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 65 yrs old
Inland Cities, LA, CA
Registered Mar 30 2016
Released Jun 7 2016

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Sep 10 2024 08:32PM
     Trump vs Harris Debate - Prosecutor vs Felon!
Former President Donald Trump got his ass handed to him tonight at the debate! He showed how angry, conspiratorial, unintelligent an Un-American he is! He was terrible with same old
fear-mongering that he is known for. He is a weak OLD man that needs to sit his flaccid butt in a rocking chair in Mara Lago! He wants to be a dictator and get rid of the Constitution. He wants to get rid of Medicare, Social Security, and the ACA.

She wiped the floor with that habitual liar, misogynistic idiot, non-golf-playing, twice-impeached, Orange Felon. He lied about how great his administration was when all he did was try to overturn all of President Obama’s policies and give Billionaires a major tax cut!
His basement dwellers as he calls them, send their money to this man who does not care an iota about them. Matter of fact, all of his potential policies will hurt his own supporters! Sad!

We know that the Republicans and Faux News will try to clean up his debate nonsense and his supporters will believe them! He is a crook and a grifter! He was boasting about his friendship with dictators who hate our country and our democracy!

We are not going back!


Jun 6 2024 07:35PM
     Honor to the D-Day Veterans!
As a veteran, I raise a salute to those veterans who engaged in and those who lost their lives in the D-Day invasion on Normandy Beach in France 80 years ago. Those soldiers fought to keep our democracy intact and it is up to us today to honor those veterans by continuing to stand for the rule of law, the Constitution, and our democracy! All races fought for America on that day to keep our democracy sacred! We will never forget those veterans and their courage and their sacrifice!🇺🇸✝️


May 29 2024 10:19PM
     Negro League Baseball Records
Finally, the Negro League baseball players get their due when Major League Baseball integrated their records into the MLB records system. Players like Josh Gibson, Satchel Paige, and Cool Papa Bell’s statistics will now be recognized! On my bucket list is to visit the Negro League museum in Kansas City, Mo. I went to Cooperstown, NY to visit the Hall of Fame ceremony and I saw Derek Jeter immortalized as one of the greatest NY Yankees ever! Some people say football is America’s game but I disagree, it is Baseball.

Yes, Jackie Robinson was the first Black to play in the MLB, but upon his success, the white owners raided the Negro League of their best players which led to the demise of the Negro League! It was the white owners who many years did not want Black players in the game.


Feb 23 2024 11:13PM
     Rebecca Grossman
The justice system works against those who feel that they are above the law, as she thought that she was! To try and blame her crime on someone else, seems to be the mantra for the supposed rich and mighty! I feel sad for the family!


Feb 19 2024 09:25AM
     Trump compares himself to Nalvany!
Donald Trump incredulously compared himself to Nalvany in a post where he portrays himself as a VICTIM due to all of his self-inflicted crimes! Nalvany cared deeply for the people of Russia, Trump cares for no one but himself! He is a grifter who steals money from his supporters and doesn’t care. He is a crook and a traitor who leads a Republican party of weak men and women who will not govern for Americans. He torpedoed a bipartisan bill that would have helped the border security situation but he did not want to HELP Joe Biden win in 2024 instead of doing it for the American people. He wants to use as a political tool in 2024!

He is against NATO but for Putin, the dictator and killer of Nalvany! Even the Republican Party seems to now embrace Russia by not giving monetary aid to Ukraine! Sad! He sounds like a mob boss when he says that NATO has to pay up before the US protects them in any war.


Jan 29 2024 07:36PM
     Border Bill and the Republican Party
The Republican Party has decided that the Orange Baboon’s presidential campaign is more important than America’s security on the southern border and the International support for Ukraine!
The House Republicans have been pushing to impeach DHS’s Mayorka over the situation at the border. Yet they don’t want a solution to this crisis because it would hand President Joe Biden a win in the forthcoming presidential election! They did not want to give Ukraine and Israel any money until the border crisis was resolved.

They censured Sen. Lankford of OK over the weekend because he is working on a bipartisan immigration bill with the Democrats! The Republicans don’t want to serve the American people, they serve wannabe dictator Donald Trump! How can any American want to re-elect a bully, a con man, grifter who does not care about the American people or the Constitution? He only wants to get back in the White House to get more foreign money, avoid his legal troubles, and get revenge on his supposed enemies! Donald Trump is a weak man who talks a big game but E. Jean Carroll took him down!

The Republican Party of Ronald Reagan and Lincoln is gone! Now you have spineless politicians who fall in line below the feet of a racist wannabe Dictator!


Jan 26 2024 03:16PM
     Tim Scott
As a Man, I winched and got angry watching Tim Scott grovel to DT after he won the NH primary. The fact that he embarassed him by saying that Nikki nominated him for his senate job but that he is now endorsing him for President! What Timmy do but shuffle around to his master's face, bend down before him and say that he LOVES him! Man, what a weak ass punk! He has no nuts as does most of the men in the Republican party! Liz Cheney has more balls than any man in the Republican party. Trump is a con man and he has conned the Republican party and his base. How can you be a candidate for a party and not debate any of your opponents?
Trump was scared to debate any of his opponents because his dirty laundry would have been put out there and he thinks that he is all that.

America fought against the British monarchy for its freedom and now some Americans want a dictator by voting for Trump! Sad!


Dec 18 2023 12:01PM
     Democracy or Dictatorship?
Over the weekend Donald Trump invoked Adolf Hitler, Putin, and Kim Jong Un who are all dictators in claiming that immigrants in the USA is “poisoning the blood of America! He also said the President Joe Biden was a threat to democracy! Here is a man whose bedside reading book according to his daughter was Mein Kampf, a book written by Hitler telling his gullible followers that it Biden who is the threat!

For those that don’t know that Trump’s family origin is German and his father was allegedly a friend of the Nazi regime. Their family name was Frumpf but was changed. However, we see Trump using the same tactics as Hitler, blaming someone else for the country’s problems! He plans on doing a roundup of immigrants if reelected. What else does he plan to do with them?

Every person in the USA’s history was an immigrant except for the Native Americans and Blacks who were brought here as Slaves! He wants to be a dictator like those he quoted this weekend!
I thought that was why the US had the Revolution to get rid of the British monarchy and gain its independence? He cannot VILIFY Immigrants when he is an immigrant himself!

However, it seem that there is a portion of Americans that want to be ruled by a dictatorship and it seems to be the majority White race who are afraid that they will no longer be the majority in the future! We cannot allow a dictatorship or fascism to overthrow democracy, not now and not ever!

Republicans lawmakers are afraid of Trump’s BASE, but if the base was so strong why did he have to cheat in so many ways in order to win the 2020 election? People have to use common sense and not be so gullible to a person who is lying to them and using their money for his rich lifestyle! He does not care about his followers but only to enrich himself and his corrupt family!


Dec 17 2023 01:16PM
     Putin to attack Finland?
Since the Republicans are withholding aid from Ukraine, Putin smells weakness in America’s support. He is therefore now focusing on Finland who just joined NATO this past summer. He said that all issues were settled with Finland prior to the West dragging Finland into NATO! He is now making excuses in order to attack them. We cannot let him attack Finland!!

If the Republicans keep denying aid, Russia will attack all of the Eastern European and NATO countries as well. He sees that the Republican Party is in disarray and they will choose his butt buddy Trump as their presidential nominee, so he feels good right now to start WWW3!

All Republicans are interested in is culture wars and don’t want to govern! The crazy shit that some of them are doing and saying show democracy in the USA is in peril!
There is NO Biden Crime Family, only a Trump Crime Family but Faux News and his minions are trying to push that narrative on their gullible followers. Hunter Biden was doing his own thing but they are following Trump’s orders to impeach him with NO EVIDENCE whatsoever.

Trump wants to be a dictator but he is only a weak ass liar, grifter, twice impeached LOSER!! He had to cheat in order to stay in power! He has to be held accountable for his misdeeds!


Oct 24 2023 01:22PM
     Lawyers for Trump!
What is it with these lawyers who are willing to stake their reputation to defend this crook/grifter?
It seems that they don’t care that they have an uncontrollable pathological liar who will say anything that will mess up their defense of his multiple indictments. Over the last 2 weeks, three lawyers who lied for him in the Georgia Interference case pled guilty to aiding and abetting the Big Lie! They have to cooperate with the prosecutors, pay fines, and write apology letters to the People of Georgia for following this crook! No matter if they get probation or not because their reputation and future earnings have been flushed down the toilet! Lawyer Jenna Ellis was crying crocodile tears in court today and begging for mercy!

What is it? Are they just stupid or they want their 15 minutes of fame defending a crook? They know that they won’t get PAID, (see Rudy Giuliani)! They will also get disbarred (See Rudy Giuliani)! They will also serve time in prison for him. (See Michael Cohen)!

I guess the story of lawyers being ambulance-chasers are true! They know if they follow Trump, they are bound to find a disaster in the making!


Oct 5 2023 06:01PM
     Loose Lips Sink Ships!
The Navy had this saying warning anyone not to disclose government secrets! Well guess what? Donald Draft Dodger Trump disclosed nuclear submarine secrets to an Australian businessman at his Mara Lago Club!! The businessman in minutes disclosed those secrets to other people. This is why President Joe Biden forbade the military from giving him post-presidential military briefings! His mouth cannot hold water because he loves to boast to make himself SEEM important!

I always wondered what his master Putin has on him? He probably would have sold America’s secrets at the highest price! He needs to be held accountable for stealing classified information for his personal use. He can never again be the commander in chief of the military or the president!


Sep 29 2023 08:58AM
     General Mark Milley
As a veteran, I watched in awe of General Miley’s retirement ceremony! He served our country with honor for over 40 years in both peacetime and in war. For Private Bone Spur aka Donald Trump to even suggest that he be hung for treason for doing his job is ridiculous! Trump could not even measure up to General Miley’s jockstrap! Trump is a weak man and could never had made it in the military! He had his father get a doctor to lie that he had bone spurs. Sad!

Now the Republicans must pass the budget so that our military men & women and federal workers get a paycheck next month. We have served the country honorably and deserve to receive our pensions and benefits without MAGA Republicans holding them hostage over personal political agendas. Kevin McCarthy will never be a leader like Nancy Pelosi who was a Great leader!

Those same Republicans on January 6th, were part of the effort to delay President Joe Biden’s victory over Loser Trump and the insurrection that Donald Trump started! They cowered and ran when their base wanted to get them. If not for the military, their lives would have been spit!

God Bless our Military!!


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