suffering from breast implant illness and it has taken a toll on my body and my heart. So now I get to wear this lovely monitor for a week. Yay me!!! Happy Thursday!!!!!
P.s can anyone spare some FX points for when I return, Im in dire need 🥰🥰
Thanks in advance 😘
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May 3 2022 10:55AM
     Happy Birthday
To meeeeeee 😝😝 chapter 34 is here and I’m ready to kill it ♉️♉️
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Mar 15 2022 04:02PM
     Im NOT ready
I have a yorkie. Hes MY best friend.Hes been with me almost 14 years now. Out of my three he is def. a mommy's boy. He is my entire world to sum it up. Dont get me wrong, I love my other two as well but he's been with me the longest.Its like having a first child they say they are always the "favorite" right!?

Last night, Im on the couch watching tv,still recovering from oral surgery so kinda out of it on meds.My three dogs take off for the doggy door. Its routine though when they hear my neighbors dogs out there barking. Two make it out the door and all I hear is my yorkie yelping real loud. I hop off the couch and run to the back door to find my poor son having a seizure on my floor. Flopping like a fish with his tongue out. Im trying to grab him and freaking out (hes never done this before) trying to wrap him in his blanket but his body is just jumping everywhere just yelping with his tongue out. This lasted about 4-5 mins. Then he starts throwing his body against the door,the wall,the oven,the fridge. This lasted another 2-3.

Long story short, Im not ready to let him go. I know I cant be selfish and I know hes lived a long,very well taken care of,spoiled life BUT when? When is it time to let go because I am NOT ready!!

My worst fear is leaving or going to sleep and coming home to his lifeless body

I have an appt. for him set to be looked at I want a vet to help me decide BUT I also dont want to be selfish and let him suffer,if it happens again or continues to. That shit was sooooo scary!! I wanted to trade places with him.

Any vets out there with advice?
It was pretty hot yesterday but he is never limited to water so he drinks water all day,they said dehydration can cause seizures. IDK i just know im not ready to let my best friend go.


Mar 10 2022 08:35AM
     ok wheres my
dentist at??? I remember about 10 years ago (under my old handle) I did have someone on here that

did me the favor of pulling a wisdom tooth, in OC then anther one in Del mar ...anyways Im on the

lookout again. Im in extreme pain,cant close my mouth all the way,can barely open it ,cant swallow

much just meds,that arent helping much. Ice packs work only so much. I had to bump my surgery

from next saturday to this saturday but if im being HONEST, I cant wait much longer and need help



Jan 12 2022 10:08AM
     Valentines Day
is just around the corner. Anyone doing anything FUN and exciting!? As this will be my second year single since I left my fiance I dont plan on doing shit BUT I would LOVE LOVE LOVEEEEE to do a valentines day shoot. Any photographers out there that have done Valentines THEME shoots before? Can I see your work and what are your rates?

Thanks in advance
Much love

P.s......Pic is from last year, I had a secret admirer send me 3 dozen roses and a bear to my house (NO it was not my ex fiance,if it were, I wouldnt of took them,sorry NOT sorry)
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